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Are you technically an FTM or MTF if you don't plan on getting the surgeries?

Started by Samson99, October 17, 2010, 10:55:40 PM

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I understand, but no....with TG-ing one is in a "state" if you will 24/7. Their lively hood is that of whatever sex they fill has NOT BEEN Adequately supplied...Our mannerism...Our daily living etc is as a TG-male 34/7....WE DON"T want too, nor DO WE wish too, go back and dawn on female clothing, if you are a TG-male, or male clothing if you are a TG-female

Some feel that Crossdresser, put on the opposite clothing, because it has to do with sexual aesthetics...that might be true, and still there are those that feel, Crossdresser "crossdress" because they harbor some OMG dare I say it "Homosexual" tendency...again that may be true too...I don't know what "lurks" in the minds of those individuals, except what most tell me; that is aesthetically pleasing to most...they enjoy the feel of "Silk" stockings against their legs etc...or they like the power male clothes offer them...etc...and yes some or "closet so-called-homosexuals..." but they are NOT willing to give up their "current" life, to satisfy their so-called fantasy they engage in "role" playing to satisfy their huge appetite...

It's not that way with TG-ers our life is 24/7...again our mannerism etc...WE are willing to make that transformation...because, simple put, WE know who WE are...and we're NOT afraid to "walk" that extra mile of becoming who WE know WE should be....

::) Regan I do hope this is clearer now...Thanks, and as regard to hormones, if you are taking will transform internally, as well as outwardly...sooo you are moving forward, into transformation to whatever form you choose....Crossdresser are not on hormones, @least, not to my knowledge, and live a Dbl-life if you will...NOT to step on anyones toes here ;D

Transgender is a "State" of the mind...WE are/were without a doubt...placed in the wrong form
Crossdressing is an "Aesthetic" state of mind...You Crossdress because IT is pleasing to YOU...IT pleases YOU to wear male or female clothing, and there is a difference...regardless if you are in "drag" 24/7

simply put, if you are a female2male and you wear "panties" like Victoria's secret, under your clothes, regardless if they are the boy ones, and you dress 24/7, chances are YOU are a Crossdresser, but if you wear, "Calvein Klein, Chaps, BVD's etc" under you clothing, and you pack/ bind, chances are, YOU are a TransGender male...with ***Surgery*** being optional, because your "STATE-OF-MIND" is already there...


Quote from: Samson on October 17, 2010, 10:55:40 PM
This is something that I've been trying to figure out for a while. Is it accurate to identify, in my case, as FTM if I don't have any intention of getting surgeries to make myself more like the gender I believe I am? I've been asked how do I identify before, and I'm always at a bit of a loss on how to respond. I know labels aren't everything, but I hate sounding wishy-washy about who I am when asked.

If a T-woman is unfomfortable with her male gentelalia, then she is transsexual, if not, then she is transgender. And vice versa.
Even in death, may I be triumphant.


 As someone who is not able to afford transitioning because I am disabled, I can tell you that I do consider myself to be a female trapped in a males body. There are many reasons for some that keep them from transitioning ranging from finances, to medical, to fear of rejection. This does not mean that just because one can not transition that the inner struggle ends. I know in my case not being able to transition has deepened my struggle with GID and made it much more complicated to deal with. The thing is with the words m2f/f2m and even the words transsexual, transgender, ect is that they are just labels that define what we are. They do not define who we are. I know some people have to define what they are before they actually start figuring out who they are and what they want. Personally I didn't have to do this because I know who I am. I am a woman trapped in a man's body and I accept that. Don't like it but I accept it and it is a day to day battle with that acceptance because I can not transition. When you are in a situation like mine one has two choices...either accept who you are and what you are or struggle with the torment of depression, anger, thoughts of suicide, ect... because you can't transition for what ever reason.

Being non op is very difficult because after the make up comes off and the breast forms come out there is always that wrong physically gendered person staring back at you in the mirror. And there are many days it is very hard to deal with and accept. For many years I lived in the depression, anger, and thoughts of suicide of it all. But after years of counseling I came to a place of some sort of  acceptance of my situation and of who I am. And although I can't transition I do express myself as the woman I am. I spend 95% of the time in my true gender role (female) and maybe at birth I came out as naked little boy but when I die I will go out expressing my true gender and femininity. Because I have put that in my will. No one can or ever will convince me that I am not female because no one knows me better than I know myself.

So you might try looking at who you are rather than what you are :)...Huggsss...Katrina


Mahsa Tezani

I plan on getting a rhinoplasty and a lip augumentation...If I can find a rich man(or my boyfriend) to finance boobies. I'd gladly do that.

