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Lessons from life. The military style.

Started by K.Graison, January 07, 2013, 06:52:28 PM

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For a quick intro to my background.
  I'm active duty in said armed forces branch, my job is the most physically demanding of all.
I wouldn't come to the Internet to lie and I do quote Tony Montana by saying, "in this life, I only have my word and my.... (Something I'd rather not  ;))

So I've read multiple posts about health and fitness.
Everyone has a secret.
Well, I'll tell you mine.

I'm 5,11. 170 lbs. and although I have lost my sculpted body from not working out for months due to an injury, I must say I still have my strongest muscles. My mind and heart.

Listen, no one trick will get the job done.
If your either wanting to slim down to get a more fem body shape or if your crazy like me and go for the roman goddess look (the six pack version)
Everything has to be mixed down not your everyday life.
I don't watch my calorie intake.  I eat anything and I do mean, anything Uncle Sam feeds me. My metabolism is almost non existent. Seriously. It takes hundreds of hours of cardio to get where I am at (where I was).
But it's simple really.

Do you want to keep wishing and blaming it on laziness or lack of a resource?
Or have you decided that being fit to fight (or to dance all night) is what you deserve.

I don't work out to impress anyone. Although, my legs are always complimented, I do it for me.
It feels great to know that I am far stronger, physically and mentally just by making the choice.

Now, I'm aiming to loose most of my upper body tone and develop the best waist and legs possible by my DNa.
I'm basically just ranting.
I get it.
But it's almost upsetting as to how many of you ladies with so much potential give up.

No matter your age.

Bottom line.
Do something everyday!
I'm talking at least 25 min of dancing, stretching, running, whatever.
  But honestly, that's not going to get you where you want fast enough.
Dedicate at least one hour a day, to making yourself the most gorgeous person possible.

"Mind over matter" has kept me afloat some of the worst conditions and training a person can experience. No one will make you better, if you do not accept that you can be better.

I'll leave you with this,
Everyday compete with the one person you see in the mirror.
Challenge your reflection.
See yourself become better.
And as one can never run from their own shadow, you will never stop gaining results.
Not just physical, but mental as well.
My confidence has allowed me to overcome those awkward scenes you'd rather delete from your memory. Let your lifestyle help you.

With love to beauty, from within and to the skin.
And a thousand times more I will say, this is me, take it or leave it.