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The "Does my voice pass?" thread

Started by Isabelle, September 19, 2012, 02:14:55 AM

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Quote from: Seras on November 13, 2014, 10:24:05 PM
Hi, sounds pretty good. I think your voice has a good tone to it. I don't trust the formant thing in PRAAT though. It seems wonky (it seems to measure my normal male voice F3 at ~2900-3000), but your resonance is good for sure. Since despite the relatively low pitch I think the tone makes you sound better than my significantly higher pitched recording.

I think if you could pull up your pitch even a little it might sound better, so long as you do so strain free, but I do not think you necessarily need to, to me at least it sounds feminine for sure.
Thanks! I had a chance to listen to yours, I personally like the one from the 6th, since it sounds more natural, and yes you definitely have a higher pitch than me. It might have just been the way you recorded, but I feel like you're voice didn't have a lot of force behind it. But definitely very female if you ask me.

I feel like a combination of the reliability of Praat and my lack of knowledge/experience with the software and analysis of voices in general may have skewed the results I got. I also got a similar, but slightly lower mean resonance than my speaking voice when I tried to drop my voice down to ~120 Hz.  I don't have old recordings to be sure, but I think that's about where my voice started. It does feel really strange trying to lower my voice.

I feel like it's really hard to listen to your own voice, even in a recording. Always helpful to get feedback :)


Cool, thanks for the feedback always appreciate it :D

And yea, listening to my own voice is prob one of my #1 disliked things atm since I am back on training every day again.


Bit of a creak at 12 seconds, which makes me feel you are not comfortable in the voice yet. Although transitioning from male to female voice is hard, so maybe that is why. I think you pull the pitch up quite well, but you need to work your resonance better. Some sounds you make sound quite good others less so. However it is actually only a very short section where you are using your feminine voice. How long you been workin on it? You figured how to shift your larynx?

ana1111 ok so heres my best voice as of now... is it passing or close? If not please give me advice




Hanazono - I think that sounds pretty good. It is hard to tell exactly cause you do have quite a strong accent and a lot of a voice is inflection and pronounciation etc. So I cannot help on that front. But to me it does not sound masculine at all. Pitch is great and so is resonance.

Annabolton - I think it is decent. I think it is very close to passing if not already passing. It is kinda like that stereotypical nasal American voice? I think it is too nasal though. I am sure I don't need to point out the "thank you UHHCRACKUH bye" cause that was pretty obvious. I think you need to firstly get more used to it so that you don't do that. I think you secondly need to make it less nasal. I think you thirdly need to loosen up a bit, it is very pinched. Once you are more relaxed with being able to do it more easily try to hold less tightly, do less with your nose and let a little more breath in. Keep it up :)



Hearing the latest clip it was obvious that you could! :D




Damn son.
130hz. Nice, oh how I wish that E had the same effect on an MTF!

You did have a big peak though on "amazed" it went up to 180hz for just a moment, but I think it is OK to have a little inflection just not too much. Otherwise very monotone and boring, perfect :P

If anyone would like to give an opinion on these I would be grateful. They are pretty much the same. Although slightly different.

for reference my last upload was this one.

I have lowered the pitch some but improve my ability to use it I think. It is I think a bit less strained and maybe sounds nicer. However as always my own voice sounds super weird (to me)! I think the 2nd one is better, I tried to inject more, like, positivity? Personality? I dunno somethin.


I am thinking I am getting good enough maybe to prank call my sister soon and pretend to be someone who has found my phone to see if she believes it. >:-)




I literally never tried this before. It sounds a bit strained but maybe it is ok as a test of concept. I could prob go louder but I don't wanna be yellin like a mental in the house. I think it sounds a bit different but the pitch is OK so there's that.

If I have to apolagise for shouting at you then that's awesome, so long as it still sounded even half ok. :P
I have always spoken quite softly though, never much liked talking and being the centre of attention.

PS Not gonna do that again for a little while though still a little hoarse from my cold  :-\

Mary Anne


Mary Anne

Quote from: Natalatalie on November 12, 2014, 04:54:59 PM
I've been on and off practicing for the past few months, and by practicing I mean following zero structure and just trying random things and perfecting my falsetto in my car because my favorite band loves their falsetto :P
But I'm horrible at out loud reading regardless of what voice i'm using so i'm not even going to make a fool of myself doing that :P I think I'm close but something seems horribly off and i have no clue what to adjust or change.
Tell me if 6 seconds doesn't suffice and I'll try to read something and likely sound dumb

I think very well, especially for early in transition  ;D :)


Quote from: Hanazono on November 22, 2014, 12:35:11 AM
the first time you say the word Break... it breaks.
actually in parts of your clip when you drop your pitch abit you achieve wider dynamic range and sound better too.

I know!  D: That was semi-deliberate! Thanks for your input! I'm so afraid of going down into my bass/baritone range at all, which would be totally outing, I think, as I'm not a gorgeous enough girl for people to think "oh she has quite a deep voice!" haha!


Quote from: Hanazono on November 22, 2014, 12:31:44 AM
it's loud enough to over power a noisy cafe.

I think it doesn't sound quite right though, tone wise.

@Soul, you might only be ~200hz but I think it sounds better than my ~220!


So I've been practicing harder than usual for the past week and now my voice seems pleasantly stuck in what is to me, a very female sounding voice.

Here's what my voice sounds like this morning:
My voice feels lower than when I've been awake and talking for a while, but it still seems good to me.

Here's a recording of me training with a friend a couple days ago:
notice how my voice cracks at the end doing a scale very loudly and not in falsetto. Obviously if you can tell, I have trouble figuring out when I am and am not in falsetto. Also I'm not a singer, so I doubt this is in key.

I'm feeling a bit lazy and didn't use pratt to analyze these two recordings. I would love to hear thoughts and/or criticism of my voice. If you want to see what I sounded like a weekish ago before I started trying to train really hard, I quoted my last post.

Quote from: JustASeq on November 13, 2014, 09:42:02 PM
So this is the first time I have posted my voice online for people to analyze. Not going to lie, kinda nervous, but it's the voice I use everyday so curious what people hear. I haven't had any training other than some tips from YouTube and my voice was already on the higher end of the male spectrum before I started adjusting my speech about 9 months ago. I don't think my voice has been affected by HRT at all, at least not a noticeable amount.

Anyways I recorded this --> at my desk at work, it is my normal talking voice, but I wasn't sure what to say so read an emergency broadcast script....

I used Pratt to find my mean pitch ~160 Hz and mean resonance ~3200 Hz, well kinda... not super experienced with the software so my analysis could be off. I think regardless, whether I look at numbers or hear it, I can still improve more with patience and time.


This is my voice. I know it's not passable buttttt what are some tips you guys can give me for making it sound more natural? I feel like the voice sounds forced & unnatural


Your voice is really not as bad as you say Jasmine. You just need to raise your pitch a bit. The resonance and inflection is all fine I think?


Quote from: Seras on November 22, 2014, 09:44:09 PM
Your voice is really not as bad as you say Jasmine. You just need to raise your pitch a bit. The resonance and inflection is all fine I think?

Raising it will be so difficult lol Or maybe not actually. How many octaves do you think? Maybe I'll start using that voice on a daily basis so that way I can get used to it & raising the pitch will get easier