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So, yeah. Fake breasts. >_>

Started by A, March 31, 2013, 03:30:34 PM

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Since a few months into HRT, it's been decided that I would go full time-ish this summer, gradually, and go REALLY full time in the autumn, when school would begin again. I figured HRT would've had plenty of time to act by then. So my name change is coming up (really quick actually - if I'm right, the letter requiring signature I have a notice for is to say it'll be entirely official in a month), and I've planned to go shopping for clothes this summer.

I'm going to throw everything away, literally. I have nothing worth keeping, except maybe scarves, socks and damaged but still useable sneakers. Even if I were okay with still dressing part-guy as I am right now (which I'm not), everything is either way too loose because of the weight I lost, so damaged I'm already ashamed of wearing them or a combination or both.

But my plans are being challenged by my endo who refuses to increase my dose. My antiandrogen is fine and puts my testosterone down to very low levels, but my estradiol is so weak the most I've seen from it yet is sensitive and slightly changed nipples.

Because of the lack of effects from estradiol, I've thought of postponing full-time. But not only would that put me in the horrible stance of having to buying guys' clothes again, but it would postpone SRS to be during university instead of between it and college, which is probably not the best idea, since you're busier, and for more of the year, at university. Not to mention I'd be walking around with a freshly changed official name, but another name everywhere, for a year.

So I'm going to do it anyway. For my mental health, and for the promise I made to myself not to back down. Besides, I'm lucky enough to somewhat pass already without trying so much, so.

This means I'm going to need fake breasts, in one way or another, if I want to hope to be credible as female. My face may be somewhat acceptable; my voice may pass; but 22-year-old females aren't flat-chested. Or if they are, they're really thin, which I'm not. I've heard of breast forms, but that sounds pretty expensive and a hassle for something hopefully temporary.

So, being very clueless in the matter, I want to ask about the ways to fake breasts. Ideally, something cheap, that's adjustable as the real breasts below begin to grow (hopefully). Not necessarily completely cheap-looking, but let's say, a compromise of looks and price.

Also, bras to go with it. I'm not good enough to think I can predict my final size well enough to just remove the fake stuff when my breasts grow. And apparently, bras are everything but cheap. So, is there a kind of bra that would be good for this, but cheap because, say, putting real breasts in them would be really uncomfortable?

Just a detail: unlike some others, I don't naturally have any man-breasts or anything. If I removed my shirt, I don't think anyone would take a second look.

(Search for "My endo is a stubborn cow" for more details and frustration about this hormone matter.)
A's Transition Journal
Last update: June 11th, 2012
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Beth Andrea

I was fortunate to get a pair of "hand-me-down" real, medical-grade breast forms. I gave them away to an MTF who was in the same boat  as you...

As for inexpensive, I've heard of taking nylon stocking (perhaps the legs, if you make a gaff from panty hose) and filling them to desired level with rice or small beans. It's possible a crafts store will have a similarly small (and non-food) filler for such applications.

As for bras...check out thrift stores. Some have used bras which are in pretty good shape.

Good luck with your FT experience! (And maybe find a new endo...)
...I think for most of us it is a futile effort to try and put this genie back in the bottle once she has tasted freedom...

--read in a Tessa James post 1/16/2017


How much estradiol are you on? Is your E level within "normal" range?

Regarding your question, if you live near the ocean just catch two nicely shaped jelly fish, pull their  tenticles off and stick them onto your chest. A little concealer, some bronzer and you're good to go.


I started out stuffing two identical size rags in a size 36C padded bra. Worked great. No one gave my chest a second look.

After I went out a lot, I treated myself to an $80 pair of breast forms from I like them better than the rags because I don't have to worry about slippage or getting caught in the rain.

For a picture of me wearing them, see,130967.msg1073781.html#msg1073781

I plan to go full time starting in June. There is NO WAY I will have any noticeable breast growth by then, so it will be breast forms for the foreseeable future.
Have you read my short story The Eve of Triumph?


Sorry for this being a wee bit off-topic, but this thread sounds like a good place to ask.  Are you just seeing a regular endocrinologist, or are you going to someone more LGBT specific?  I ask because there's an LGBT center I can travel to in Chicago to get hormones, but there's soooooo many endos right outside my hometown, most within a 15 minute drive.


Quote from: Isabelle on March 31, 2013, 03:41:30 PM
How much estradiol are you on? Is your E level within "normal" range?

Regarding your question, if you live near the ocean just catch two nicely shaped jelly fish, pull their  tenticles off and stick them onto your chest. A little concealer, some bronzer and you're good to go.

I assume the O/P knows better than to answer that question, as you should know better than to ask it. Hugs, Devlyn


Quote from: Beth Andrea on March 31, 2013, 03:38:03 PM
I was fortunate to get a pair of "hand-me-down" real, medical-grade breast forms. I gave them away to an MTF who was in the same boat  as you...

As for inexpensive, I've heard of taking nylon stocking (perhaps the legs, if you make a gaff from panty hose) and filling them to desired level with rice or small beans. It's possible a crafts store will have a similarly small (and non-food) filler for such applications.

Wouldn't beans or rice make a bit of noise? Risk going out of the bag? Feel funny? Shamefully spread on the ground everywhere if an accident happens?

Also, I'm awful at crafts. I mean it. If life were a game, my dexterity value would be minus three, maximum. So it doesn't have to be so cheap I make it myself. Just, not several hundreds.

