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The "Does my voice pass?" thread

Started by Isabelle, September 19, 2012, 02:14:55 AM

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Cool, thanks.

Yours is nice too btw, listened earlier. Will listen properly later and see if I can give some real opinion  :P






Quote from: riversong on January 31, 2013, 11:46:05 AM
Here's my voice:

Somebody please help.

I'm in no position to help.

However, you sound much better with some bass.


Quote from: Seras on January 30, 2013, 10:26:28 PM
Cool, thanks.

Yours is nice too btw, listened earlier. Will listen properly later and see if I can give some real opinion  :P

You're welcome :) Yeah, if you upload again I'll be sure to listen and try and help out.

Thank you ^_^

KarenCDN, hi :)

I think your voice has potential as it's not actually that deep or masculine. I'd say it's somewhere in the middle. Yeah, just practice a lot, you'll get it for sure.

Riversong, don't be too hard on yourself. It's not impossible. I think this voice *might* pass to some people the way it is if your looks are convincing. I'm not trying to be harsh :( I'm sorry if it comes off that way.

I listened to all 3 of your recordings actually, and the one titled "Some Bass" is actually *really* good and should be passable, in my opinion. How come you didn't put the link to that one instead? :)


Quote from: kyh on January 31, 2013, 02:54:28 PM

Riversong, don't be too hard on yourself. It's not impossible. I think this voice *might* pass to some people the way it is if your looks are convincing. I'm not trying to be harsh :( I'm sorry if it comes off that way.

I listened to all 3 of your recordings actually, and the one titled "Some Bass" is actually *really* good and should be passable, in my opinion. How come you didn't put the link to that one instead? :)

Oh, thanks for listening to all three. Yea, I did those a while ago but they already got critiqued. Only response I got said that it needs work. But it's good to hear that someone finds it at least a bit passable. Thank you very much.


Quote from: riversong on January 31, 2013, 02:58:57 PM
Oh, thanks for listening to all three. Yea, I did those a while ago but they already got critiqued. Only response I got said that it needs work. But it's good to hear that someone finds it at least a bit passable. Thank you very much.

Really? Who said that? Your voice in "some bass" is really good. I've heard lots of female voices similar in sound to yours. The only thing I can say is, keep practicing it so that you can use it for long periods of time :)

Maybe make your S sounds sharper as I read in another post that women (and some gay men) have a disntinctive way of pronouncing their S's :3 so yeah haha. Something to try out I guess.


Don't give up Riversong.

What resources have you used to practice with? I searched through a lot of rubbish on the internet before I found some techniques that worked well for me. I am by no means perfect sounding but I think I have made a lot of progress, since I found this stuff.

If you say what you have used maybe I can give you some links that you have not tried, and maybe you will have luck with them?


I don't know if it sound feminine. I know it definitely doesn't sound like a man talking and it kind of pass on the phone some times.
I know it is a bit too high but I feel that i have most control over my voice this way not falling down in a male resonance from it.
What do you think. If you met me and I presented as a female, would my voice strengthen my female looks or would it cause suspicion?



Quote from: girl you look fierce on February 04, 2013, 07:52:25 AM
@eloij well for me your voice still has a bit of falsetto in it, so I might think that was a little unusual, I think if you can relax it a bit but keep a similar or slightly lower pitch it will be much more natural :) good luck.
Ok. if I lower my pitch to this. Is it more passable? I feel I may have gone a bit too low here maybe. I have a hard time finding something in between this and the previous one...


Hi everyone  :)

I have my little recording to add to this thread. Mind, I've only just started to take Testosterone, it's been five weeks now. ^^ Tell me what you all think, all right? Also, I'd appreciate some pointers on how to make my voice sound more male. :D


Hi Olivier. I can't give much advice on making your voice lower, but I will say that yours is pretty good. If you look passable, then this voice shouldn't out you. I'd say it's a somewhat gender neutral voice at the moment. Maybe try bringing the resonance down to your chest.



Thank you for the tip, Kyh, I'm definitely going to try it out and see how it turns out.

As for 'passing' physically, here is a picture of me as of right now, this very minute.

I am wearing all male clothing down to the boxers (lol), T has started to give me fuzz on the upper lip, but I'm afraid that the rest of my face is a dead giveaway. :( *sigh*


You definitely pass :) The slight facial hair helps a lot. ^_^ So yeah, everything is good already, and it'll just get better with time. Hehe


:D Thank you Kyh! Now I'm going to be wearing a silly little grin all day.


xD You're welcome! Have a great day :3


Quote from: OlivierDeSillegue on February 04, 2013, 12:48:11 PM
Thank you for the tip, Kyh, I'm definitely going to try it out and see how it turns out.

As for 'passing' physically, here is a picture of me as of right now, this very minute.

I am wearing all male clothing down to the boxers (lol), T has started to give me fuzz on the upper lip, but I'm afraid that the rest of my face is a dead giveaway. :( *sigh*

You pass more than me in my male mode (I was born male and haven't started any transition)! If you hide your hair with a hat or just simply cut it shorter, you will be perfect!

Regarding your voice, may I suggest that you try to "open your throat" like singing a song, and at the same time allow a part of your breath to "sink" along the front of your throat? I expect it to enhance "chest resonance" and reduce "head/nasal resonance" (but I don't know if people use these terms in the West). It is hard to describe. Please excuse me and never mind this paragraph if it doesn't make sense.


Trying to improve...   The first part is a paragraph in an English textbook, the second part was reading a wig description lol.

I feel I have a strange accent in both English and Chinese...


Quote from: sylvannus on February 06, 2013, 06:15:08 AM
You pass more than me in my male mood (and I haven't started any transition)! If you hide your hair with a hat or just simply cut it shorter, you will be perfect!

Regarding your voice, may I suggest that you try to "open your throat" like singing a song, and at the same time allow a part of your breath to "sink" along the front of your throat? I expect it to enhance "chest resonance" and reduce "head/nasal resonance" (but I don't know if people use these terms in the West). It is hard to describe. Please excuse me and never mind this paragraph if it doesn't make sense.

I refuse to cut my hair any shorter   :-X and I'm actually going to let it grow back to shoulder length when I've been on T for long enough that I look manly enough to my own taste. Un mousquetaire, damoiselle, ne se doit jamais couper les cheveux! (A musketeer must never cut his hair!)

I like the suggestion to open the throat like in singing, because I do like to sing a lot. Being that I was a soprano before T, it was something of a shock to discover that I couldn't hit the high notes anymore. But I'm getting used to singing in a lower voice. One of my biggest fears is indeed to lose the ability to sing  :-\

Well, I tried recording a little bit of singing, and this is what I got. I hope your ears won't bleed when you hear it.

*goes to hide behind the curtain in embarrassment*


I, as a MTF, envy your smooth hair so much. (My avatar was in a wig.) Do you intend to curl it a bit so that it would look more masculine? I'm using mobile and will listen to ur recording in the evening.

I have listened to your song, and it was much better than your speaking voice. Maybe you can adapt some of the voice technique to speaking?