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Three Months and I'm Developing!!!

Started by gina_taylor, May 27, 2005, 02:02:59 PM

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Congrats Terri! I am four months and have been bouncing for about a month. I have a Trans log program I use to keep track of my progress. I think I got it here on Susans Page. If you don't have one check the home page. I'm pretty sure it's in one of those links and it's a free download. Also I took before pictures when I first started.  Recently I took some progress photos and WOW! I didn't realise how significant the changes are till I compared them.
I took them wearing just a pair of panties. front view left and right sides and back. I kept my feet just shoulder width apart and hands and arms out to the sides so I can see my shape easily. I take the photos from the exact same spot in my living room so I can use my computer imageing to superimpose them for better comparison. Very handy for seeing how your coming along.

It's all vey exciting and I know the joy you must be feeling. We seem to be on close to the same timeline. I've been advised that it takes 18months to 2 years to get the full feminization effects. So I will be waiting to see what my maximum results will be before decideing what surgeries other than SRS I may or may not need. I think that's a good idea for anybody doing HRT. Except for my face I'm not even planning electrolysis for other parts of my body. I want to let the hormones do their thing and see how that goes. I've noticed my chest hair is getting patchy and the hair that grows back is getting lighter and softer. My tummy hair has almost completley turned into vellum hairs and no longer requires shaving at all.

Hurray, now all those little red bumps will disappear. There's a lot to look forward to in changes besides the more obvious breasts. But I sure love seeing them, washing them in the shower and feeling them bounce when I run. Of course there is the morning tenderness
when you sleep on them the wrong way. or when you have to adjust your bra and accidently pinch one. Ouch!

And Zoey, heres another thought with regards to caution with hormones. Too much estrogen does not speed or improve changes but does increase the risk of liver disease. too little and you'll get little or no change and you still run the risk of liver disease that is one of many reasons why a doctor needs to monitor your blood levels both to insure proper estrogen levels and to check for any signs of liver damage. doesn't always happen it's just a potential side effect, but if there is an indication the doctor needs to pull you off the hormones before too much damage occurs.  Spironolactone a.k.a Androgen, is a dieuretic and can cause kidney infections something else you don't want to mess with without a doctor. Anyone who self medicates is risking the possibility of serious health problems.

Also with self medicating there is the problem of bootleg pharmaceutical which can be anything. it may even be what it says it is except not the dosage it claims. It will be more costly than prescription and can land you in jail. Just some things you should be aware of.

Be safe, and be happy.



Thanks Cassandra, for the congrats, but I don't know what for,  I hit a wall I couldn't get around and had to go the Orchie route to be able to get off the spiro and take a post menapausal type low dose just to hang in there, as it is, there probably won't be much more in the way of feminizing effects other then basically being a pure estrogen system with no testosterone to fight anymore and the natural consiquence of that. dosage isn't high enogh to kick the puberty effect though.  Its only been since march 28 since the orchie and about 10 days after that going back on the low dose estrogen after haveing been off of everything for 10 days before the operation, so It's really a little hard to know just how much will continue on though with feminizing effects.  It was a hell of ride though, coming off medication, Letting T back into my life then killing natural hormones then going back into the estrogen environment again, even the low dose.  Not for the faint of heart.

As far as time lines, dunno, I began Hrt in september of 03, though I had been fully identified 24/7 for several years before that and halfa** identified for a half dozen years prior.  the whole thing is getting a little old.  I've seen the better times in it.

I really have never documented development though.  i always figured it would end up what it ended up as so whatever it was inbetween was kind of irrelevant.  As it is, I don't quite pump up a B cup, but I know a lot of WBW that don't either, though usually they are smaller statured then I am, so anyway, I'm not alone with being an LT.

I don't know what joy I'm supposed to be feeling unless its just getting to go on another day at a time and hope I can avoid any more walls I can't break through or having to not be able to get up some morning.  I'm looking forward to SRS and hopefully I'll make it long enough to get to enjoy it for a while afterwards.  I'm not looking much past just making it right now.  Afterwards will take care of itself for whats left in the boile, but I'll go out with what I came in for, thats all that counts.

I lucked out on the body hair department.  My mother was native american and aside from some patchy face hair, and some in underarms and pubic area, I'm clean.  My electro tech and I got a little game going.  She trades work with another electrologist doing each others underarms and she works on her own legs and she occassionally shows me her underarms and legs to see the progress being made and I invaribly end up showing her my legs, which she doesn't think is fair.  I always get a kick out of it though.  I kept my hairless  butt out of a thread recently about bumps from shaving on inner thieghs and how to prevent that.  I was afraid of having to much fun with such a subject.