But I've opted not to have srs. My issues were always with the dsyphoria of my appearance rather than the actual genitials themselves. People are what they say they are... Identity is a personal issue with many.


Yeah because you still identify as a boy or a girl despite your biological sex


(I couldn't find what are the forum policies regarding reviving old threads, some forums like it, some forums hate it. I was thinking of starting a thread pretty much with this same concept until I found this one)

I was thinking lately, the terms MTF and FTM would be referring strictly to sex/biology: "one is born with female genitalia/hormones but transitions into male" or viceversa... however, would it really refer to gender?  For those people who always identified as the opposite gender, would the term be fitting? How could someone really be an FTM for example (in terms of gender) if they never really felt female in the first place? So maybe that's where the "Trans-man" "trans-woman" terms come into place.

I take it then that MTF and FTM should be used when emphasizing biological transition and the others in regards to gender identity.


We are not real happy about reviving old threads but sometimes it's the best option. The system could be set to auto lock the threads after a set period of time but that setting remains off so the threads can be revived by a non staff member.

The terms apply to somebody who is transitioning or wants to transition. The transition may be a medical transition or a social transition. They are labels that are self identified as gender dysphoria is a self identified condition.
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Cailan Jerika

And as usual the non-binary are left out.

Transgender is an umbrella term encompassing MtF, FtM, bi-gender, genderfluid, agender, androgyne, and anyone else who is not cisgender. If your gender isn't the same as your physical body, the traditional male-female binary match between mind and body, then you're transgender.

It was my understanding that the modern use of transsexual is a post-op transgender person of any of the above groups; someone who is fully medically transitioned. But then it depends on which forum you're on as to what definitions people are using.



Quote from: LaPapito on August 15, 2011, 04:19:47 PM
I understand, but no....with TG-ing one is in a "state" if you will 24/7. Their lively hood is that of whatever sex they fill has NOT BEEN Adequately supplied...Our mannerism...Our daily living etc is as a TG-male 34/7....WE DON"T want too, nor DO WE wish too, go back and dawn on female clothing, if you are a TG-male, or male clothing if you are a TG-female

Some feel that Crossdresser, put on the opposite clothing, because it has to do with sexual aesthetics...that might be true, and still there are those that feel, Crossdresser "crossdress" because they harbor some OMG dare I say it "Homosexual" tendency...again that may be true too...I don't know what "lurks" in the minds of those individuals, except what most tell me; that is aesthetically pleasing to most...they enjoy the feel of "Silk" stockings against their legs etc...or they like the power male clothes offer them...etc...and yes some or "closet so-called-homosexuals..." but they are NOT willing to give up their "current" life, to satisfy their so-called fantasy they engage in "role" playing to satisfy their huge appetite...

It's not that way with TG-ers our life is 24/7...again our mannerism etc...WE are willing to make that transformation...because, simple put, WE know who WE are...and we're NOT afraid to "walk" that extra mile of becoming who WE know WE should be....

::) Regan I do hope this is clearer now...Thanks, and as regard to hormones, if you are taking will transform internally, as well as outwardly...sooo you are moving forward, into transformation to whatever form you choose....Crossdresser are not on hormones, @least, not to my knowledge, and live a Dbl-life if you will...NOT to step on anyones toes here ;D

Transgender is a "State" of the mind...WE are/were without a doubt...placed in the wrong form
Crossdressing is an "Aesthetic" state of mind...You Crossdress because IT is pleasing to YOU...IT pleases YOU to wear male or female clothing, and there is a difference...regardless if you are in "drag" 24/7

simply put, if you are a female2male and you wear "panties" like Victoria's secret, under your clothes, regardless if they are the boy ones, and you dress 24/7, chances are YOU are a Crossdresser, but if you wear, "Calvein Klein, Chaps, BVD's etc" under you clothing, and you pack/ bind, chances are, YOU are a TransGender male...with ***Surgery*** being optional, because your "STATE-OF-MIND" is already there...

I feel like some of this is confusing gender identity with gender expression. I believe you can still be transgender but not necessarily wear all the clothes of your target gender all of the time. A trans-woman might wear boxers or not wear a bra and still identify fully as a woman, just like a cis-woman could. A trans-man might wear feminine jewelry or heels and still identify fully as a man, just as a cis-man could. Personally, I believe that identifying as a man or woman or whatever is far deeper than just what clothing you wear.

For me, I still identify as an FTM even though I'm somewhat genderqueer/non-binary and still like some clothing/accessories associated with women. If a cis-man can express himself femininely without being considered a woman, why should this be different for a trans-man?