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My story

Started by Kisa, November 29, 2006, 11:32:18 AM

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Ok, I don't know where this should be posted at, but I'll post it here. One year ago I joined a forum called Christianforums, it was fun at first but then I became friends with this girl who claimed to be outcasted and lonely. We were cool friends for awhile, then she started to become abusive, she would accuse me of things, call me evil. She told people I outcasted her and caused her panic attacks. She said many horrible things to me in PM! She would even cuss me out and said a person like me deserves to die. She hated me because I was bisexual and everything, she said Jesus would never love a person like me, I try hard to get the mods to banned her, she was breaking rules and even threating the FBI at me. she said she got a friend who is part of the FBI. She made many sockpuppet names and even talk to herself one time. After 6 horrible months she was banned, she was let back in but still did the same stuff and was banned for a year. She did get on another computer and made another same, on her new name she spread lies, started rumors and turned people against me. she became very popular on this online name, Anyways she stopped harassing me, then she came back on her old personality and started accusing people of hating her and everyone is against her. it has been hard for me to deal with this person and stay on the forum. I'm very sad and don't know what to do.


It's sad.  It seems that people like that get friendly and then turn on you just because they feel so horrible that only someone else's suffering will make them forget their own pain. 

You could put her on ignore, both figuratively and literally.  If she tries to PM then shut down - don't talk to her.  Ignore what she tells other people too.  Just say that lies and liars like her do not warrent any of your consideration.  And mean it!

On the other hand, if you feel that she's just reaching out in some perverted way for help and understanding, try providing those and see what happens.  I don't have much hope for this strategy though, it seems from what you wrote to be doomed from the start.

If all else fails, write a letter to the moderators that you tried to get them to help and they didn't so you will be leaving the forum.  Unfortunately, this may have to be the ultimate choice.

I hope you figure this out, Kisa, it doesn't seem to me that you deserve treatment like that.

hugs & smiles
FKA: Emelye

Pronouns: she/her

My rarely updated blog:

Southwestern New York trans support:


the problem with the ignore thing is she will just make another name, she even made fake names to tell me my signature looked evil. I have done all you said, I might leave the forum anyways, I don't need to put up with her abuse, plus the forum is getting boring. Sometimes leaving is the only thing to do.


I'm curious is she one of those forumn nags??
Like someone who stays in the forumn changes names and stuff every so often and is basically a biggot and always harrassing people?
Or not to scare you,  but does she know you at all or she's some psycho  cyber stalking you?

Tiffany Elise

Dear Kisa;

  I'm so sorry to see that you were hurt. There are many out there who profess to be Christians and yet only hurt others.
  My worst experiences were with "Christian" sites. Things would go well but then those loving "Christian friends" would turn. Generally when the issue of transgender would arise.
  I finally had to find a place where I could try to fit in. It sure won't happen for me with straight sites.
  It's sad but the worst opposition and hatred can come from those who claim to be Christians. They tend to turn when anything comes against their ego or their pride.
  When the pharisees were "cut to the heart" by Stephen's words they killed him. In like manner some have a hatred raise up that is so bad that if they could get by with it legally they would probably do the same. In the name of Christ of course. The thought of a saved transgender is unthinkable to some hypocrits.
  Hon; you have friends here that know what you feel in one way or another. And at least here the love is unconditional and definately not hypocritical.
  Hang in there.



It seems that there are so many christians who are elitists with superiority complexes.  They treat it like it's some high society club and if you are not part of the club, then you are worthless.  It really puts me off whenever I see this and it is these Christians that are demonstative of their hypocritical values who really make me want to turn to other sources when I can find people who truly accept anyone and practice the "love thy neighbor" bit.


