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The "Does my voice pass?" thread

Started by Isabelle, September 19, 2012, 02:14:55 AM

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Sad Panda = Happy Girl!

Your voice is 1,000,000% passable.

2009 FFS #1 - Dr. Thiti (Bangkok, Thailand)
2010 FFS #2 -Dr. Darin (Bangkok, Thailand)
2010 BA and GRS - Dr. Thiti (Bangkok, Thailand)
2012 Body Work - Dr. Hockstein (Miami, Florida)
2014 VFS - Dr. Kim (Seoul, South Korea)


Ditto Sad Panda = Happy Girl!

You sound like a cute girl with a touch of a cold... And super passable at that!

sad panda

Thanks you guys! I feel better now. Well emotionally. I am leaving now and amazed to have gotten out of bed U__U

Jamie D

Quote from: sad panda on March 06, 2014, 09:09:37 AM
hey guys can someone tell me If I sound ok reallyquick? :s i am sick, my throat feels so bad and i have to use my voice a lot today... I don't want to sound weird :( thanks!!!

Hon, trust me on this one, as the father of three twenty-something daughters ...

There is nothing the least bit masculine about your voice.  It is 100% feminine - not even pre-pubescent male.  You sound like a young woman with a bit of congestion.  And even then, it is a spectacularly good female voice.

I would have killed to have your voice at your age.  No need for the notepad at therapy.

Quote from: Alaia on March 05, 2014, 06:17:52 PM
Okay, so having said those things, I think it's only fair to put my own voice out there for constructive criticism. I need to work on intonation and inflection as well. I'm curious to know if others think I have any resonance or pitch issues though. My femme voice still sounds very fake to me, but I'm not sure if that's just because I'm not used to hearing myself speak that way all the time or what.

Here's my sample, which has me starting out with my female voice, transitioning to my male voice for comparison, and then back to female:

I would not say you sound "fake."  Just recognize that you are starting a process that could take a long time and that practice makes perfect.  You are still in the falsetto range.

There were times, in the beginning of the recording, when the voice broke and dropped.  I thing we all should realize that WILL happen until the muscles in the throat adapt.  So be of good cheer.  It is a good start.

Quote from: Zoe Snow on March 02, 2014, 12:43:19 PM
I think I'm starting to get the resonance thing figured out.  How does this sound?

Zoe, I listened to both recordings and was amazed that I could hear a difference in just one day.  You are on the right path.  To me, the March 2 recording sounded feminine.  I would call it a pass on the phone.  I would gender you female.

With that said, it is just part of your presentation.  And I don't know off the top of my head how old you are.  If you are in your 30s, the voice makes more sense, because female voices do change with age.

Quote from: Roni1992 on February 21, 2014, 01:07:42 PM
Thought I could use some feedback before I go full-time! :) Thanks in advance.

Veronica, you are way ahead of the curve.  Inflection, cadence, everything is a pass.  You sound very natural.

Quote from: KittyKat on February 20, 2014, 07:40:44 AM
Hey all, trying to get some opinions on my normal voice because I do seem to get gendered female a lot over the phone. Did it as a video because I wanted to know what people thought while seeing me talk.

Katherine, I had difficulty with your video.  The reason being was a certain dissonance between your voice and how you present in the video.  When I closed my eyes and just listened, I can understand how you are gendered female at times on the phone.  Your voice right now is in the androgynous range.

With further practice I can imagine a very nice feminine voice.

Quote from: Boca.Lisa on February 19, 2014, 06:31:31 PM

Hopefully this worked!

Lisa - A+ on the voice.  Completely feminine.  Looking at your picture and listening to your voice, I would have pegged you as being in your mid-30s.

Zoe Snow

Quote from: Jamie D on March 06, 2014, 02:16:22 PM
Zoe, I listened to both recordings and was amazed that I could hear a difference in just one day.  You are on the right path.  To me, the March 2 recording sounded feminine.  I would call it a pass on the phone.  I would gender you female.

With that said, it is just part of your presentation.  And I don't know off the top of my head how old you are.  If you are in your 30s, the voice makes more sense, because female voices do change with age.

