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a different kind of sex change surgery

Started by Starr, September 22, 2012, 05:10:18 PM

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It's taking so long to reply because I don't yet have my own computer.

In any case, it bugs me when people say that there is no way to change the millions and billions of chromosomes in the human body. There HAS to be a way to make XY chromosomes into XX and kill all the SYR genes in the process. For people who don't know, the SYR genes are what produce testis growth in infant males and throughout his lifespan.

When this is done, I'm theorizing that after that, the patient can undergo a uterine transplant (fallopian tubes, uterus, overies, and the entire female reproduction organs) without having to take a lot of anti-rejection medication.

As far as breasts are concerned, I've Googled for breast prosthesis and found something really good. Only thing though they seem to make the really good prosthesis for woman who had to have her breasts removed to be relieved of breast cancer. I would rather have a realistic, exact-replica prosthesis than to have breast implants that behave nothing like real breasts. Or at least until they can do transplants so that I can actually have real breasts.

My overall goal is for my body to function exactly like a female one... to the point where I can actually have periods and conceive a child. 


The conception part would be a plus for many transitioners, but I can't imagine why anyone would want to have periods.  I understand it's part of womanhood, but most cis females I know would be happy to not have to deal with it.



Well I know for myself, that yes it would stink, but it's all part of the concept in which I was born to be.

In short, since I was meant to be female, then I would have to accept all the pluses and negatives as well.
Scott Kelley: You guys are here on a good day.
Zak Bagans: What's that suppost to mean?
Scott Kelley: The building will talk to you today."


Quote from: Beth Andrea on September 22, 2012, 06:45:37 PM
I think, considering how much angst is experienced by MTF's ("I'm too tall!") and FTM's ("I'm too short!"), it would be best if we could invent a Star Trek-like transporter, and swap consciousnesses between misgendered people.

That way, there's no surgeries, no hormones, just a quick and easy swap of the mind (and/or brain, if it's a wiring issue).

That should be easy to do, right? Let's all keep our schedules open for human trials in 2020, ok?

Now, let's round up some investors!


May I say, this is a brilliant idea.

and quite possibly the future :D


The most likely advances within the next 20 years revolve around stem cells and cloning. Already extensive work is being done and cloned ears, skin, and other body parts are being used medically today. From the ears grown using a patient's own tissue and stem cells (DOD funded this for veterans who lost ears in wars) they are now advancing into researching growing genitalia for soldiers whose genitals were blown up from land mines. There is also initial work being done on growing artificial hearts from a patient's own tissue so no rejection drugs are needed. And finally, there is already research into growing ovaries and the uterus from tissue and stem cells for women who lack them.

What does this have to do with MtF transsexuals? Consider that we already know how to remove and/or replace chromosomes in a cell. So imagine taking stem cells, removing the Y chromosome and replacing it with a second X (your own X or the other X from your mother or father if available). Now you have an XX stem cell that won't be rejected by the body. Use these stem cells to grow ovaries. Transplant the ovaries and you no longer need to take estrogen. Your body produces it.

The next step would be to grow and transplant the entire reproductive structure, ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, cervix, etc., and attach to the neo-vagina. The neo-vagina and the male hips would preclude natural delivery of a baby (male hips are fused, female are not) but a TG woman who did this could conceive, carry, and give birth via C-section.

None of what I wrote above is "science fiction". It's not here yet but as I noted some of the precursor tech is here today, like growing ears and regrowing genitalia.

P.S. FtMs will likely be interested in the progress of the genitalia reconstruction efforts as the technology developed there could be used for them too. In short, within 10-20 years, I would not be surprised to see a TG MtF make the news that she had undergone such transplants, conceived, and given birth. This would not surprise me in the least. I'll be far too old for that by then but some young TG woman will be able to fulfill her dreams of being a woman and a mother someday. And while I'll be too old to benefit from that, I'd love to live to see it.
The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.

~ Cara Elizabeth