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Started by Rachel, June 24, 2007, 12:24:20 AM

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Hi Marco

About auto writing, yes it is a true phenomena but along with many other phenomena that can not yet be proven scientifically. Because something cannot be proven scientifically or observed directly with scientific instruments doesn't mean it doesn't exist, it just means that they are things that yet remain unseen. Most of science 90% is theoretical and about 75% can only be proposed as a possible reality through inference. Beyond this point we enter Einsteins proposed realm of infinite potentialities.

Anyway yes I am quite aware of autowriting. I have had this ability for a long time but was not aware that i had it, and to this day it still remains much of a mystery as to just how it works, unless one believes in being in harmony with the Universal source. All souls are as one within the Oneness. Messaging to anyone anywhere on the metaphysical grids or mtrix is possible so that any given knowledge could be coming to us from any number of origins on the grid.

Like if you are sitting at your keyboard stumped as to what to say. You then start with one word and the next thing you know yo have an entire page written out. Upon editing you are left scratching your head trying to figure out where all the thoughts you wrote came from??????

There are many phenomena we experience but we may not necessarily be able to account or explain it to anyone else. You can read someones horoscope without benefit of the book and they will just stand slack jawed like they just saw a one eyed, one horned fly purple people eater from planet X.



Wing Walker

Hi, Ell,

I have called myself the "Resident Cynic" in many discussions of things metaphysical and spiritual.  There are things that i have seen that are unexplained in my world.  I am in no way selling anyone on what I believe or don't believe and I am working diligently to keep this post simply a comparison of what I have come to see, believe, or strongly suspect with your statements.

Quotei believe that much regarding metaphysics is self-deception.

Yes, I agree with that.  If self-deception wasn't so common there wouldn't be a war anyplace, Iraq or otherwise.  No responsible leader starts a war without being self-deceiving in that it can be won with no loss of life.  And so it is for some people who believe that metaphysics is the "be-all, end-all, do-all" in this Universe.  Too much belief can hinder a reasonable analysis of occurrences and phenomena.  There are people who are too other-worldly minded to do very much good in this world.  At this point I quote the late President Reagan to Mr. Gorbachev about perestroika:  "Trust, but verify."  Belief must be subject to individual scrutiny. 

There is nothing wrong with having faith in the existence of something or its lack of existence but I feel it necessary to examine, then believe or not believe.

Quotei also feel that many mainstream religions are just full of deceptions

I could not agree more.  Enough said.

Quotei do not believe in spirits, either worldly or otherwise.

I do believe in spirits, all over this Universe and in the other Multiverses.  That is my personal belief.  I believe that the fact that I cannot see something does not mean it doesn't exist.  There is an ancient joke that my dad told me.  He heard it on the radio, the Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy Show, popular in the 1930s:  "Which is farther away (from the U.S.), the moon or Africa.  Answer:  Africa.  Why?  On a clear night I can see the moon but I can't see Africa."  That little exchange between two ventriloquist dummies, Charlie McCarthy and Mortimer Snerd is more than just a good one-liner.  It's a good place for me to start when I question the existence of anything.

Quotebut, having said these cautionary disclaimers, i believe it is true that people can find ways to achieve self-improvement. (i assume that your purpose in this effort is to improve yourself as a person).

i am one who is in great need of self-improvement, both in my interactions with others and especially with developing my own will-power.

Ahhhhh, yes, the will power.  It's not the will power that I lack.  It's the won't power.

One can improve themselves as a person but it won't work without a purpose, and that purpose must be shared with the world at-large.  If it's kept at home in the dresser drawer it's time wasted.  May I suggest a book or two that might be useful to you?

"How to Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie  This is a wonderful handbook of basic human relations.  It doesn't use subterfuge or anything unethical, just common sense.

"Back Off!"  by Martha Langelan  This is a field manual for understanding gender and sexual harassment and a great guide book to motivations.  It has saved my butt many times because I was aware of harassment and others had no idea that I would respond as I did.  This one is out of print but it is available from Amazon.

"The Master Key to Riches" by Napoleon Hill  This book does not have the prescription to making a lot of money, although its knowledge  can't hurt if you're a business owner or aspire to a more pleasurable life.

Again, we are dealing with that which is unseen:  knowledge, emotions, beliefs, and geography.

Quotemy approach, as i have mentioned on several other threads on this site, is to try and establish contact with a very remote part of my consciousness. it's belief structures are different than my own:
a) it is extremely tolerant of others (even with hostile opinions) whereas i often am not.
b) it seldom, if ever, gets angry, whereas that is common for me
c) it has a subtle and gentle personality, whereas i am often "in your face"

my goal is to allow this very remote aspect of myself a free hand in the building and re-structuring of my personality, which, i am the first to admit, has some serious flaws.

Good on you!  An open mind to self-improvement and concrete, discernible goals are wonderful tools for growth.  Please start with the first book that I mentioned above.  The first chapter is titled, "If You Want to Gather Honey, Don't Kick-over the Hive."

Quotei will be watching your progress with interest, with the hope that i can learn something from you and others along the way. good luck!

