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Lipstick on cigarettes...

Started by abd789, October 16, 2012, 07:25:29 AM

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Just wondering what you do while surfing here

I am dressed, listening to Itunes, coffee cup next to me and a ashtray full of cigarettes with pink lipstick on the filters ;)


thinking of changing my hair color again. trying to teach a student by telecom, but... technical problems have made that fairly impossible today, which is why i can browse the forums while hoping that the student does what i barely managed to tell him before the connection was lost.

if it were me leaving lipstick on cigarette filters, i think the color would be more black than pink

Sara Thomas

Lipstick on cigarettes is always annoying to me, because I'm like - "Hey! That belongs on my lips!"

I ain't scared... I just don't want to mess up my hair.




I guess it's sexy so long as you don't light the thing up.
FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...


well, opinions vary.....but I am a smoker...such as it is ::)


Quote from: peky on October 16, 2012, 11:02:55 AM


Oh hey, it's another anti smoking thing. As seen after every mention of smoking. Yeah obviously one shouldn't smoke but in the same way religious people telling you to go to hell, people spamming those don't help. It's addicting. It's hard to quit and if you have ever smoked you would know that something as simple as "don't smoke" don't help.

Oh and yes god I hate it getting on them, or my cup or anything else I put my lips on, unless it was something I wanted lipstick on after putting my lips to it.


Quote from: Snowpaw on October 16, 2012, 01:05:41 PM
Oh hey, it's another anti smoking thing. As seen after every mention of smoking. Yeah obviously one shouldn't smoke but in the same way religious people telling you to go to hell, people spamming those don't help. It's addicting. It's hard to quit and if you have ever smoked you would know that something as simple as "don't smoke" don't help.

Oh and yes god I hate it getting on them, or my cup or anything else I put my lips on, unless it was something I wanted lipstick on after putting my lips to it.

Some of the cost of treating smokers (cancer, emphesyma, etc) are indirectly pass to us tax payers, so I am just looking for my pocket above all.



A portion of my taxes goes to paying for education for children, another portion goes to supporting parents who've had many kids & have no means to support them so I want people to give up having children.

In 1990 I could buy 20 cigarettes for £1, now that very same pack costs over £7 & the majority of the price increase is tax going into the governments pockets.
I've cut down to 10 a day but smoked 20 or more a day for most of my adult life, at current prices it would cost me £2700 per year, the government would skim £2100 from that in taxes.
With the UK's national debt being so high what do you think would happen if everyone gave up smoking today? The government would raise tax to recover money they are losing, they have already included this revenue in their budgets & the money will have to come from somewhere.

If you don't believe it then follow the link & find out how much the government make from your vices


Oh or anyone else with issues, diabetics etc. How about people not wanting to help pay for our HRT in some places. Jayne is spot on.


i wonder if pink lipstick on black lungs are sexy too?

putting lipsticks on coffee mugs are healthier


Quote from: Annah on October 16, 2012, 03:34:02 PM
i wonder if pink lipstick on black lungs are sexy too?

putting lipsticks on coffee mugs are healthier

Yeah in the same sense shooting yourself with a bb gun is healthier than shooting yourself with a shotgun.


Nobody is justifying anything, it's the high horse attitude that is asinine. Simply put, many people not just smokers do things that in pekys response "come out of your pocket" I have news for everyone here. If you are getting your meds off of NHS or some other insurance, people will think the same of you. Smoking sucks ass. I won't lie, but when I quit I won't ride this false sense of moral superiority against others because I know how hard it is to quit. I do. It's hell. I have no idea why I even started and it was a stupid decision but don't you >-bleeped-<ing dare patronize me when everyone here is guilty of something. In truth we all do something that cost's "society" something.


Quote from: Snowpaw on October 16, 2012, 03:52:19 PM
Nobody is justifying anything, it's the high horse attitude that is asinine. Simply put, many people not just smokers do things that in pekys response "come out of your pocket" I have news for everyone here. If you are getting your meds off of NHS or some other insurance, people will think the same of you. Smoking sucks ass. I won't lie, but when I quit I won't ride this false sense of moral superiority against others because I know how hard it is to quit. I do. It's hell. I have no idea why I even started and it was a stupid decision but don't you >-bleeped-<ing dare patronize me when everyone here is guilty of something. In truth we all do something that cost's "society" something.

