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Which faith is this?

Started by Hazumu, May 18, 2007, 11:06:36 PM

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At work, I videotape ceremonies that include an invocation.

One of the regular attendees (pretty highly placed in the 'food-chain',) has a unique 'posture' during the invocation prayer.

This person stands still as if listening to a distant sound, face upturned and looking toward the sunlight.  The body is straight, as are the arms, which are held slightly away from the body. Palms are held inward and open, with fingers outstretched.  This person maintains this posture throughout the invocation prayer, however long.

What faith is this?  Is this a person a trannie can trust, or should I be extra careful around this person until I find out for sure this person is not a threat?

Assistance/advice/information is very appreciated, thank you;


David W. Shelton

This sounds a little like something I'd expect to see in a Charismatic prayer meeting. Such people are VERY devout in their faith, and such a posture is indicative of a perception of God as both judgmental and passionate in His love.

I can see this person being both a fiercely loyal friend... and pretty judgmental. My thought is if there's something in your "gut" that says she's not to be trusted... follow that. And if you hear that still small voice to pass by... then pass by.

I know it's vague, but it's all I can figure out.


David, thank you for your insights.

I have some other contacts I can exploit for further information.  And what you wrote matches up with other behaviour this person has displayed.

It's enough right now to know I should be 'on guard' when around this person.



David W. Shelton

BWAWK! Red alert! Shields up!



Someone I knew used to do something similar.  She said she was communicating with Mastema.  At that time, I did not know who Mastema was, but afterwards I found out that Mastema was Satan.  I'd stay away from that person if I were you.

David W. Shelton


Well, that's a new one!


Quote from: Tink on May 19, 2007, 09:33:42 PM
I don't know if Mastema (or Beherit if you will) could be found within the rays of the sun since he is a dark entity....but yes Karen, that person is definitely someone you should try to stay away from. 

Actually there's this lady at work who does something similar in the cafeteria.  She looks up at whatever, extends her hands and utters something in Enochian.  People are already used to her, but she does come across as someone eccentric and rather looney.......

Who knows who she talks to but I'm certain that it is nothing from this world, perhaps an angel, a demon, or Beherit himself?!

tink :icon_chick:

Hmmmmmm, sounds like OTO or Golden Dawn. The stance Karen mentioned sounds like something they would use. Could also be Thelemic. The stance is commonly refered to as a Goddess stance of an invocation stance. It's been around for awhile. Various cultures used a form of it. Egyptians and various others.....Babylonians too if I'm not mistaken.