I am 27.  I had been working on my voice off and on for the last 4 months, but I don't think the resonance thing clicked until a few days ago.  Glad to hear I'm pretty close though, makes me feel a lot better.  I'm not even part time yet, so hopefully my voice will be ready to go by the time I do start presenting part time.


Can anyone give input on the recording I listed? Thanks!!!

Jamie D

Quote from: Auroramarianna on March 08, 2014, 03:35:53 PM
Can anyone give input on the recording I listed? Thanks!!!

In my earlier comment I mentioned that a 6-second recording was insufficient in length to make a judgement.

However, I listened to some of the other recordings that queued.

You are in the falsetto range, but I can hear some progress from recording 54 to recording 58.  Your voice does not yet sound like a natural female, but it think you are on the right track.

Quote from: Zoe Snow on March 06, 2014, 07:19:25 PM
I am 27.  I had been working on my voice off and on for the last 4 months, but I don't think the resonance thing clicked until a few days ago.  Glad to hear I'm pretty close though, makes me feel a lot better.  I'm not even part time yet, so hopefully my voice will be ready to go by the time I do start presenting part time.

Okay, 27 years old - I judged you slightly older.  I think then if you can raise your pitch a bit as you continue to practice.

I would be happy to have your voice.  Some of the girls here suggest singing to extend the range.



I just wanted to stop by and say that all you ladies sound great! seriously feels like i'm in my dorm with my roommates, with all the female voices lol good job ladies



so i know there are a lot of mtf posting here, but I wanted to see how I sound, i'm pre T, so just want to see how much I can sound like a dude, yeah wasn't sure what to say, so there are a lot of ums lol




A couple comment but these are just my opinion. Your tone is androgynous although your vocal inflection has a bit of lift at the end of your sentences which is a classically female trait. Try to trail off your words instead of lifting the last note. I know every mtf on this site would love to have that come naturally but its learned from a very young age.

I think when presenting as male it would be perceived as male but on the phone might be confusing.

Last thought. Mens voices have a smaller tonal range. Even though your recording isnt real cohesive i might peg you as male more with a flatter tone.

Hope this helps!

2009 FFS #1 - Dr. Thiti (Bangkok, Thailand)
2010 FFS #2 -Dr. Darin (Bangkok, Thailand)
2010 BA and GRS - Dr. Thiti (Bangkok, Thailand)
2012 Body Work - Dr. Hockstein (Miami, Florida)
2014 VFS - Dr. Kim (Seoul, South Korea)



Until now I had only two sessions with a phono, but I've been recording and listening and, sometimes, I guess my voice sounds almost passable. But I really dont know. I know I must learn a lot yet and training is the key, but I would like some opinions.

1. I am sorry that my accent must be hard or even impossible to understand. I am Brazilian and english is not my mother tongue.
2. What I say may sound weird. I am actually speaking the lines of an ancient add for a Star Trek game that never came out. What I (try) to say is the following:
In the 23rd Century, at a time of exploration and discovery; a long forgotten secret, that divided an ancient world, threatens to destroy intestellar peace. Now, you must decide who to trust, and who to fear.

Here's the file:

Is is sounding too masculine??




Quote from: Jamie D on March 08, 2014, 03:44:20 PM
In my earlier comment I mentioned that a 6-second recording was insufficient in length to make a judgement.

However, I listened to some of the other recordings that queued.

You are in the falsetto range, but I can hear some progress from recording 54 to recording 58.  Your voice does not yet sound like a natural female, but it think you are on the right track.

Okay, so. Let me explain - my voice might be too high, even for a female, thus not sounding naturally female. It's near the 300hz in frequency, and my voice is naturally high. However, I do not know if I should work to lower it or make it higher, because my voice does sound too high, baby-ish and young for my age, instead of female-ish. Also, on those two recordings I was actually making an effort to make it sound deeper. Thanks for the input, more is appreciated :) :)


Quote from: Natalia on March 08, 2014, 05:01:50 PM

Until now I had only two sessions with a phono, but I've been recording and listening and, sometimes, I guess my voice sounds almost passable. But I really dont know. I know I must learn a lot yet and training is the key, but I would like some opinions.

