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Maths and Programming

Started by Zeda, January 16, 2013, 11:51:52 PM

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Hey, I am surprised this isn't a hobby that somebody has mentioned yet! Mathematics is my obsession and programming is what keeps me sane. I mostly program calculators, though. Computers are not my thing XD So, does anybody else enjoy these? I love to share my notes if anybody is interested :3
~Sleep well and dream hard.~
~I'm a Z80 programmer!~


Give us an example - what are you programming on a calculator?



Well, I've made simple hello world programs, quadratic solvers, tic-tac-toe, a ton of math programs and some games, among other things. For example:
This is my most recent project. I basically made a file and folder system for BASIC programmers to easily access:

Basically, I am trying to make a higher level language, so you can do things like:

COPY( DonkeyKong.ION,Zeda/Games DK.ION)
OPEN( DonkeyKong.ION)

I've made well over a hundred tools and utilities for programmers over the years. I recently wrote something for exploring Group files that I thought was pretty cool, I made a program called BatLib that is the smallest size it can be for an app and it is the most function packed library for BASIC programmers. I made the Grammer programming language (the name is meant as a pun, by the way). It is an interpreted programming language that has decent speed for graphics and it has been used by others to write programs for contests. It can do some snazzy things:

As for math stuff, is there a way to use LaTeX code? I have some interesting identities and proofs :3 For example, I have a fairly easy proof that the sum from i=0 to n of (-1)i(aCi)(a-iCa-n)=0 (if I typed that properly).

I like those calculators because they run on a sorely outdated processor, using a slow, monochrome LCD at 6MHz or 15MHz and since the processor is not "tunneled" or whatever the term is, instructions take a different number of clock cycles to execute (instead of 1 as it is on most systems, now), so it runs at about 640 times slower than my computer (which runs at 1.6GHz). It makes for a nice challenge. Oh, and it's RAM is about 24KB. My computer has 125000 times as much RAM.
~Sleep well and dream hard.~
~I'm a Z80 programmer!~

Emily Aster

I used to come home from school and do Calculus and Physics for fun, then write code for fun too. Now that I get paid to do this stuff, it's not fun anymore. I play video games for fun instead, although I have been learning 3D modeling and Unity3D lately to try to write a game instead of just playing it.


I am horrible with 3D rendering o.o I've never managed to make a working program, and I don't know why XD
~Sleep well and dream hard.~
~I'm a Z80 programmer!~


Quote from: Svea on January 16, 2013, 11:51:52 PM
Hey, I am surprised this isn't a hobby that somebody has mentioned yet! Mathematics is my obsession and programming is what keeps me sane. I mostly program calculators, though. Computers are not my thing XD So, does anybody else enjoy these? I love to share my notes if anybody is interested :3

I am an engineer by education but I have always had a passion for math. I liked it because it always has 1 correct answer. I have a woman friend who is a math professor and we used to get together and work on math problems. Let me know your skill level and maybe we can do some mathematical Kung fu :)


A lot of the biggest trans math and programming geekgrrls I've known transitioned decades ago, and are no longer active on trans support forums.  My trans son is more active on Tumblr and I can't get him to join in here, so far. He had an 800 math SAT, a fair bit of programming talent and interest, and hopes for a career in 3D animation and character design/development. I'm hoping with better programming resources in college that he may develop more of an interest in getting more deeply into the programming end of CG art and rendering, etc. since I'm hoping those are talents that will make him even more valued by the people he hopes to work for/with.
"Our lives are not our own. From womb to tomb, we are bound to others. Past and present. And by each crime and every kindness, we birth our future."
- Sonmi-451 in Cloud Atlas


Quote from: Elspeth on January 17, 2013, 02:26:40 PM
A lot of the biggest trans math and programming geekgrrls I've known transitioned decades ago, and are no longer active on trans support forums.  My trans son is more active on Tumblr and I can't get him to join in here, so far. He had an 800 math SAT, a fair bit of programming talent and interest, and hopes for a career in 3D animation and character design/development. I'm hoping with better programming resources in college that he may develop more of an interest in getting more deeply into the programming end of CG art and rendering, etc. since I'm hoping those are talents that will make him even more valued by the people he hopes to work for/with.
Wow, I hope he goes far o.o Programming becomes an art form when you have gone far enough into it. Also, an 800? I couldn't even touch that o.o

