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trans less than 18 who transition.

Started by Natkat, February 19, 2013, 01:12:48 PM

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should people less than 18, be able to get homonblockers or homones? etc

Yes, if they are ready and know know this is the right thing to do
23 (82.1%)
no, they should be at least 18
0 (0%)
homonblockers is fine but not homones
4 (14.3%)
other opinion
0 (0%)
I don't know / indifferent
1 (3.6%)

Total Members Voted: 24


So most transgender people know there trans from a young age. but unfurtunatety many do first transition late in life.
for certain countrys theres limitations for transition in a young age in one or another way,
now in this thread I generally focus on homones and blockeres.

I heard many people being agenst the fact of teen-transpeople transitions, even if they felt trapped in the wrong body at that age themself and understand there pain.

I understand that theres limits, of the age for some reasonable facts on when you should start puberty and such things, also I understand people should be very clear and ready, but this dosent seams to be the problem.

For me it looks like people who is less than 18 are often overseen because its more troublesome to focus politically on "children" than it is to focus on adults.
if we speak transpolitically its general more easy saying. "we want to deside whats best for us" and people will say. "okay there grown up people, fine" but at the moment we start involing people who is less than 18, the asmosphear changes, and out of sudden its not just "grown ups anymore.

this is just my notion I dont say this is nessesarry true but this how I feel it, being in one of those country where people who is less than 18 and trans basically has no rights of transition points, I feel this to be troblesome.

(to point it all out you can take homone blockers between the age of 15-18 (if you get permission) and get your name change to an unisex one and thats it.) I wished even homones where an option or that the blocker age would be put down to a lower age for those who need it.
I want to hear the opinion from people in which country underaged arn't allowed to physically transition, but I also want to hear the opinion for those countrys where its allowed.
what do you think?
is it wrong/stupid to invold young transfolks into this, or is it part of the fight of equal rights?



dang, i mean i started hormones at 17 and i felt like i was mature enough and educated enough to enter into a binding medical contract in that way.  thing is, i think it's pretty cruel to force trans kiddos to go through an inappropriate puberty nonconsensually until they reach the Official Global Standard Of Adulthood to be able to make their own choices.


I was reading a book called, "The Transgender Child", which was written by a doctor for parents and other doctors. Overall it doesn't stereotype trans people, nor does it stigmatize us.

The author mentions that gender non-conformity (to binaries) in children can continue into adolescence or simply just disappear altogether. The issue isn't about consent, the issue is about the fact that children's gender identities are still developing through their childhood and even into their teenage years. Effectively they don't want to mistakenly turn a perfectly happy little boy into an unhappy little girl. It's due to the Hippocratic oath of medicine, do the least harm in providing medical care.

I personally think that puberty blockers should be prescribed more often than they are; since they don't cause irreversible damage. But this is all due to the fact of normative standards of society forcing trans kids to "do as they do".


Quote from: TessaM on February 19, 2013, 04:05:29 PM
and pretty much no chance of a Kardashian rear end.

You make me laugh. But I don't think her butt is as naturale as we think it is. It seems to be growing ever bigger.

Yes, they should be able to get blockers or hormones. But I can't see this going down well with religious folk, ever. Which means no matter how unstigmatized transgenderism becomes, some kids will always be lucked out and will have to wait until they are old enough to become self-reliant.


Quote from: Sky-Blue on February 19, 2013, 01:25:10 PM
I was reading a book called, "The Transgender Child", which was written by a doctor for parents and other doctors. Overall it doesn't stereotype trans people, nor does it stigmatize us.

The author mentions that gender non-conformity (to binaries) in children can continue into adolescence or simply just disappear altogether. The issue isn't about consent, the issue is about the fact that children's gender identities are still developing through their childhood and even into their teenage years. Effectively they don't want to mistakenly turn a perfectly happy little boy into an unhappy little girl. It's due to the Hippocratic oath of medicine, do the least harm in providing medical care.

I personally think that puberty blockers should be prescribed more often than they are; since they don't cause irreversible damage. But this is all due to the fact of normative standards of society forcing trans kids to "do as they do".

speaking of Teens biologically that would mean that mtfs first would be allowed to take homones at the age of 21 while ftms could take it at 16, however the brain develope all the time, which dont really give any limits.



Quote from: Natkat on February 20, 2013, 09:37:44 AM
speaking of Teens biologically that would mean that mtfs first would be allowed to take homones at the age of 21 while ftms could take it at 16, however the brain develope all the time, which dont really give any limits.

I wasn't talking in a biological sense, more in a psychological sense of development stages. And when I speak of hormones I am only talking about estrogen and testosterone; not puberty blockers.

Biology can't assess gender, only sex. It can find causal links between gender and the brain, but it cannot tell you when a child's gender stops changing (which is dependent upon social environment as well as biology).


it's because you say children and teen so I just try to point out a teen more biologically what it means.
if we speak culture, the term gets more difficult.

so if a person is ex 17 the person wont be allowed to take homones, even if the person have been well-aware of its gender for many years? you can then take blockers however blockers usunal dosent do anything in that age.
it seams unlogical to me.

if you dont think people less than 18s brain is eveloped enough for those thing, when is the brain "ready" speaking of age?



Quote from: Natkat on February 20, 2013, 10:29:03 AM
it's because you say children and teen so I just try to point out a teen more biologically what it means.
if we speak culture, the term gets more difficult.

so if a person is ex 17 the person wont be allowed to take homones, even if the person have been well-aware of its gender for many years? you can then take blockers however blockers usunal dosent do anything in that age.
it seams unlogical to me.

if you dont think people less than 18s brain is eveloped enough for those thing, when is the brain "ready" speaking of age?