Tiffany Elise

  Kisa's story touched me rather deeply as I can relate to it not in terms of being transgender alone but in the word. Melissa is right about treating it as some club and I personally believe that many have lost the fear of God Almighty.
  Maybe I shouldn't mention this because I may out myself but I spent some time on a well known Christian site that lumps all GLBT together and condemns them. They OK things that go against sound doctrine and condemn what they choose.
  For two weeks I proved by the scriptures that a celibate gay man was as an eunuch and that a MtF transsexual married to a FtM transsexual is scripturally sound while my words were twisted and repeated as they wished. The moderators allowed it because at the time they wanted people to be able to use all of the scriptures to learn rather than blindly judge.
  By the way; I am not downing or judging others. This is just in reference to what happened.
  When I mentioned transgender it was as though a lamb had been thrown to the wolves. They probably thought "we have her now on our turf."
  One by one some saw what I meant while others just quit posting. I do believe in the grace of God and am willing to look like an idiot if it will stop just one person from being judgemental. After all; the word says if we judge others we will be judged and with the same measure. If they lump all of us together the Lord may just lump them together with those who may be damned. He gave grace so that we could do likewise. He is our example.
  Anyway, after about two weeks I had some of the "preachers" and "ministers" seeing things differently.
  Then they pulled the entire post.
  It was about 32 entries long until I mentioned transgender. Then it shot up to about 150 before they pulled it entirely.
  It hurt me how they twisted scripture and my words to try to make their point. It is sad that some feel that they can be without sin and condemn others. All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. That law condemned all. It was the law of the spirit of life in Christ that made us free from the law of sin and death.
  I hope Kisa isn't too hurt by these who I personally think show the signs of hypocrisy.
  They say "you know the tree by the fruit." Unfortunately they look at the outer. That is temporal.
  The fruit of the spirit is love, peace, joy, patience, meekness, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, kindness and faith that is on the inside by the renewing of the inner man and eternal. I see more of that manifested on the outside here than in many straight churches and on many straight sites.
  I also hope that I don't appear to be a know-it-all as the word of God is my life. When everyone left me that's all I had and doctrinal issues and getting kicked out of churches drove me farther into the word to seek spiritual things.
  I freely admit I am nobody but I decided long ago that I would use whatever enlightenment the good Lord would give to help those who churches reject over what I deem foolishness of man.
  Everyone here is special to me and I hope that I haven't offended anyone. If so, feel free to PM me and tell me or just say so openly. That has never been my goal and some times I really wish that I could joke around the way some of you ladies do.
  I guess I better stop as I'm getting off-course.
  Hang in there Kisa.
  May God bless you hon.



Rickie, you're 100% right on what she does. She is also mad obess with an actor and obessed with everything he does.

tiffany did that happen on a forum called, they are famous for judging and condeming people who are transgender, gay or bisexual. That forum killed alot of my faith. I like your post tiffany, I agree with alot you said.

my faith is kinda of dead right now.  ??? when I would ask for help at this forum, they said they will pray for me, but its hard for me to believe that.

I shouldn't of let that forum change my faith.

Tiffany Elise

  That site was (I hope I'm not breaking a rule mentioning this)
  It is straight and good for slamming GLBT.
  Hon; the word of God says that the smoking flax he will not quench. That flax, or candle wick our Lord won't allow to go out. When he illuminates our spirit with his he won't allow mere man to put it out. As long as we hang in there and trust him he will never leave nor forsake us. In spite of what those on the judgemental sites say.
  Hang in there and trust the Lord in all things and he will lead you as HE wishes you to go and that just might be a little differently than some on the judgemental sites think.
  I may be nobody but I'l be praying for you.
  May God bless you.



Sorry Kisa that's wrong for anyone to do that!  I'd say become the enemy and login in as the terminator and flame her but.. why should any of us stoop to their levels, beside we are supposed to be more intelligent, mentally superior, more artistic and all that.. They're just jealous i guess? Frown....
Melissa you did it again stolen from the archives of Ricki your following post is fabulous!  You said exactly how i feel about this too, reposting your quote for the mere purpose of eating up more cyber space and making people read it twice!
Quotet really puts me off whenever I see this and it is these Christians that are demonstative of their hypocritical values who really make me want to turn to other sources when I can find people who truly accept anyone and practice the "love thy neighbor" bit.
Kisa what has happened as of late anything at this site? 
Cheers my friends


I would never flame anyone, I try to be sweet. She does have alot of problems so I pray for her, because she probley doesn't know what she does. I think she has mulitple personalities or something.

No latest news, I haven't been on the site, its getting boring.


Kiera that is sweet!
QuoteMy daughter's friends name is Kiera!! I deliberately chose the screen name I'm using here today as a way to remind myself to never give up on somebody!! My daughter hasn't either . . .

Judge Yourself

I once know a guy online who was the bf of a friend of mine. He was convinced spirits were talking to him all the time, mocking him. We invited him into our chat room and whenever he felt 'left out' ( i think thats why personally) he would freak out and say that 'they' were back. He  - to cut a long story short - was gonna go into business with my dad (cant remember why) and when my dad had, had enough of him and his 'other self' told him he didn't want to. He then put out an email to myself my dad and my friends 'cursing us' and had apparently 'but a bad spell on us' Haha i wasn't particularly worried though, my life sucked anyway - incidentally his gf was hot... shame really :P