Your right about estrogen.  it only takes what it takes and more then that won't help, just kind of goes to waste in your system.  I don't worry about the medical end.  I work for a health care provider and they supply my insurance and supply all psychological and medical needs, including hormones and all other perscriptions and monitoring.  they even paid for the orchie.  No, medical care is the least of my worries. I pick up my estrodiol, which replaces the Premarin I was using, right at the pharmacy where I work, 3 months suppy at a time for a $5 perscription fee.  No, don't think I'm in the market for any bootleg drugs or self medication and i hope Zoey doesn't get stupid either, the kids got time to do it right if she has a little patience and gets real about jobs, savings and education and things in the meantime.

My MD suggested referring me to the Endo department to see if they could find a way to increase my dose to enough to put me in development mode, but they came back with there was nothing they could do, which is what I already knew, but the MD wanted to help out and not leave any stone unturned, so I agreed to let her make the referral.  I could push a little and perhaps get my present dosage doubled, but that would still possibly be short of accomplishing anything other then agrivating things and initially all the docs are saying it's a bad idea to stay on at all, so I'll not press anything, just go with the flow and be happy with what I got, and its possible, the little estrogen I got along with the orch might produce some effects, though in a slower manner.  Not gonna worry about it though, won't do me any good.



Hi Terri,

Actually I was having a blond moment. I meant congrats Gina. When I was writing up the caution about hormones I wrote "Spironolactone a.k.a. Estradiol" Then I posted it and when I went back to review it again I thought wait a minute that's not right. So I was having several blond moments, and I'm a redhead. I don't know how your name popped in my head. But, I do hope better days ahead for you. Some folks will never be able to get around the surgery option to achieve all of the desired effects but you seem to be keeping a stiff upper lip as they say in the u.k.

Good Luck,


p.s. I don't really think blonds are dumb, just an expression. No cards and letters please.

Happy Birthday U.S.A.!


That is great. I have just started the development. I am amazed at the sensitivity and the growth. You go girl


hah,"Blond moments" huh? I've been looking for that dasderdly blond root for  years and no luck ..... it's hiding somewhere in all the "Platnum" highlights I keep tinting out anymore.  I should just leave em alone, their not much yet, but I earned em, might as well enjoy them.  I prefer my natural brown color though, just not the way it's fading and losing shine.  but theres plenty to fix that with.



Thanks Cassie, no offence taken. We all have our moments  :) Y'know, if you wanted to , you could modify  it. Really nice to hear from you Terri, you should drop me a line some time. Beth; I guess the older we get the longer we take to develop. LOL



hiii cassandra thanks for ur information,but what i want to know is, is spironolactone an anti androgen?? because i used to read on that spironolactone is an anti androgen which can help us to supress the androgen level in our body.i'm not really sure about it.does anyone know about htis or maybe does anyone use any anti androgen pills or something?
i really want to know about this because i'm really desparate to change especially breast enlargement and softer skin  :'(
and i'm taking contraceptive pills which contain ethynil estradiol mg and levonorgestrel mg i took the pills three times daily(each time i take two pills) so everyday i take six pills.girls, i really cant go to see a doctor or a therapist due to my family etc  :-[
but u girls are all my friends whom i consider can help me alot with information about hormones..please please help me with information about this.can i make any progress by taking contraceptive pills?coz as i read at,ethynil estradiol is a strong it true?i have read a lot infomration about HRT on the internet but i also want to hear ur story.i really appreciate if u girls want to share ur experiences with me and of course with all of us.i'm sure that those information will help us all..u girls are the best,thanx a lot   :)
[edit](4years) Recall I mentioned something about site rules?[/edit]


Zoey, the information is out there but it is NOT here. I trust I make myself clear.

That said, and a word of advice:
1. Stop the pills.
2. See a therapist. No really, this is a very good idea. I know it is hard, but it IS doable. "family etc." is not an acceptable excuse.

