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Any Guitar Players, Other Musicians Out There?

Started by V M, February 01, 2013, 06:36:06 AM

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I started playing guitar years ago in the mid 70's, been in various bands and such during the 80's and 90's but mostly just dabble about with it as a hobby now

Do any of you play? How long have you played? What style? What kind of guitars/instruments do you have? What kind of guitars/instruments do you lust after?

How would you feel about a band consisting of trans people?
The main things to remember in life are Love, Kindness, Understanding and Respect - Always make forward progress

Superficial fanny kissing friends are a dime a dozen, a TRUE FRIEND however is PRICELESS

- V M


Quote from: V M on February 01, 2013, 06:36:06 AM
Do any of you play? How long have you played? What style? What kind of guitars/instruments do you have? What kind of guitars/instruments do you lust after?
I started to learn guitar about two years ago, but then I got busy and I've barely touched it in the last year :(.  I should find time to play with it again... I mostly followed along in the How-to book, but I also have a book of easy classic rock arrangements and I've printed off tabs for some video game music.

How would you feel about a band consisting of trans people?
I'm more likely to listen than to join.
Sometimes I blog things

Of course I'm sane.  When trees start talking to me, I don't talk back.



Quote from: V M on February 01, 2013, 06:36:06 AM
Do any of you play?

I do

Quote from: V M on February 01, 2013, 06:36:06 AMHow long have you played?

I started playing when I was sixteen, but I'm loathe it include that since it was more off then on. I started playing consistently at 18 and really picked up playing after turning 21. I'm 24 now. Sadly, I still don't consider myself "good" since I'm entirely self taught.

Quote from: V M on February 01, 2013, 06:36:06 AMWhat style?

I play mostly acoustic stuff since I believe that sounds the best. Mostly rock in that regards. I've also been practicing metal riffs on electric guitar as of late to try something different.

Quote from: V M on February 01, 2013, 06:36:06 AMWhat kind of guitars/instruments do you have?

I own a BC Rich Warlock I bought for $30 dollars at a garage sale when I was sixteen. I got an amp with it and thought it looked cool at the time. I rarely play it anymore

I own a 2004 Fender Stratocaster, Metallic Blue finish. Bought for like 50 off of craigslist.

I also own a mitchell MD100 acoustic guitar I bought from a friend who was on tough times. I gave him $100, even though I know it's worth a bit less than that.

So as a trend, I go for cheap guitars that have a decent sound to them.

Quote from: V M on February 01, 2013, 06:36:06 AMWhat kind of guitars/instruments do you lust after?

Too many to list. I hope one day to start a guitar collection. But I'd say my top two to add are a Gibson SG and a Les Paul.

Quote from: V M on February 01, 2013, 06:36:06 AMHow would you feel about a band consisting of trans people?

I'd listen to them.

kira21 ♡♡♡

I play guitar and a bunch of other instruments. :-) I mix and master music too. 

I have had quite a few guitars but my favourite is a beat up Yamaha with flat wounds on it.  Love their mellow sound and soft action.  :-)


I own a guitar but as far as knowing how to play it that's another story.  :icon_rockon:


Wow a topic I was thinking about creating!! I am an avid fingerstyle guitar player. My preferred instrument is Martin. I own 5 guitars. One is a handmade classical guitar built by Sebastian stenzel, a giannini craviola 12 string guitar that was given to me by a coworker last year!! I also have Yamaha fg75 red label guitar.

The only thing is those are cool guitars but they aren't martins. There is something about a Martin, the sound is so much more brilliant, the bass is fuller heck I even feel professional playing one :) my 2 martins are an omcpa1 and a 000. The 000 was a special guitar that was limited and classified as a finger picker guitar and was only made for 2 or 3 years I think.

I almost never use a pick or finger picks. I love the raw sound of just my fingers. The sound is much more pure and personal. I actually used to have a website with links to mp3s of my music. It starts to get expensive after a while so I took it down.

I have a theory and it might just be me projecting. I think that trans people in general are able to use more of their brains (left and right side) which is why we are good at music and artistic things. Self expression comes easier, it's my theory :)


Quote from: Kayla on February 01, 2013, 07:03:04 AM
. I hope one day to start a guitar collection. But I'd say my top two to add are a Gibson SG and a Les Paul.

I'd listen to them.

I used to have an early 70s era Gibson SG black sabbath edition electric. I'm not a huge fan of electric guitars so I sold it after I had it for about 10 years or so. It had the mother of pearl skull and cross bones and shooting stars coming out around the body and up the neck. I sold it for around $1500 or so. I think I used the money to pay for electrolysis lol. The last time I saw one was about 5 years ago and it was selling for $10k. I guess it was more valuable than I thought!!


Quote from: Zumbagirl on February 01, 2013, 08:33:21 AM
I used to have an early 70s era Gibson SG black sabbath edition electric. I'm not a huge fan of electric guitars so I sold it after I had it for about 10 years or so. It had the mother of pearl skull and cross bones and shooting stars coming out around the body and up the neck. I sold it for around $1500 or so. I think I used the money to pay for electrolysis lol. The last time I saw one was about 5 years ago and it was selling for $10k. I guess it was more valuable than I thought!!

I'm so jelly... though I think selling it for electrolysis money was well worth it.


When I was diagnosed with a condition that could potentially leave me blind I used guitar lessons as a sort of (ADD:psychological) therapy. It really helped a lot.

And since it was classical, nylon-stringed guitar it also had a nice side benefit of learning Nail Care 101 :D I still like to do them in that asymmetrical way classical guitar players do, even though I don't really play anymore.

Victoria L.