Like I said in my first post, it's not about the age of consent, nor is it about age at all. It is about psychological development stages; which may or may not correspond to age.

If we agree with the author of "The Transgender Child", most children do gender variant things and some do not. If this is the case, then the risk that some cisgender children might be put on hormones is quite high. If we do decide to give hormones to children, then unfortunately we will have to do more research and create a system.

As much as it might relieve the suffering of transgender children; alternatively it might cause suffering for cisgender children. Which will cause long term damage in regards to their ability to reproduce.


Quote from: Sky-Blue on February 20, 2013, 10:50:43 AM
Like I said in my first post, it's not about the age of consent, nor is it about age at all. It is about psychological development stages; which may or may not correspond to age.

If we agree with the author of "The Transgender Child", most children do gender variant things and some do not. If this is the case, then the risk that some cisgender children might be put on hormones is quite high. If we do decide to give hormones to children, then unfortunately we will have to do more research and create a system.

As much as it might relieve the suffering of transgender children; alternatively it might cause suffering for cisgender children. Which will cause long term damage in regards to their ability to reproduce.

gender variant things according to WHOM?  who gets to say what's Acceptable Little Boy Or Girl Stuff and what doesn't make the grade?  little kids don't get placed on hormones because they play with trucks or dolls, they get put on hormones because they spend all day saying "i'm a girl" or "i'm a boy" or whatever.  nobody's gonna say, "oh, look at that kid over there playing house and baking cookies, sounds like a prime candidate for THE GIRLMONES."

stephanie brill is cis, and imo, has no idea what she's talking about if that's what she's recommending.  my parents read this book and proceeded to flip out for 9 months and not do anything because i Hadn't Always Known and because i didn't do Girly Things Since Age One.


Would it be something to make it a posibilaty for young transfolks to to go gender therapist for a time to see if the wish is stable and for suport. if a person have felt like a girl while she was 4 and all her life to when she come and is 16, I dont see the posibilaty to be more likely to change when she is 17 then when she is 19 if she ever would.
I do know kids are gender varient in what they do, and we are all diffrent, this is pretty normal, but theres also diffrence between being gender varient and being born with another gender than your body.
I dont want cisgenders going on homones
However, if the alternative is to bannish transpeople threatment to let them suffer this is also a very dramatic step.
its proved that alot of the transpeople (including myself) who try to commit suicide is less than 18, somethimes less than 13, the reason can be non accepting or forced puberty.

I dont see being trans being less than cis, therefor I also think transgenders count as much,
I think if the system is suportive to check up if this child really is and have been transgender for a long time, they will also be likely to see whats best for them in the current situation.


Kevin Peña

I never liked the fact that people under 18 years of age are treated like nitwits who don't know what's good for them. If I'm 17 and a half, it's not like I'm going to undergo a dramatic epiphany in 6 months and magically become an adult that is an "acceptable member of society." Heck, I remember telling some people that I was 17, and they treated me like I was irrelevant. ONE WEEK later, I was officially 18, and people started to treat me like I mattered. What?!  ???


My only regret was being too scared to do this when I was 14 or something. I knew less so than I know now, but I still kind of knew but I was far too scared at the time. I think if it's right for you and you know 100% you should be allowed to take hormones.


Quote from: EmmaS on March 02, 2013, 12:23:27 AM
My only regret was being too scared to do this when I was 14 or something. I knew less so than I know now, but I still kind of knew but I was far too scared at the time. I think if it's right for you and you know 100% you should be allowed to take hormones.
That s exactly my experience too, I did know it somehow at the time but was kinda afraid of the consequences(how d my parents react etc). I think it should be easier for teens to get on proper hrt :) No one should have to suffer a wrong puberty.


I think hormones blockers should be more available.
But otherwise, in my opinion the rest should be after the age of 18, 16 the very least.

Kids need to be given time to grow and develop before we throw something as extreme as hrt into them. They need to be aware of the cons and pros, not just know them but understand the impact it will have 5, 10, 25 years down the line. At 13-14 as much as we think we're all grown up, we aren't.

Hormone blockers though should be given more often, and be more accessible.
No permanent change and it allows the child to live a better quality life and be allowed to think everything through.

From what I'm reading here, most don't care about the cis children that do actually go through a phase.
They need to be protected as well.

I say;
Hormone blockers are the perfect solution.
Protects both parties.

Quote from: kyh on March 01, 2013, 10:05:27 PM
Idk what can be done for the ftms (sorry guys!) but AT LEAST give the mtfs anti androgens so that they don't have to go through male puberty. AT LEAST!

How about hormone blockers?
Had I been allowed, I wouldn't have had these blobs of fat on my chest.



blockers yes, hormones no. Seriously, hormones are serious business. They should not be trifled with until somebody is ready. Adding to this there should be a route to get hormones earlier, but it should be difficult. This is not something you can just go back on.
"You must see with eyes unclouded by hate. See the good in that which is evil, and the evil in that which is good. Pledge yourself to neither side, but vow instead to preserve the balance that exists between the two."
― Hayao Miyazaki
Practicality dominates me. I can be a bit harsh, but I mean well.


I think that blockers should be freely available while hormones should require psychological evaluation. This way the damages of puberty can be minimized and allow the person to have an adequate amount of time to decide if this is what they really want, if they are ready, and if they are mature enough to understand the pros and cons. From this age wouldn't play a factor into gatekeeping and it's all a matter of the patient whether they be 10 years old or 30 or whatever. Using an arbitrary age is extremely cruel mo, especially when the patient may already know that this is what they really want.