Spot on, I hate smoking but I gave up for 2 years & at no point did I lecture adult smokers, the only smokers I was down on for smoking were youngsters asking for a light, I would simply give them the heartfelt advice to give up before it got too hard & then i'd walk away & leave the choice up to them.


Snow, it's not them smoking...I could really care less if they smoke. If they have a sexual fetish with smoking cigarettes in pink lipstick then have a helluva time.

I am just saying, if you have a sexual fetish...there are more healthier alternatives for putting lipstick on other things.

I used to smoke. It's not a moral authority snobbish thing. And the others are right: smoking, over eating, etc etc is costing us as a collective whole billions of money.

With that said, you'll never see me tell a smoker you shouldn't be smoking...but if someone tells me it isn't hurting the rest of society and it isn't costing the medical community money, I will give my opinion.

Violet Bloom

  I personally don't appreciate smoking and the common habit of littering the butts all over the place.  Someone I know was recently shocked to learn they had final-stage lung cancer from it.  I'm also blown away and heavily disappointed by the high number of women who smoke.  So I can't be fully labelled a hypocrite I tried it once to see what the big deal was and never cared to do it again.

  Only throwing my two cents in because the issue came up.  Not trying to spark-up a flame war.  Perhaps it's one of those things that is sometimes okay in moderation - speaking of which I suspect some 'moderation' may be visiting this thread soon.



Quote from: TessaM on October 16, 2012, 04:04:14 PM
I need hormones, because I have gender dysphoria or wtv the hell were calling it this week.
People who are born with disabilities need help because... they were born with a dissability.
You smoke because you CHOSE to smoke. Yes your addicted now, but you can choose to quit.

I started smoking at 13. By 15 it was well over a pack a day, and no "wussy" brands either. Its a wonder I can still breathe! I quit because I care. I want to live. Each cigarette you light up takes time from your life. It will eventually cost me money because my tax money will go to cure your PREVENTABLE disease. Similar to someone who is morbidly obese and eats KFC all day. (So im sure their less of a financial burden on society anyhow)

No one in patronizing you. If your accusing people of f***ing doing so, maybe a nerve was hit? You must know that something is wrong. You should quit smoking immediately.

Or wtv, do what you want.
Oh, well tell those people who say you are costing them money that? I've tried, we are just "moochers" on the system to them. Maybe they will see your pain, or maybe they will say you choose to do this you choose to do that. Smoking is a choice, it's a bad one no doubt but ah hell just see below because I won't bother typing it out again.

Snow, it's not them smoking...I could really care less if they smoke. If they have a sexual fetish with smoking cigarettes in lipstick then have a helluva time.

I am just saying, if you have a sexual fetish...there are more healthier alternatives for putting lipstick on other things.

I used to smoke. It's not a moral authority snobbish thing. And the others are right: smoking, over eating, etc etc is costing us as a collective whole billions of money

Oh well to the fetish thing, to each their own.

Mine is to the moral superiority. Everything people do costs us money, it's not just those. Everything, the meds we take, the srs we get and the meds to dope us up for that. Smoking is bad, over eating is bad but saying "you are wrong for this and here's your lungs after a year" helps no one. It's the same mess Christians pull when they call you out for sinning. Does that turn your life around? A finger waggling in your face, has that ever helped someone? I am sorry I am so defensive over this but damn I get so sick of it. Last time I had some bish in a huge truck tell me I am polluting the air. Hypocrisy is such a odd thing, sometimes we just don't see ourselves being guilty of it because we are so deep in it.

Violet Bloom

Hypocrisy may bother me but I find it's better left ignored.

In other news, this thread has been totally derailed.



Bah I am going to play wow now. My tail is all poofed in rage. Debates leave me frazzled.

Violet Bloom

Quote from: Snowpaw on October 16, 2012, 04:12:56 PM
Bah I am going to play wow now. My tail is all poofed in rage. Debates leave me frazzled.

With the impending US Presidential Election this sort of 'heated' debate is business as usual.  US politics is certainly one 'caustic' topic I won't touch with a 100-foot pole. ;D
