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My low dose HRT experience (was 9 month low dose HRT)

Started by luna nyan, November 21, 2012, 08:05:19 AM

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Quote from: Paige on November 24, 2015, 02:01:47 PM
I guess a small dose of E doesn't reduce T as much as anti-androgen and so many negatives don't apply.  By the way you describe it, it sounds like my wife would be happier with the low E.  It's too bad there isn't more info on low dose E.

I did low dose E only, no anti-androgen's, for perhaps 5 years. This was before I saw a doctor. My T was between male and female. I felt great to start with but eventually got seriously depressed, saw my endo and went to full HRT. I feel way better now.

luna nyan

Quote from: Paige on November 24, 2015, 02:01:47 PM
I guess a small dose of E doesn't reduce T as much as anti-androgen and so many negatives don't apply.  By the way you describe it, it sounds like my wife would be happier with the low E.  It's too bad there isn't more info on low dose E.
I did low E first then added spiro to the mix, found a happy level, then got sick of taking pills and dealing with issues from spiro (occasional leg cramps, orthostatic hypotension, having to watch potassium intake etc).  Hormone levels were awesome for aiming to be andro though - lowest range for male T and lowest range for female E.

Switched to and implant and the implant blew my E levels way up and killed my T levels, even without spiro.

E only may led to mooblets and some lowering of T...
Drifting down the river of life...
My 4+ years non-transitioning HRT experience
Ask me anything!  I promise you I know absolutely everything about nothing! :D


Hi! I'm on a low Proginova dose for 2 months now. I've choose a low dosage of E without any AA because of my family and my work. But now I see that my body changing pretty fast. My breast between T2 and T3 stage and I lost almost all hair on my legs (after 3 times of epilation it's not growing at all). I think it's very fast for just a 1 pill per day? Will the change to 1/2 per day slow down the progress significantly? I like all these changes but I want to do it a little more smoothly.

Tessa James

Quote from: Helen on December 01, 2015, 12:15:23 PM
Hi! I'm on a low Proginova dose for 2 months now. I've choose a low dosage of E without any AA because of my family and my work. But now I see that my body changing pretty fast. My breast between T2 and T3 stage and I lost almost all hair on my legs (after 3 times of epilation it's not growing at all). I think it's very fast for just a 1 pill per day? Will the change to 1/2 per day slow down the progress significantly? I like all these changes but I want to do it a little more smoothly.

Almost funny but you get the changes some really do want to see and feel real fast:-)  Your personal regime is going to come with an individualized response to those medications depending on your particular health status.  Oh and you cannot mention your dosages on this site. 
Open, out and evolving queer trans person forever with HRT support since March 13, 2013


Quote from: Tessa James on December 01, 2015, 02:10:33 PM
Almost funny but you get the changes some really do want to see and feel real fast:-)  Your personal regime is going to come with an individualized response to those medications depending on your particular health status.
I like these changes, but I need it smooth. So I really should lower the dose. Is 1/2 will be good to start?
Quote from: Tessa James on December 01, 2015, 02:10:33 PM
Oh and you cannot mention your dosages on this site.
Sorry. I'm new on this place. I've edited the post.

Tessa James

The conventional wisdom is to advise your health care providers and work it out with them.  And then I know of people who simply reduced dosages on their own by taking one less pill, patch or injection to find their sweet spot.  Do tell your doc tho.  It often seems to me that the more specific our goals and expectations are, the harder it is to arrive on time and in style.  I also know people who mess with dosages to produce or eliminate "cycling" sensations.