If I can be of any use to you, that would help me in my growth and progress.  Please post with me here or send me a PM.  I have no belief system to share and I am not an evangelist.  I know that what I have seen is a whole lot less than what I haven't seen, and what I can see is worlds less than what is not visible to me.

I bid you be well and happy.  I hope that I have said something useful.  I am the most cynical about myself.

Wing Walker
Can anyone see gravity?



Quote from: Wing Walker on October 14, 2007, 08:20:40 PM
Hi, Ell,

I have called myself the "Resident Cynic" in many discussions of things metaphysical and spiritual.  There are things that i have seen that are unexplained in my world.  I am in no way selling anyone on what I believe or don't believe and I am working diligently to keep this post simply a comparison of what I have come to see, believe, or strongly suspect with your statements.

Quotei believe that much regarding metaphysics is self-deception.

Yes, I agree with that.  If self-deception wasn't so common there wouldn't be a war anyplace, Iraq or otherwise.  No responsible leader starts a war without being self-deceiving in that it can be won with no loss of life.  And so it is for some people who believe that metaphysics is the "be-all, end-all, do-all" in this Universe.  Too much belief can hinder a reasonable analysis of occurrences and phenomena.  There are people who are too other-worldly minded to do very much good in this world.  At this point I quote the late President Reagan to Mr. Gorbachev about perestroika:  "Trust, but verify."  Belief must be subject to individual scrutiny. 

There is nothing wrong with having faith in the existence of something or its lack of existence but I feel it necessary to examine, then believe or not believe.

Quotei also feel that many mainstream religions are just full of deceptions

I could not agree more.  Enough said.

Quotei do not believe in spirits, either worldly or otherwise.

I do believe in spirits, all over this Universe and in the other Multiverses.  That is my personal belief.  I believe that the fact that I cannot see something does not mean it doesn't exist.  There is an ancient joke that my dad told me.  He heard it on the radio, the Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy Show, popular in the 1930s:  "Which is farther away (from the U.S.), the moon or Africa.  Answer:  Africa.  Why?  On a clear night I can see the moon but I can't see Africa."  That little exchange between two ventriloquist dummies, Charlie McCarthy and Mortimer Snerd is more than just a good one-liner.  It's a good place for me to start when I question the existence of anything.

Quotebut, having said these cautionary disclaimers, i believe it is true that people can find ways to achieve self-improvement. (i assume that your purpose in this effort is to improve yourself as a person).

i am one who is in great need of self-improvement, both in my interactions with others and especially with developing my own will-power.

Ahhhhh, yes, the will power.  It's not the will power that I lack.  It's the won't power.

One can improve themselves as a person but it won't work without a purpose, and that purpose must be shared with the world at-large.  If it's kept at home in the dresser drawer it's time wasted.  May I suggest a book or two that might be useful to you?

"How to Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie  This is a wonderful handbook of basic human relations.  It doesn't use subterfuge or anything unethical, just common sense.

"Back Off!"  by Martha Langelan  This is a field manual for understanding gender and sexual harassment and a great guide book to motivations.  It has saved my butt many times because I was aware of harassment and others had no idea that I would respond as I did.  This one is out of print but it is available from Amazon.

"The Master Key to Riches" by Napoleon Hill  This book does not have the prescription to making a lot of money, although its knowledge  can't hurt if you're a business owner or aspire to a more pleasurable life.

Again, we are dealing with that which is unseen:  knowledge, emotions, beliefs, and geography.

Quotemy approach, as i have mentioned on several other threads on this site, is to try and establish contact with a very remote part of my consciousness. it's belief structures are different than my own:
a) it is extremely tolerant of others (even with hostile opinions) whereas i often am not.
b) it seldom, if ever, gets angry, whereas that is common for me
c) it has a subtle and gentle personality, whereas i am often "in your face"

my goal is to allow this very remote aspect of myself a free hand in the building and re-structuring of my personality, which, i am the first to admit, has some serious flaws.

Good on you!  An open mind to self-improvement and concrete, discernible goals are wonderful tools for growth.  Please start with the first book that I mentioned above.  The first chapter is titled, "If You Want to Gather Honey, Don't Kick-over the Hive."

Quotei will be watching your progress with interest, with the hope that i can learn something from you and others along the way. good luck!

If I can be of any use to you, that would help me in my growth and progress.  Please post with me here or send me a PM.  I have no belief system to share and I am not an evangelist.  I know that what I have seen is a whole lot less than what I haven't seen, and what I can see is worlds less than what is not visible to me.

I bid you be well and happy.  I hope that I have said something useful.  I am the most cynical about myself.

Wing Walker
Can anyone see gravity?

Thanks for the awesome reply.