1. I am sorry that my accent must be hard or even impossible to understand. I am Brazilian and english is not my mother tongue.
2. What I say may sound weird. I am actually speaking the lines of an ancient add for a Star Trek game that never came out. What I (try) to say is the following:
In the 23rd Century, at a time of exploration and discovery; a long forgotten secret, that divided an ancient world, threatens to destroy intestellar peace. Now, you must decide who to trust, and who to fear.

Here's the file:

Is is sounding too masculine??
I don't think it sounds masculine. It sounds mostly feminine to me, maybe sometimes androgynus. Sometimes there's a little hint of male resonance, but you're probablyon the right track, keep it up :)

Anyway, I made another recording, this time with me, my mother and brother talking. My mother is the first to be talking, then my brother interrupts her and then the high, squeaky voice is me talking.  Tell me what you think! Thank youu

edited 18:31:
here I actually try to sound a little more mature, and then I got hoarse. (I actually recorded me reading one of my previous posts)


Quote from: Alaia on March 05, 2014, 06:17:52 PM
This is just my opinion and I'm no voice expert, so take it with a grain of salt. First off, your pitch and resonance sound spot on for the female register. What sounds off to me is the inflections you are placing, specifically on the ending of some words which you are also dragging out a little. Examples:

(Exaggerated emphasis on the vowel sounds I'm talking about.)
Hey everybodeee Mexicooo this Juuune
if you guys could give me suggestioons

The result to me ends up sounding a bit valley girl and edging towards gay male. I hope I'm not upsetting you by saying that as I'm not trying to be mean. I'm just trying to give you some constructive feedback because I think you are very close to having a fantastic female voice;) As I said before, your pitch and resonance sound pretty good. It's just the inflections that was bothering.

I totally get what you mean! People have always said I talked like a valley girl, even in my male register. It's something I have a difficult time changing as I am from San Diego and spend a lot of time around girls and friends who speak in the same manner I do, haha. I was also very open about the fact that I was attracted to men and spent a great deal of my young life identifying as openly "gay" before I realized I was trans, so naturally I was able to speak like the stereotypical gay male.

My problem is I am not sure I want to completely change the way I talk in terms of my "valley girl" inflections and accent. Talking that way has felt the most natural for me ever since I was young and changing pitch and resonance is already hard as is! Haha.

My question is does my inflection affect my ability to pass as a woman, or is the valley girl thing just something you are bothered by in general, regardless of my gender?


Does not sound too high to me Aurora, sounds pretty nice. Hard to say much on the voice overall for sure though, because you have a very strong accent, but pitch is fine.


If someone cold give me feedback on this at all I would really appreciate it:

Need some critical feedback please. No bull5h1t. If it sounds terribad let me know. I really need to get voice down. Personally I do not think the tone is right but I am a bad judge of my own recordings they all sound the same to me.


Here is something I recorded a week ago... don't judge my pronounciation and accent  ::)  I know they are not good and I am working on them...
I am just wondering what I have to do to improve the femininity of my voice :)

So, here it is:


Ok - now something I wanted to try was to vary pitch a bit and see how much this affects the perception, so I tried 4 different pitches for the rainbow passage. One is in the "male pitch" that is my physiological pitch which I used originally. I tried to also drop into a male resonance but am not sure that I made it. The other one is my normal speaking voice now which is above that in pitch and it is my relaxed speaking voice now. Then comes a pitch that I can reach with some effort - it is not that much straining, but I need to think about maintaining it. Personally I like it best and am bugged that I cannot do that without thinking about it which is why I do consider that VFS option to just have that withough effort. And then I tried to go up into what people usually consider a regular female pitch but I noticed that this is straining me. Tell me what you think: 100-110 Hz 130-140 Hz 160 -180Hz 180-220Hz



Ok so I recently started using a voice that wasn't the normal male voice that I grew up with. A few months of practice that really isn't practice because embarrassment ans nerves make it hard to practice. Though I am getting past that now and here is a small recording of both my female voice and male voice to see if anyone has any thoughts on how I could improve. Also I just ramble when I talk
Byes!!!! It's been real but this place isn't for me. Good luck in the future everyone.


wow hayley you really sound female , nice work!

sexy voice actually  :)

both the female and the male
Follow me and I ll do your dishes.

Also lets be friends on fb :D