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The "Does my voice pass?" thread

Started by Isabelle, September 19, 2012, 02:14:55 AM

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Blue Senpai

Quote from: JCardiff on July 07, 2014, 08:21:44 PM
Was afraid that would happen... Any ideas how to upload audio files from either my email or from iPhone (if email I'll just email myself the file and upload it) it would have to be .m4a format though.

I wonder if this would work:


I've always had a naturally high voice for a guy, and have had some troubles getting it to... well, actually sound feminine regardless of pitch. Pitch isn't at all my problem, it's everything else! I'd love for your thoughts. I feel this clip is a little muffled due to my microphone, but hopefully it comes through okay.


Quote from: UponAStar on July 11, 2014, 08:43:09 PM
I've always had a naturally high voice for a guy, and have had some troubles getting it to... well, actually sound feminine regardless of pitch. Pitch isn't at all my problem, it's everything else! I'd love for your thoughts. I feel this clip is a little muffled due to my microphone, but hopefully it comes through okay.

I'd say it's a pass, although you should work on volume control.
3DS Name: Harrison (from pre-transition)
3DS friend code: 0791 3145 5772

Not sure if anyone really cares lol, if you add me just pm me with yours.

I pretty much only play Pokemon Y


I think you sound really good and you should try to use your voice more, I think by using it more it will get even better.

Quote from: UponAStar on July 11, 2014, 08:43:09 PM
I've always had a naturally high voice for a guy, and have had some troubles getting it to... well, actually sound feminine regardless of pitch. Pitch isn't at all my problem, it's everything else! I'd love for your thoughts. I feel this clip is a little muffled due to my microphone, but hopefully it comes through okay.

the bore worms

Quote from: UponAStar on July 11, 2014, 08:43:09 PM
I've always had a naturally high voice for a guy, and have had some troubles getting it to... well, actually sound feminine regardless of pitch. Pitch isn't at all my problem, it's everything else! I'd love for your thoughts. I feel this clip is a little muffled due to my microphone, but hopefully it comes through okay.
I think it sounds very good, although the muffled quality of the sample makes it a little difficult to fully evaluate for things other than pitch...
obligatory transition details:
HRT 6/2013
FFS 8/2014
SRS 9/2015




Quote from: thegreenrabbit on July 14, 2014, 03:34:39 PM
A sample of my voice (always in progress)...

Untrained Voice

Trained Voice

Comments welcome.

That's an amazing improvement :o You sound perfectly feminine in the trained voice. You sound a little hoarse, but definitely passable.

Here's another sample for me. I'm practicing speaking in the highest pitch possible. I recall I was advised to lower my pitch, but I would much prefer a voice on the high end of the feminine voice range (as high as possible), so I'm hoping that with some time and experience I can get it to sound natural without having to lower the pitch.

Has it improved?


Quote from: riversong on July 18, 2014, 11:00:02 PM
Has it improved?

I haven't heard your previous recordings but I will comment on this one in particular.

In the beginning, you said that it hurts a little bit. It shouldn't hurt to speak!

I know you do not want to lower the pitch but I think that if you start at a lower pitch, have your throat adjust to it and then slowly raise your pitch one notch at a time, making sure your voice adjusts normally without pain as you do so, you should be able to speak at the pitch you desire without straining yourself or hurting your throat in the process.

Going to the highest pitch possible and hoping that your voice will adjust to that pitch is putting too much pressure on your vocal cords. There are no shortcuts around it, sadly. I hope I wasn't too harsh!

Here are my recordings of the Rainbow Passage - I have been on T for four years so my voice has significantly deepened. My goal is to train my voice to have an androgynous female voice.

Untrained Male Voice

Attempted Androgynous / Female Voice

I have never trained my voice before so if my attempt of an androgynous/female voice is pretty laughable or needs a lot of work, please be brutally honest!


I'm not really sure if my voice is in the passable range or not. I've been practicing for about 4 months of so, I know there is probably something I can do to improve my voice, but I'm sort of at a loss as to what to do. Hopefully someone can give me some pointers.

Untrained voice (Male Voice):

Trained voice (Attempted Female Voice):



Quote from: Vicki on July 26, 2014, 12:07:51 PM
I'm not really sure if my voice is in the passable range or not. I've been practicing for about 4 months of so, I know there is probably something I can do to improve my voice, but I'm sort of at a loss as to what to do. Hopefully someone can give me some pointers.

Untrained voice (Male Voice):

Trained voice (Attempted Female Voice):
Your trained voice sounds quite good considering its only 4 months...


Hey everyone, I hope I'm not on the wrong part of the forum from what I have seen and heard before. Erm, I'm pre T but I have been trying to lower my range with both talking and singing. I think I have been able to pretty well, somewhat. But, I wanted to see if anyone else had perhaps some tips? Or perhaps if anyone is up for listening and telling me how they hear my voice?