Beyond my comprehension

by cynthiag932

Astronomers Select Top Ten Most Amazing Pictures Taken by Hubble Space Telescope in Last 16 Years
"...they illustrate that our universe is not only deeply strange, but also almost impossibly beautiful."
Michael Hanlon/AH (Nov 25th, 2006)
After correcting an initial problem with the lens, when the Hubble Space Telescope was first launched in 1990, the floating astro-observatory began to relay back to Earth, incredible snapshots of the "final frontier" it was perusing.
Recently, astronauts voted on the top photographs taken by Hubble, in its 16-year journey so far. Remarking in the article from the Daily Mail, reporter Michael Hanlon says the photos "illustrate that our universe is not only deeply strange, but also almost impossibly beautiful."
  I'll say.  And mind-boggling.   Sort of puts things into perspective, too, don't you think?


Posted on: October 20, 2007, 02:20:45 AM[/size]
Elder's Meditation of the Day November 3

"A sundance woman is like the morning star, filled with spiritual beauty, wisdom and knowledge. Men and women are the most powerful of the polarities. We walk beside men as equal partners. It takes men and women who have respect and love for one another to live within the embrace of Father Sky and Mother Earth."    

--Dr. Henrietta Mann, SOUTHERN CHEYENNE
Our ceremonies bring out the best in us. It's in the ceremony that we find the place of honor and respect for each other. The place where the men honor the women and the women honor the men. We dance for each other. The ceremony helps us remember our responsibility toward each other. Men and women need to be strong, to love one another and be faithful. Only by doing this can we give our children knowledge of good relationships.

Great Spirit, today I will notice the power of the women; today I will notice the power of the men



I started out with meditation which is amazing and relaxes me so much. I do believe in spirits of all kinds (I tend to interchange god/goddess with spirit). Meditation is what led me to my spirit guide (a wolf), elements, and metaphysics. I am Earth and Water (I seem to be equivalent in both I may be changing which is primary and secondary or I may simply be primary in both).

One of the biggest things I do, do is ask the spirits to protect me from those around me and those around me from me as I am an energy vampire and don't particularly wish to take in unwanted energy especially from those not expecting it as I am still teaching myself to control the energy vampirism. Not all energy vampires are bad. If you don't have a diety to ask for help, just learn to put up some barriers when working with energy because you never know who will walk by and feel or unintentionally steal or add to the energy you are working with. I have a tendency to do that to my friends who forget to put up the energy barriers :-\

Also get in contact with whatever elements energy you are working with and always respect the energy. As I work in a 4 element system (earth, air, fire, water) it's not hard. There is a different feeling in the energy of different elements. There are some people who can change the energy of one element to another, for me this is easy. When working with friends I tend to be an energy dump as I can simply make all of the energy that has been put together in to earth and/or water and then safely return it to the water and/or earth. Mostly you have to experiment, safely of course :), with people of other elements to figure out the differences. This took me a while and I'm still only at the point of being able to know the energy isn't earth or water since I am such a natural at transforming energy.

Do not forget to discharge whatever extra energy you are working with or you may hurt some unexpecting person. Again I have to admit to being taken out (got very dizzy and had to lay down) do to someone forgetting to discharge and getting to close to me because I just took their excess energy.

I tend to like being around people particularly happy people because I tend to feel whatever anyone else around me feels. There have been many a joke about me turning into good friends of mine because I spend a lot of time with them and pick up their energy. I just wish people would learn to leave me alone when I need time for me without everyone else's energy around so I can deal with me and my emotions.


Hi, Stephen,

Before I begin, welcome to Susan's.

Very interesting read. Would you by chance be a student to be Shaman? I learned much of both Shamanism and Wicca some years ago there are some very interesting legends and traditions.  I was born an empath and I am two-spirited so I am not a stranger to knowing about the four earth elements, the movement of the elements of the Universe, and spirituality.  Both faiths have a similarity as far as earth, air, fire and water go, the planetary elements.

The Ojibwa Natives of Ontario call the Sun Father, the Earth Mother, Grandmother Moon and Grandfather Stars. From the Grandfather Stars we came and to the Grandfather Stars so shall we return. I have also discovered that being on HRT may amplify ones sensitivities and perception to the elements and energies around one's self.

When I started transitioning, my heightened sensitivities nearly drove me batty. I couldn't even go out of the apartment from August 2007 when my mate and I moved here to Vancouver, BC. until the end of January 2008.  But that was not without determination and plain forcing myself to do so. I have learned to a greater degree how to use the elements to allow the energies to flow around and through me. It works quite well. 

I am also aware when my energy fields go up to the point a lot of people feel it although I don't believe they know what it is as such. Sometimes these energies are extreme but if it is positive energy it affects people around me likewise.  It feels good to affect folks in a positive manner. 



Shamanism is one area I have been looking into as it seems to fit really well with my ideas. I have my ideas and try to find stuff to incorporate them with. I do not just take one religion I combine many into what my idea (belief) system is.


Hi Stephen, so have I, gathered information and compared one with the other added some to this and removing some from here and replacing it with that, a quilt work faith. Why stagnate in one place when there is an infinitum of ideas and theories out there. It is a wonderful thing though to see science actually doing research into the spiritual in order to get around the gaps between reality, well reality as perceived through there eyes and mind. Eventually all roads will lead to the infinite potentialities and all will be as magic.
