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Male and Female Gender Cells Require Lifelong Maintenance; Or Else You May Turn

Started by LearnedHand, May 26, 2014, 08:09:18 AM

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Author: Samantha Olson, Source: Medical Daily

According to a recent study [. . .] the cells that determine sex continue to [work] to maintain sexual determination and protection against one of the sex cells overpowering and reprogramming a person's gender.

"If DMRT1 is not there to act as a guardian of maleness, retinoic acid has the potential to activate genes driving male-to-female transdifferentiation."
ਮਨਿ ਜੀਤੈ ਜਗੁ ਜੀਤੁ


And on a semi-related note.. scientists are have developed lab-grown vaginas for replacement or reconstructive purposes.. still, a long way off (may not even be possible) for m2f patients.

Megan Joanne

Quote from: Nimrata (aka LH) on May 26, 2014, 08:09:18 AM
Author: Samantha Olson, Source: Medical Daily

According to a recent study [. . .] the cells that determine sex continue to [work] to maintain sexual determination and protection against one of the sex cells overpowering and reprogramming a person's gender.

"If DMRT1 is not there to act as a guardian of maleness, retinoic acid has the potential to activate genes driving male-to-female transdifferentiation."

Sounds good. Now if only my cells would cooperate. This is something I've pondered for a time, especially being how there are a few animals out there that are able to change their sex when needed, why can't we do that too. Maybe someday, soon, they'll find a way to fix that little problem. Maybe someday anyone willing to change their sex would be able to with no need of constantly injecting hormones nor ever needing an operation. Perhaps its a little too sci-fi, but hey, let me enjoy my brief little fantasy.


Quote from: Nimrata (aka LH) on May 26, 2014, 08:09:18 AM
Author: Samantha Olson, Source: Medical Daily

According to a recent study [. . .] the cells that determine sex continue to [work] to maintain sexual determination and protection against one of the sex cells overpowering and reprogramming a person's gender.

"If DMRT1 is not there to act as a guardian of maleness, retinoic acid has the potential to activate genes driving male-to-female transdifferentiation."

The article needs some editing but it was interesting read all the same.


Yes. A bit of editing. Its a funny thing that, how the human brain can, auto correct. Somthing simple as a Y wear an X should be.

But yay, I now know what my sister was on about when she was talking about trans genes. (Its scary she does more reasearch then I do, But I think thats so she has more to say to her children then take my word for it.)

I suppose thats because I Dont need science to proove its possible, I Just know.
but Im glad those that need proof look for it. :)

Thanks for sharing.