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The Yin and Yang of God

Started by Jonie, March 20, 2007, 06:01:21 AM

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God's Profile

  It's seems to me when people think of  what God it's like there are two different personality types that come to mind. There's the hellfire and Damnation, sin and you will go to hell. You're not living up to my expectations and for that you will pay dearly, God.
Also there's the most perfect and loving parent who tells us to forgive each other and to love each other. A parent who only has only our best interests in mind and will do what ever it takes to insure we realize our potential.

  However you see God will color your insight as to what opinion our how God might react to something that you think or something that you have done or are about to do. Here's an example: Question, what God thinks of my gender and/or orientation issues and how I intend to handle them. The hellfire and damnation God is supposed will give a dreaded and maybe scary answer. You might think it would be better to beat God to the punch and reject him first. I think this happens a lot from what I've noticed in my life so far. On the other hand if the same question is put to the most perfect and loving parent God the answer might go a little more like, even though I love you more than you can know and care about you deeply I realize that this part of who you are matters much more to you than it does to me, do you really think I would love you any less because of this?

  So when it comes down to it you have to ask your self what plays a greater role in Gods heart. Is it my way or the highway or I love my children and want what's best for them? I hope this helps someone.


There's something in that bible that says something along the lines of:
He is the Father, who will protect you, and be there for you in times of Peril.
He is the Mother, who holds you in His arms, who cradles you and Comforts you.

The Bible uses the word 'He' and 'Father,' to describe it. However, the idea of God is mostly an emotion; a feeling. As such; they needed something to call it, and it became Father, which is male. However, many texts in the bible also show a female side. Both in the damnation part and the love part, God is mentioned with both male and female archetypes.
For instance; abovesaid, about the Father and Mother, fall into the Love category.

For the damnation:
Archetypically, the destruction of cities, peoples and the like are male. Instant destruction, and power. But the sending of plagues, and condemnation to Hell, are female, archetypically. (vengeance is archetypically female. Women are generally a lot better at hurting people than men. Men are generally a lot better at taking out someone fast than females. Both are on the 'evil' side of the spectrum, though.)

So basically, God is a hermaphrodite. :D


What humanity calls 'God' is so poorly described in a large part because it is quite difficult to describe something you cannot comprehend. Humanity is a very frail species yet. Very small and child like. *shrug* My advice is to not worry about trying to explain 'God' rather just to realize that you are loved very much.

*chortle* If it is not apparent I think you can safely say that my view of it all does not have hellfire in it. ;)

Peace, light and love (=

Dara Marie


Thank you for those thoughts.  I think we are unable to really understand God, but St. John told us "God is love,"  I think God is also the life-giver.  God is neither male or female, so the Bible tells us that we are created in God's image, to paraphrase, "male and female God created us."

Cindi Jones

I do like the idea that "God is Love".  It's a beautiful thing.

Author of Squirrel Cage

The Middle Way

Quote from: Dryad on March 20, 2007, 08:55:27 AM
So basically, God is a hermaphrodite. :D

God(S) are depicted in the Hindu religion/mythology as being capable of "changing sex"; the whole pantheon of Gods (in moving from force to matter, boson to fermion), have their Shakti aspect, it is definitely a MtF phenomenon built in there.

EG - Bhairava becomes Bhairavi, like so:
BHAIRAVI RAGA: The flattened 7th (where we had the raised 7th before) changes the sex of the raga... presto change-o