I play the bassoon. It's always fun to play an instrument that most people don't even have any clue is.  :D

I've been playing for just over six years now. I started nearly a year after I joined here (and I still haven't took even one step toward transitioning  :( ). I've been playing instruments for 13 years now, though. I started on the trumpet, tried the clarinet, and eventually came to the bassoon.

I recently got a tenor saxophone (for marching band, but I really love it altogether), and I hope to get to play the oboe as well, someday. If I do that I will be playing all three of my favorite instruments, and that would be cool!


I play guitar (acoustic and electric), bass (electric), drums,  keys, piano, and I sing.

Currently play in a Seattle rock band that gigs pretty regularly.

Kinda anxious about gigs this year as I transition. ... we may not be famous but I do have a public image. I'm terrified of playing shows and presenting as female :(


My house is full of instruments that nobody plays. My roommate mainly plays drums but also guitar and I think it's a vocoder and a keyboard and I'm not sure what else but he's been moping for at least a year, not playing. My daughter begged me for a guitar for a long time and then when I got her one she had no interest in it. We've got little tambourines and thumb harps and such floating around.

I used to play bass a little and trumpet a little, but I can't do either or read music anymore.

I can holler and sing. ;D

everybody's house is haunted


The main things to remember in life are Love, Kindness, Understanding and Respect - Always make forward progress

Superficial fanny kissing friends are a dime a dozen, a TRUE FRIEND however is PRICELESS

- V M

Emily Aster

I've played a few over the years. My mother taught me piano when I was 5, I played the trombone in the school bands starting around 9, and I played the electric guitar starting at around 12 (mainly for the metal guitar solos). I was also in various choruses all through my school years. The only one I still remember how to play, and do still play, is the piano.

I have a Yamaha digital piano, with the hammer action that feels like a real piano and of course 88 keys. I have it running through an amplifier to enhance the sound. Wish I had an actual grand piano... and some big strong men to move it for me.

I mainly just play classical music, although I do like to play songs from musicals that were adapted to piano. By far my favorite composer is Liszt.


I know how to play a guitar but it's not a hobby of mine. I just know what I learned in school. I haven't played one in practically a year.


Been playing since the eighties. Really prefer an SG, used to be Gibsons but it's Epiphones. I've got four of 'em. As for music, Metal of anykind but preferably I play a lot of Sabbath, basic you know. I also play a lot of AC/DC, another band that is all about the basics. If you haven't figured it out yet I love the basic hard driven sound. As for trans bands, wasn't that the whole genre in the 80's? I remember playing in a band in full makeup covering Motley Crue songs. And I looked kinda cute, even if I do say so myself. Definately felt natural.


Quote from: V M on February 01, 2013, 06:36:06 AM
Do any of you play?
I play electric Bass

Quote from: V M on February 01, 2013, 06:36:06 AM
How long have you played?
Since Senior Year of High School so that would be about 18 Years

Quote from: V M on February 01, 2013, 06:36:06 AM
What style?
Rock &metal .. More Hard Rock now, I've slowed down in my age

Quote from: V M on February 01, 2013, 06:36:06 AM
What kind of guitars/instruments do you have? What kind of guitars/instruments do you lust after?
I own the Following:
Tokai Jazz Sounds Bass
Schecter Diamond Series Damian 4
SGC Nanyo Bass Collection 301
B.C. Rich Platinum Series Warlock

In Fact Here is an older Picture of my Basses, I don't have the Gray Bass anymore. The Tokai is all fixed (red Bass) as well as the SGC (wood Bass) has knobs and some stickers on it.

I lust after:
Ibanez Proline PL5050 (Had one got rid of it like an idiot :( )
Jackson Kelly Bass
Fender P-Jazz 5 String (and it has to be in Coral Pink)

Quote from: V M on February 01, 2013, 06:36:06 AM
How would you feel about a band consisting of trans people?
I think it would be pretty cool actually



Guitar here.  I think I started in 98' on my Fender.  Dabble on bass.

People don't run away when I sing at karaoke.


Wanted to be in a band for a long time myself.  Bar cover band would be fine.  Think it'd be fun!  I just have no idea how to start one...

Ooooooohhhhhhh now that I'm full time imagine the fun outfits I could buy!!!!!  Squeeeee!!!!


Quote from: Misato33 on February 25, 2013, 09:09:43 PM
Guitar here.  I think I started in 98' on my Fender.  Dabble on bass.

People don't run away when I sing at karaoke.


Wanted to be in a band for a long time myself.  Bar cover band would be fine.  Think it'd be fun!  I just have no idea how to start one...

Ooooooohhhhhhh now that I'm full time imagine the fun outfits I could buy!!!!!  Squeeeee!!!!
Quote from: Misato33 on February 25, 2013, 09:09:43 PM
Guitar here.  I think I started in 98' on my Fender.  Dabble on bass.

People don't run away when I sing at karaoke.


Wanted to be in a band for a long time myself.  Bar cover band would be fine.  Think it'd be fun!  I just have no idea how to start one...

Ooooooohhhhhhh now that I'm full time imagine the fun outfits I could buy!!!!!  Squeeeee!!!!

People don't run when I sing Karaoke either, they fall to the floor with blood running out of their ears. As for staring a band, go to the local music store and write your info, the genre you play and so on state as to whether you want to start or just try to join one already established.

And for any professional musicians out there really wanting to make it big, always remember the crossroads and when you sign a contract with the devil, your soul is his.


I dabbled in guitar for years but I really sucked so I finally gave it up. I have a keyboard but I can't play it in the musical sense because my hands don't really sync up in the right way to play it properly. I just use it to make trippy soundscapes with delay pedals and whatnot.