You're undoubtably worth the effort to fine tune your own song :D
Open, out and evolving queer trans person forever with HRT support since March 13, 2013

luna nyan

Talk to your doc, script can be changed for a lower dose if you think things are progressing too quickly.  I found that it's a juggling act between minimising dysphoria, maintaining mood, and avoiding excessive feminisation.
Drifting down the river of life...
My 4+ years non-transitioning HRT experience
Ask me anything!  I promise you I know absolutely everything about nothing! :D


Hi Helen;
I agree with Luna, its a delicate balancing act. Basically I have now nearly been on HRT for 3 years (low dose Progyinova). For me the problem is  that every so often, my dysphoria breaks out again, Testosterone climbs up, my libido rises and I get very irritable and depressed.  The problem for me is that over time  although the Oestrogen builds up in the system, the body gets used to it.  The only thing to quell it is getting my Doctor to increase my low dose. After a couple of weeks, the dysphoria subsidies, libido crops, my "thing" goes back to its tiny size, testicles continue to shrink, my ultra smooth skin returns and my body starts to go again and I feel great. But then the boobs start growing again (I am already a comfortable 44B) and now rapidly heading to a C Cup. I cannot wear mens trousers etc as my butt is too big (Nice projection though) and I am getting hips. So in effect the feminisation process starts gaining pace again. So I contemplate it for a bit then slowly wind down again. But I am noticing that the  bouts of dysphoria break out are getting more often. Its almost as though my body is telling me that I must fully transition NOW and get rid of this awful T stuff!!



Thanks, girls! I've decided to keep the current dosage for another 2 months mostly because I'm feeling very good in emotional plan. So it is better to experiencing too quick physical changes than to waiting the dysphoria back.


Thank you for creating this thread. It has given me the knowledge I need to understand which direction is best for me.

I'm hoping for a slow gradual change, but I'm concerned the changes will be much faster than I desire.

Conclusion I've come to is that there is only one way to find out, even if it means no turning back.


We all react to HRT differently.  Many factors come into play: age, weight, overall health and lifestyle, emotional health etc. etc.  I started almost a year ago with increases in dosage every 90 days for 9 mos.  The best E level that I could achieve was 76.  This was with patches.  My endo has now switched me to injectable and I fear that his conservative approach will see similar results.  I am awaiting test results rights now and will see him in the morning. One other factor is that that I'm a little over 30 days post op GCS so who knows what my levels will look like.  We'll see in the morning!




Levels VARY from one hour, one day to another, they may be significantly different especially on injectables. What's the point of measuring E? Levels of E are also NOT indicative of health risks as many practitioners wrongly believe. The more important factor is the TYPE of estrogen and route of administration (oral vs. non-oral).

I have had levels of 1,000-4,000 pg/ml of estradiol. Despite this, liver is fine, so is clotting, CBC, glucose, lipids, etc. Why? Because the estrogen is BIO-IDENTICAL and is given parenterally (non-orally).
I am not a medical doctor, nor a scientist - opinions expressed by me on the subject of HRT are merely based on my own review of some of the scientific literature over the last decade or so, on anecdotal evidence from women in various discussion forums that I have come across, and my personal experience

On HRT since early 2004
Post-op since late 2005

luna nyan

It's now been four years since I started on my HRT with no social transition journey so time for an update.

To save people flipping back through the thread, a timeline summary:
March 2012 - 1/2 dose progynova, no t block
May 2012 - 1/2 dose spiro - first feminising changes start
May 2012-March 2014 - continued on 1/2 average dose - up to AA size breast development, 5kg weight gain
March 2014 to present - implant only

Hormone assays:
May 2012-Mar 2014: low end male T, low end female E
Mar 2014 onwards: essentially female hormone levels

Since switching to pellet, feminisation has advanced.
A cup breast size, nipple and areoles have developed significantly.   Sleeping on the stomach is no longer an option - the girls complain about the pressure.
Definitely significant fat deposits on hips, but still have male fat deposits
Expected changes downstairs have occurred with the usual levels of atrophy.

Hair on legs now wispy, muscle definition has dropped.
Since cessation of T blocker, bruising has reduced
Definite loss of upper body strength but with minimal reduction of arm diameter

Emotionally, I am stable and content.   I do feel like I am on a tightrope and could fall down the transition rabbit hole if I am not careful.   External factors preclude transition, but I am happy with my lot.