Quote from: Dalex on July 28, 2014, 05:17:00 PM
Hey everyone, I hope I'm not on the wrong part of the forum from what I have seen and heard before. Erm, I'm pre T but I have been trying to lower my range with both talking and singing. I think I have been able to pretty well, somewhat. But, I wanted to see if anyone else had perhaps some tips? Or perhaps if anyone is up for listening and telling me how they hear my voice?

Your speaking voice I would say sounds a bit like a pre-pubescent male to me. The speech pattern sounds male to me completely. I can't say I know exactly how to make a voice sound more masculine. I know run I tried to sound very deep I would push my voice down into my chest if that makes sense. Also dropping towards the end of words. Like your bored with that word or something. The loudest more pronounced pitch part of the word should be the start with a downward slope at the end.  Like you want to keep the pitch pretty even when speaking without going mono tone. Not a vocal person but I did spend quite a few years trying to sound "bigger"

Your singing voice I absolutely love. It's just amazing. AS someone who can't sing to save my life color me jealous.

Just dropping off one of my rambling recordings
Byes!!!! It's been real but this place isn't for me. Good luck in the future everyone.


Hayley your voice is totally femme and natural, did you had the surgery or you are just lucky? XD


Quote from: Emily29 on August 01, 2014, 10:07:34 PM
Hayley your voice is totally femme and natural, did you had the surgery or you are just lucky? XD

Aww thanks!! No, no surgery. Just loads and loads of practice. I still have things to work on. I did think surgery would've the only way if have a passable voice. But working at it every day for almost a year had helped.
Byes!!!! It's been real but this place isn't for me. Good luck in the future everyone.


Quote from: Vicki on July 26, 2014, 12:07:51 PM

Trained voice (Attempted Female Voice):
To be honest, I think it needs more work. Maybe concentrate less on pitch, your original pitch is not that low, so you should not need to raise it too much to get into a neutral zone. You should focus more on the timbre and prosody. I think it still is a bit monotonous in parts and it sounds a little bit weak at times. Maybe you are forcing it too much and cutting off all the resonances instead of selectivley cutting of the male ones. I hear a bit of nasality there, try to bring more airflow into it and maybe do some yawning to get a feel what you can do with your velum - try to have an open throat, not squeeze it. Are you straining your voice when doing the trained version?
Definitely it will be a good idea to find a voice therapist who can make sure you do not train yourself to get a voice that is overstrained with time like I did back then , leading me to some vocal chord issues last year.



So this is where I am at right now (I recorded it for a PM but what the heck ;) ) - sadly at a rather low pitch but at least I got myself fixed well enough now to not have pain anymore while speaking from forcing it too much. So I guess still some work to do on that one now... pitch of course, I guess I am also still a bit monotonous - any other comments?



Hello everyone. So I'm finding this is pretty hard for me, like my voice still cracks when I try going higher, but I figured I could ask here without my usual fears of judgement:


Blue Senpai



Quote from: Hayley on August 01, 2014, 09:38:58 PM
Your speaking voice I would say sounds a bit like a pre-pubescent male to me. The speech pattern sounds male to me completely. I can't say I know exactly how to make a voice sound more masculine. I know run I tried to sound very deep I would push my voice down into my chest if that makes sense. Also dropping towards the end of words. Like your bored with that word or something. The loudest more pronounced pitch part of the word should be the start with a downward slope at the end.  Like you want to keep the pitch pretty even when speaking without going mono tone. Not a vocal person but I did spend quite a few years trying to sound "bigger"

Your singing voice I absolutely love. It's just amazing. AS someone who can't sing to save my life color me jealous.

Just dropping off one of my rambling recordings

Thank you so much :) I will take those tips and try them out and see if I can get my voice to reach a bit lower :)
And again, thank you :) I'm glad you like my singing voice, I'm actually looking forward to how it will sound once I start T :)

Your rambling sounds adorable if I say so myself :P And very feminine.

Quote from: Neospector on August 04, 2014, 11:11:14 AM
Still pre-T but I don't sound too girly, right?

From the little I heard I would say you sound male, but I think I would have liked to hear more.


Quote from: Dalex on August 04, 2014, 01:51:44 PM
Thank you so much :) I will take those tips and try them out and see if I can get my voice to reach a bit lower :)
And again, thank you :) I'm glad you like my singing voice, I'm actually looking forward to how it will sound once I start T :)

Your rambling sounds adorable if I say so myself :P And very feminine.

Oh that would be an interesting change. Never really looked into that. I'm sure you'll sound just as amazing once you start T! :) And thank you! I've been working for nearly a year now trying to sound better. Finally feeling confident!! *dances* anyway keep being awesome and you'll have a head start sounding super dude like before it even get on T!!
Byes!!!! It's been real but this place isn't for me. Good luck in the future everyone.