The human body is a remarkable machine, however it is astonishingly easy to break it beyond belief. I feel for you but I honestly cannot suggest you consider doing it yourself. Please talk to a therapist.


thank u so much,4years,i really appreciate if u tell me to go see a therapist.but would u mind telling me what should i say to the therapist??should i tell him that i'm a transgender and i'm desperate to be a girl?do u have any suggestion,coz i'm very confused and i dont know what to do  :-[
yes,it's been sooo hard for me coz i have nobody to talk to(thanx to Gina who have become one of my best sis)
and if u dont mind,can u share me ur experience with HRT, imean what medicine u take and then the dosage and of course the effect on ur body..please share me ur experience and i promise i'll go to a therapist


Nice Gina,
Having Breasts bud and fill out is major, I think. I cant wait till it happens to me. This time Puberty is a good thing. Female puberty. Its like feminine essence formed into physical form, bursting out.



We really must insist that you stop asking about HRT dosages and such. There are plenty of medical sites out there were you can learn all about it on your own if you insist. However your doctor will discuss all of this with you and then some. Just be patient. As far as HRT see rule #6 of the site rules. I wrote my caution to you because it is ill advised to self medicate. From your insistance I get the feeling your inclined to try anyway. You will not get such information from any of us! You will be taking your life into your own hands and we certainly can't stop you. All we can do is advise you as strongly as we can to not do that.

I here you when you say you are impatient to begin, but you must remember it is a long process that cannot be done over night. Take everything in it's own time. My favorite math professor in college had a saying. "Little by little, the robin builds it's nest". Please take these words to heart and don't do anything that would endanger your health and well being.

As to what to say to a therapist, say what is in your heart. It is that simple. If the therapist doesn't understand you or were you're coming from, if they are not helpful, just get another therapist. The therapist is there to help you not to judge you. You don't need to worry about what you will say. Just talk about whatever comes into your head. I think that's about the best advice anybody can give you on the subject. Just be yourself. Each person is different.

The therapist will be unable to help you if you just go in and parrot what other people have said to thier therapist. Not only that, what we say to our therapists is a very personal and private matter. I don't think it really appropriate to be asking such a question.

I don't mean to be discouraging and I don't want to sound like I'm on your case. I speak out of love and concern for a fellow travaler on this voyage of rebirth and discovery. I hope your journey is a safe and happy one



Quote from: zoey22982 on July 14, 2005, 04:20:15 AM...but would u mind telling me what should i say to the therapist??should i tell him that i'm a transgender and i'm desperate to be a girl?...

To be quite honest that is a very good place to start.

The only precaution is to make sure the therapist is experienced in Transgendered (Transsexual in particular if that is what you believe yourself to be) issues.

Also to reiterate, I think Cassie's advice is really quite good:
Quote from: Cassandra on July 14, 2005, 12:55:19 PM...As to what to say to a therapist, say what is in your heart. It is that simple. If the therapist doesn't understand you or were you're coming from, if they are not helpful, just get another therapist. The therapist is there to help you not to judge you. You don't need to worry about what you will say. Just talk about whatever comes into your head. I think that's about the best advice anybody can give you on the subject. Just be yourself. Each person is different.

The therapist will be unable to help you if you just go in and parrot what other people have said to thier therapist....

Quote from: zoey22982 on July 14, 2005, 04:20:15 AM...yes,it's been sooo hard for me coz i have nobody to talk to(thanx to Gina who have become one of my best sis)...

You can talk to us (= We are normally quite chatty after all, and as long as you abide by the same site rules as everyone else we will get along just fine (= :icon_flower:

Quote from: zoey22982 on July 14, 2005, 04:20:15 AM...and if u dont mind,can u share me ur experience with HRT...
I do mind, terribly much so.


I goofed.

I was hopping that by taking estrogen (which is a hormone form) that I could start breast development, but not much had happened except for some very shallow shadows and some flabby muscle tissue. Three days ago, I ordered a thirty day supply of Spiro and it should help. Sorry for misleading y'all.  :'(  :-[



Gina, it could possibly take as much as a year to grow enough breasts to result in what you might call development.  Don't get all that worked up over those that talk about nice breasts in a matter of months.  It's relative, especially in older types, sides, personally i see the issue as more being skin and re-distrubution, not to mention mental function, but yeah, if you haven't been using spiro or some other blocker, chances are you just been running medical risk for little or not gain.  Now how did your perscribing doctor miss that?

and remember, little is said about it, but spiro has significant liver impact also, and watch your diet for potassium.  Spiro retains potassium so you don't want to take in to much.  Know what is in the food you take in.  some might be potassium rich and could be bad news.

