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The "Does my voice pass?" thread

Started by Isabelle, September 19, 2012, 02:14:55 AM

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Today I was talking with my wife and complained about how bad my voice sounds now after a week of a bad chest cold and cough. "...and this IS my girl voice" I said. "Really?" "Yes. Here, let me do my guy voice so you can hear the difference." When I started talking with my old normal guy voice, it sounded like Edward James Olmos, to a T. I quoted a few things from the old Miami Vice. Our german shorthair dog was on the bed, and started to whimper and get afraid until I changed back to my girl voice and she was sure the scary guy voice wasn't coming back. We both laughed, and Sonya (the dog) kept staring at me as if to say "who in the **** was that and what did he do with Maddie there for a second?"
History, despite its wrenching pain, cannot be unlived, but if faced with courage, need not be lived again.
~Maya Angelou

Personal Blog: Madeline's B-Hive


Thanks Maddie.  Thanks a lot.

Now I'm imagining you and Ms. OBrien driving down the streets of Miami in a convertible, while In the Air Tonight plays, with Ms. OBrien loading shells into her double-barreled shotgun.

And bizarre mental images are like catchy songs.  They're impossible to get out of your head once planted. :P


A funny thing happened to me the other night. I met a friend of a friend for the first time. Her and I were chatting over a drink and she mentioned she was gay and into helping out at some local lgbt thing, I said " oh that's great, I'm actually a trans person and blah blah" She didn't believe me so I said ....(in my old voice) "do you believe me when I talk like this?" Meaning for it to be a humorous shock but nope.... She said "I don't get it, you just sound like a girl trying to sound like a man... Do you want to become a man?"


All of the samples i find here, people speak a whole lot better than I do. If you feel like being suffocated feeling
my strain, don't kill me :P . Any way give me an honest feedback, and tips to improve.

Ms. OBrien CVT

Anita, you sound a lot like other Indian women I have heard.

It does not take courage or bravery to change your gender.  It takes fear of living one more day in the wrong one.~me


Is anyone still here? ;)
I've been working very diligently on my voice since my last post here. I'm really trying to get rid of the last traces of chest resonance, with varying degrees of success. I'm pleased with how it sounds today, so I thought I would upload a sample for critique:

Thanks for listening,

Ms. OBrien CVT

Much much better. Paige.  I would not ever tag you as anything but female.

It does not take courage or bravery to change your gender.  It takes fear of living one more day in the wrong one.~me


Thanks, Janet! :D
I actually got "ma'amed" at the drive thru the other day, so I guess there is hope!



Yep, that sounds great :) And doesn't sound strained at all.


paige! amazing....may I ask how you have succeeded in removing the chest resonance? it makes ALL the difference, and I can'tseem to master it...I need guidance...x


Noah, I don't know about the technique others use to remove chest resonance but one thing I find helpful is tilting my head back, so I'm looking at the ceiling, then swallow, you'll notice your voice box get very tight in this position. This is how you need to hold your voice box, it limits the vibrations to the upper throat area as opposed to the chest. Next you just need to raise your pitch. Not by much, just a little combined with a tightened voice box seems to do the trick. In the last few months I've been doing a lot if speaking in front of groups of people, without a microphone. This has been a really awesome "sink or swim" type training situation. I'm not saying "my" way is the right way but, it seems to work without any trouble at all.


Noah, I watched a series of videos with Andrea James on YouTube. Mind you, I did not find her "Finding Your Feminine Voice" DVD helpful at all for me, but these videos of a consultation with a client gave me some great tips that are helping me to refine my technique. The biggest help for me was getting more breath into the voice.
The first video is here: Finding Your Female Voice Consultation Pt 1

Hope that helps!


Hi. I've been trying to do this for at least 2 hours over the past 3 days and I still seem to sound terrible. In one, I take all the bass out of my voice and elevate my pitch beyond the female threshold. I thought that was all it took to sound female but it still sounds bad, like a man trying to sound like a female. The other one is more relaxed, but I have more bass in my voice there so it is probably farther from being female. Please help!!! Any advice or criticism??

no bass:

some bass:

Ms. OBrien CVT

RiverSong.  Interesting name.  Happen to be a Doctor Who fan?

OK first one is definitely falsetto.  Trying too hard.

Second one is more chest vibration.  More male.

You need to find a balance between the two.

Kathe Perez has helped many TG women.

It does not take courage or bravery to change your gender.  It takes fear of living one more day in the wrong one.~me


Quote from: Ms. OBrien on December 19, 2012, 07:15:46 AM
RiverSong.  Interesting name.  Happen to be a Doctor Who fan?

Yea, it's a Doctor Who reference. River is one of my favorite characters.


Hi all.

Created a quick recording of myself for comments and criticism. Still early days for me, so feel free to be hard on me.


Quote from: sam79 on December 19, 2012, 08:14:30 PM
Hi all.

Created a quick recording of myself for comments and criticism. Still early days for me, so feel free to be hard on me.

Still sounds like it's originating from your chest.

You should feel the the same "buzz" in your head as when you hum. You have to feel in in your face or it's gonna sound like a male. One good practice is to say (humm the N&M) NIM-NIM ONE, NIM_NIM TWO etc. this get's the sound being created in your head and just slide into the work. Just stay monotone. Doing this helped me a lot. Also the swallow, feel your adams apple up night and then say a couple of works. I started with very short phrases, repeating them over and over.


Quote from: Stephe on December 19, 2012, 09:04:26 PM
Still sounds like it's originating from your chest.

You should feel the the same "buzz" in your head as when you hum. You have to feel in in your face or it's gonna sound like a male. One good practice is to say (humm the N&M) NIM-NIM ONE, NIM_NIM TWO etc. this get's the sound being created in your head and just slide into the work. Just stay monotone. Doing this helped me a lot. Also the swallow, feel your adams apple up night and then say a couple of works. I started with very short phrases, repeating them over and over.

It's strange. I do know what you mean about sounding chesty... I do hear a male when playing back the recording. What's strange is that my AA is fully up ( as when swallowing ), and my nose if buzzing along while I talk.

I'll play around with it some more...