Careful selection of clothing hides the changes effectively - people see what they want to see.  I do occasionally male fail on photos in spite of a male haircut, and a girlfriend, semi drunk, bumped into me and commented it as like leaning against a girl.

The question always is going to be how long can I keep this up, but it's been four years and still going...
Drifting down the river of life...
My 4+ years non-transitioning HRT experience
Ask me anything!  I promise you I know absolutely everything about nothing! :D


Hi Luna,

Glad it's still going well for you.  I've been at the Spiro stage for 5 months.  It has feminized me a bit, soft skin, body hair wispy, some fat to breasts and hips.  I'm not even close to where you are but I really understand your comment about falling down the transition rabbit hole.

Thanks for posting.  It's a great help.

Take care,
Paige :)


Hi Luna,
I've been following this thread since it started. Thank you so much for diligently updating your progress. I am very close to starting HRT and like you, I may opt for a low dose to start while I contemplate social transition further down the line. I'm 55 so I'm also got the biological clock ticking. I'd like to know how old you are if you don't mind. If you do that's ok - no worries. Please keep posting.

Melanie CT

Here's my update. I've been on a low dose for 9 months now and have checkups every 3 months. The last visit my estrogen level was down and I kind of been feeling it. My endo told me what a low dose, transistor dose and high does was. I asked her if I can go to a medium dose and she agreed to let me try it for two weeks and if I am ok she will increase my prescription.

Like many I am not ready for any body changes but I love the changes so far. Thicker softer hair on my head and thinner body hair and love the softer skin. I changed my hair dresser who knows I am transgender and now styles my hair with a longer length.

My depression has been reduced a lot and now it's time to try to reduce the depression medication.

My wife has been ok but the intimacy level has dropped dramatically. I miss it.

That's all for me. I will send an update at 12 months

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk



luna nyan

Quote from: laurenb on March 31, 2016, 06:52:26 AM
I'm 55 so I'm also got the biological clock ticking. I'd like to know how old you are if you don't mind. If you do that's ok - no worries. Please keep posting.

Just on the wrong side of the mid life crisis.  ;)

I'm glad people still find this thread useful - as I'm essentially in a steady state situation, I don't come on here so often to browse threads in depth anymore.   I generally pop on to check in on a few people and enough time has passed, I ipdate this thread.

Things may change one day, you never know.
Drifting down the river of life...
My 4+ years non-transitioning HRT experience
Ask me anything!  I promise you I know absolutely everything about nothing! :D


Thank you so much Luna Nyan for starting this thread and all the others for chiming in - I've reread the whole thread too many times to count - it is incredibly informative and inspirational.

Know YMMV, but the possibility of doing low dose to counter dysphoria really gives me hope!

luna nyan

Check in time. @9 months since last pellet.
Pellets are cumulative in effect, levels were higher at the end of 9months this time than last time.
E at 565 pmol whatever vs about 385 last time.  T still at 0.3 whatever.

I've fallen into transition dosage ranges and I feel good.  Emotionally I'm happy.  Mentally, where I identify gender wise could be considered fluid as I am a social chameleon.  Sexuality wise, ask the ping pong balls.  The good news, GID under control.

Stubbornly ignoring the elephant in the pink tutu in the room and refusing to socially transition.  Fortunately my development is somewhat limited so I can bluff my way through.

Physical changes have been minimal since last time.  I suppose the mooblets are filling out somewhat, but not much has changed around the caboose.   Still some belly fat around which helps hide what's happening.  Definitely noticing the lack of T these days - building strength up in exercise is now much more difficult.

So where to from here?  Implant was topped up at the same dosage as before.   The good news for me is that I should see 12 months before it falls back down to my current level.  I still have no intentions of transition and it's been over 4 years since I started this journey.

For those considering this path, tread carefully.  Like Pringles, once you pop you can't stop, and this path has life changing consequences.
Drifting down the river of life...
My 4+ years non-transitioning HRT experience
Ask me anything!  I promise you I know absolutely everything about nothing! :D