At first, frequent blood work may be necessary to check free estrogen and testosterone levels to adjust the amount of spiro and estrogen levels,  Trial and error can work, but can also put a lot of unnessary stress on the body.  Best to work with blood levels to arrive at optimum, thats where the skill and experience of the doctor or endo comes in.  Most of the better ones can pretty well hit it into the ball park by rule of thumb, but blood work can pretty well knock a home run.



Quote...but would u mind telling me what should i say to the therapist??should i tell him that i'm a transgender and i'm desperate to be a girl?...

Not exactly, but how about explaining why and what it means to you and how it will help you live a better life?  if you can explain these things, the therapyst will be on your side a lot quicker then if you just give the "always been a woman" garbage he or she has heard perhaps to many times and is unimpressed with it at all.  Talk about what it means to you and how it will improve your life and the way you relate to others and the world about you, it will take you further, much faster.

If it's about how to fool or trick the therapyst, have fun with the results and good luck, you'll need it.  If it's about bulding a better life and relations, thats all you have to talk about, forget the wanna be girl crap, you can't be anything other then you are or have the potentual for being.



Teri, thanks as always for your kind words. If you check back a few months ago, I put in a post about my doctor and how I had approached him about starting HRT and he told me that he had not much knowledge about transsexualism and had suggested that I talk with my psychiatrist. So I did, and I got the same reply, so I started to take the estrogen myself, and that is why I missed the spiro.

Gina, it could possibly take as much as a year to grow enough breasts to result in what you might call development.  Don't get all that worked up over those that talk about nice breasts in a matter of months.

A TS friend that started the same time as I did has more growth than I do and she's older than me, so her metabulism must be working differently. But over all I felt a little jealous.  So I then figgured that it had to be that I wasn't blocking my testosterone and that was the problem.

Since I've been losing wieght, my blood pressure has been good, and I just had some blood work done last month and it came out good, but I will definately watch my potassium intake

As for an endo, I saw one last year, and after the examination I got the feeling that she didn't want to see me again from her comments. Unfortunately, I live in a conservative town, and nobody knows too much about transsexualism here.



Quote from: gina_taylor on August 16, 2005, 03:35:23 AM
If you check back a few months ago, I put in a post about my doctor and how I had approached him about starting HRT and he told me that he had not much knowledge about transsexualism and had suggested that I talk with my psychiatrist. So I did, and I got the same reply, so I started to take the estrogen myself, and that is why I missed the spiro.

But over all I felt a little jealous. So I then figured that it had to be that I wasn't blocking my testosterone and that was the problem.

Since I've been losing weight, my blood pressure has been good, and I just had some blood work done last month and it came out good, but I will definitely watch my potassium intake

As for an endo, I saw one last year, and after the examination I got the feeling that she didn't want to see me again from her comments. Unfortunately, I live in a conservative town, and nobody knows too much about transsexualism here.



I'm just not clear whether you are seeing a doctor or not.  If not get yourself to one quickly lady, if nothing else but to monitor your health.  You said you missed the spiro and figuered that is what you needed, but who is setting the dosage, as Terri said it can have bad effects on the liver.  And you just can add medications here and there to get the results you want.  Developement is different for everyone.  The rule of thumb most often quoted is that you will develope a proximately 2 cup sizes smaller than you mother.  I'm not sure how scientific this is though.  :)

You seem to be taking precautions by getting  blood work done, but how often, and who is reading, interpreting the results for you.

Just concerned about your health hon.  :)

Take care



Thanks for your concern Stephanie. I'll be taking a small doseage of spiro, but I will be checking with my doctor periodically. I'll be seeing him next week. As said my blood pressure has been good since I've been loosing weight, and if there were any problems with the last blood test it would have been flagged red. I really don't expect any problem though, and I'll be taking it all slowly.



Gina, I know very well how hard it can be when all doors seem to be locked, but hang in there and do it by the numbers.  It can take what seems to be forever, but "short cuts" all to often take longer or lead nowhere.  Small town or not, I would venture there is someone out there who could help you.  Just keep in mind that if you truely do have a surgery goal, then stepping outside the system to save time or whatever will get you nowhere in the end.

Do it right and get it done!




I'm not really taking any "short cuts". I thought that by getting the anti-androgen, that I'd be doing it right. Just recently I saw a  neropsychologist and he told me that he feels that 20% of my problem is nerololigical and 80% is behavioral, but anything past that and I'd have to speak with my psychatrist. But as I've said before, he seems to be uneducated about transsexuaism. maybe I may have to go to the big city to find someone and get out of my conservative town.


[edit]removed HRT dosage by beth[/edit]