Quote from: Zumbagirl on January 17, 2013, 02:14:05 PM
I am an engineer by education but I have always had a passion for math. I liked it because it always has 1 correct answer. I have a woman friend who is a math professor and we used to get together and work on math problems. Let me know your skill level and maybe we can do some mathematical Kung fu :)
Hehe, my skill level is kind of iffy. However, I am at the point where I see that there are sometimes multiple answers. It is scary when math starts acting up! I do enjoy manipulating the axioms, though :3 I have experience in Algebra, Trig, Calculus, Linear Algebra, Differential Equations, Number Theory, Group Theory, Set Theory, Graph Theory, Complex Analysis, Real Analysis, fractal geometry, and chaos. Because of my programming, I really enjoy discrete mathematics, but by obsession, I enjoy the non-discrete stuff, too! I also gave a talk about the Riemann Zeta function and its role in the Riemann Hypothesis at a math conference and I gave a 70-minute presentation on cellular automata and I got to show off its uses in programming and simulation.

The funny/ironic thing is that I am actually not particularly good at math. I basically have this obsesses part of my brain that just keeps shoving me through the math to devour more. I am basically a C average student and it takes a while for things to click for me. I tend to work through one course, then study something completely unrelated on my own time, then after a few months or years it clicks. Of course, last semester was my best semester of college so far, grade-wise, so I actually had a B+ in my math stuff.

Whenever somebody wants to buy me a gift, I suggest notebooks because I fill them up with math o.o There are some wild things in there :D I like this simple thing that I came up with:

That was after several years of working on a problem and its many branches. Dozens of notebooks filled, just to come up with a cool thing like that. If you replace 'a' with Euler's number, there is a cool identity with the Bernoulli numbers -- The sum of the first set divided by the sum of the second second set is equal to... Euler's number! The only difference in either set is that B1 is +1/2 in the first and -1/2 in the second. Since this is basically U/(U-1)=e where U is the sum of the first Bernoulli numbers, you can find that:

So the sum of the Bernoulli numbers can be expressed in terms of e :D I had no clue what the Bernoulli numbers were until a few months ago when I accidentally stumbled upon them. I recognised the sequence of numbers and knew it was it when 5/66 appeared :3

~Sleep well and dream hard.~
~I'm a Z80 programmer!~

Emily Aster

Quote from: Zeda on January 18, 2013, 01:40:07 AM
The funny/ironic thing is that I am actually not particularly good at math. I basically have this obsesses part of my brain that just keeps shoving me through the math to devour more. I am basically a C average student and it takes a while for things to click for me. I tend to work through one course, then study something completely unrelated on my own time, then after a few months or years it clicks. Of course, last semester was my best semester of college so far, grade-wise, so I actually had a B+ in my math stuff.

That sounds like me in a way. I always tell people that I learn very slow, but I master very quickly. I focus on the foundation, which usually ends up taking longer to learn because I don't learn the shortcuts. Once I have that learned, mastery is pretty easy because everything else can be derived. I also need to know the purpose behind something or I won't get it. I almost failed Geometry and Trigonometry. Everytime I tried to ask what the heck the purpose of this crap was (mainly the proofs), the teacher didn't seem to want me to know, or they didn't know lol. Calculus brought them all together and I aced that because I finally knew why I needed to know the other two.


Quote from: Zeda on January 18, 2013, 01:40:07 AM
Wow, I hope he goes far o.o Programming becomes an art form when you have gone far enough into it. Also, an 800? I couldn't even touch that o.o

I'm sure the credit goes mainly to my ex, who had a 1600 combined score, back when there were only two components. My youngest daughter just got back PSAT scores that predict her math SAT should also be an 800 when she takes it (knock wood). Mine were very good (720, I think) but then again, I didn't take any math my senior year, because I'd run out of classes to take in my troglodyte high school, and the only thing I was offered as a supplement was a Cobol class over 100 miles away.  I wasn't especially interested in Cobol at the time. (And this was mainframe days so it really would have been a slog for very little benefit).
"Our lives are not our own. From womb to tomb, we are bound to others. Past and present. And by each crime and every kindness, we birth our future."
- Sonmi-451 in Cloud Atlas


Back in grade school I used to enjoy Martin Gardiner's books (and his column in SciAm when it existed) because they were math oriented.  Then found out about Hofstadter when he took over for Gardiner.  And still later Cliff Pickover's books.  I also enjoy books that are about the history of science, technology, mathematics, or mathematicians.  The biography of Paul Erdös is one example.  These can all be great sources for ideas to program.  Not trying to hijack the subject, but if you have favorite books in this area, I'm open to suggestions.

My latest  interest is in the program Pd, aka Pure Data.  I plan on trying my hand at algorithmic composition.  We'll see how far that goes.    ::)


Quote from: Ani on January 19, 2013, 02:22:31 AM
Not trying to hijack the subject, but if you have favorite books in this area, I'm open to suggestions.
Hehe, are we talking about non-text books? If so, The Prime Obsession by Derbyshire is an amazing book if you want to get a foot in on the Riemann Hypothesis.
Quote from: Ani on January 19, 2013, 02:22:31 AM
My latest  interest is in the program Pd, aka Pure Data.  I plan on trying my hand at algorithmic composition.  We'll see how far that goes.    ::)
I've never heard of that o.o When you say, "algorithmic composition," do you mean making music or making algorithms? If it is the latter, I particularly enjoy that! If it is the former, I have hardly any experience.
~Sleep well and dream hard.~
~I'm a Z80 programmer!~


Quote from: Zeda on January 19, 2013, 09:16:45 AM
Hehe, are we talking about non-text books? If so, The Prime Obsession by Derbyshire is an amazing book if you want to get a foot in on the Riemann Hypothesis.I've never heard of that o.o When you say, "algorithmic composition," do you mean making music or making algorithms? If it is the latter, I particularly enjoy that! If it is the former, I have hardly any experience.

Yes, non-text books.  I enjoyed Prime Obsession, but find Derbyshire's non-mathematical writings generally repulsive to the point I wouldn't want to support him by buying any of his future works.

Regarding Pd - yes, it's a very flexible environment for the creation of music, algorithmic or otherwise.



I've wanted to experiment with making some decent fractal-like music. Would you say that it is quite capable of doing that?
~Sleep well and dream hard.~
~I'm a Z80 programmer!~


Quote from: Zeda on January 19, 2013, 02:29:08 PM
I've wanted to experiment with making some decent fractal-like music. Would you say that it is quite capable of doing that?

I'm just starting (downloaded a couple of days ago), but a quick google of 'pure data fractal' returns promising looking hits. Here's one:

One thing to watch for is whether the program generates audio samples for immediate playback, or a MIDI data stream to feed into a synthesizer.



Whoo!  Coding!  Where to begin?  I started on my TI 83+ Silver in high school.  I was the person people came to for programs because I tended to write code for everything.  The funny thing is, I don't think I relied on my programs as much as other people did.  I assume that's because debugging helped me learn the concepts.

I studied computer science in college.  I was expecting the video game design course I took to be my favorite, but I actually loved the operating systems course more.  I guess it's not surprising that I do kernel development now :D.
Sometimes I blog things

Of course I'm sane.  When trees start talking to me, I don't talk back.



co.ol, did you ever upload any programs?
I wish I could figure out how to get computer programming to click for me :/ z80 and BASIC seem so easy, but computers require so much extra to program! I can figure out how to make circuits, and that makes more sense to me than C or C++.

Also, I made Langton's Ant today while I was doing laundry. I had no internet and no distractions, so my brain wandered over to Langton's Ant and thought of a super fast and efficient way of programming it on a calculator:

That runs over 10 000 iterations per second on a 6MHz calculator with an LCD that is excruciatingly slow (for those of us that work directly with the LCD).

For comparison to another version:

The emulator had a tough time keeping up with the first program, let alone mine o.o
~Sleep well and dream hard.~
~I'm a Z80 programmer!~


No, I never uploaded anything (although I did find a handful of games and other things on  I only did ti-basic coding, I never took the time to figure out their assembly language code.  I'd probably do better at it now, if I ever remember where I put my calculator after high school (about 6 years ago)
Sometimes I blog things

Of course I'm sane.  When trees start talking to me, I don't talk back.