As for bras...check out thrift stores. Some have used bras which are in pretty good shape.
Ew! Okay, I know, they're washed. Just gotta get past the psychological wall.
Good luck with your FT experience! (And maybe find a new endo...)
I wish it were so easy. There are only 2 others in the province, and both are 5 hours away, with a 4-month waiting list. I left a very insisting message to his secretary saying that he HAS to call me back AS SOON as he has my blood test results. Because usually he replies in a letter that takes weeks to arrive, in which I read that he completely misunderstood me / didn't listen at all / got the message wrong. If he doesn't call back or if he doesn't hear reason when he does, I'll settle for the waiting list and the expensive bus tickets.
Quote from: Isabelle on March 31, 2013, 03:41:30 PM
How much estradiol are you on? The rules forbid me to answer this. Just know that if you have a typical/recommended dose, mine is probably 1/2~2/3 of that. Is your E level within "normal" range? Normal, yeah. For a man, that is. I can't say for sure since I haven't had my blood test results yet, but if I have the same levels as I did when taking the same dose, before trying Estrogel (although now I take it sublingually, if it changes anything), my estradiol level should be at 184 pmol/L, somewhat high but still not abnormal for men. The reason the endo refuses to bring my dose up is that he believed the messed-up results of 1000+ and ~400 pmol/L produced by Estrogel being applied on the arms from which the blood was taken just a few hours before it was taken. On the same dose of gel, which should be a warning light already. Dose which is supposed to produce a max of 200 pmol/L. Dose which gave results of ~140 pmol/L when tested following the instructions another specialized endo gives every patient on Estrogel. (No gel for 24 hours before the blood test and wash your arms properly before.)

Regarding your question, if you live near the ocean just catch two nicely shaped jelly fish, pull their  tenticles off and stick them onto your chest. A little concealer, some bronzer and you're good to go.

Quote from: suzifrommd on March 31, 2013, 03:55:00 PM
I started out stuffing two identical size rags in a size 36C padded bra. Worked great. No one gave my chest a second look.
Rags sound better than beans, because of the lower catastrophe factor. But was it hard to place them correctly, the same way?

After I went out a lot, I treated myself to an $80 pair of breast forms from I like them better than the rags because I don't have to worry about slippage or getting caught in the rain.
Did they slip a lot? And what's that about the rain?

For a picture of me wearing them, see,130967.msg1073781.html#msg1073781

I plan to go full time starting in June. There is NO WAY I will have any noticeable breast growth by then, so it will be breast forms for the foreseeable future.

Quote from: Horizon on March 31, 2013, 03:58:17 PM
Sorry for this being a wee bit off-topic, but this thread sounds like a good place to ask.  Are you just seeing a regular endocrinologist, or are you going to someone more LGBT specific?  I ask because there's an LGBT center I can travel to in Chicago to get hormones, but there's soooooo many endos right outside my hometown, most within a 15 minute drive.
He's not LGBT specific, but he does have a specialization and a lot of experience in the matter. He's the closest endo to me (2.5 hours, still...), and conveniently one of the 3 in the whole province who is specialized in trans people. His experience didn't include cases like mine, apparently... >_>
A's Transition Journal
Last update: June 11th, 2012
No more updates

Beth Andrea

Spillage shouldn't be a problem, once you get the desired size, you stitch the stocking closed, taking out as much loose nylon material as you can, without over-stretching it. Noise is also not a problem; the stocking, if taut enough, is not like a cardboard box where the contents can shift around, making noise. Plus, the bra itself holds things pretty well.

They sell bras, because it's not "intimate" underwear, yeah, that'd have an "icky" factor...but bras aren't icky.

I have no knowledge of rag-forms...but I'd think I would still want to tack-stitch them together, once I got a good shape going.

That said, there are sites (Janet's Closet) which sells silicon forms in the $80-90USD range. They also have foam forms for much less (~$30USD)
...I think for most of us it is a futile effort to try and put this genie back in the bottle once she has tasted freedom...

--read in a Tessa James post 1/16/2017


Quote from: A on March 31, 2013, 04:10:19 PM
Also, I'm awful at crafts. I mean it. If life were a game, my dexterity value would be minus three, maximum. So it doesn't have to be so cheap I make it myself. Just, not several hundreds.

This describes me as well. I'm the worlds worst klutz, at least I was before I grew my nails. Now they need a new category for me.

Quote from: A on March 31, 2013, 04:10:19 PM
Rags sound better than beans, because of the lower catastrophe factor. But was it hard to place them correctly, the same way?

No. If there were a way to screw them up, believe me I'd have found it. But the padded nature of the bra meant that bulges and lumps were covered up.

Quote from: A on March 31, 2013, 04:10:19 PM
Did they slip a lot? And what's that about the rain?

The rags did not slip a lot, but there was always that possibility that someone might bump into me.

Rain is not an issue for the breast forms, but I was concerned that if the rags got wet and absorbed water, they might shrink in unpredictable ways.

Neither of these things ever happened, which is why I went almost six months before I bought the breast forms. But they do provide some more peace of mind since they're waterproof and don't move around or change shape.

Have you read my short story The Eve of Triumph?


For years I've used balloons filled with water, weigh them on the bath scales to try to get them about the same size and weight.  I've never had one burst, even sleeping in them but I did try to be stupid and take my bra off without removing them first. The clasp on the back of the bra snagged one and I had water go everywhere and ruin a Mac keyboard.

For me, this route gives weight and bounce plus I can change the size to suit my desires/wants. I'm going to buy forms though cause I'm not currently on HRT and I don't think I will be for awhile.

couch tater

I have really small breasts and I just wear a good padded bra. Never owned a breast form in my life, but then small breasts look ok with my torso size.


If you're looking for cheap breast forms (home made) then I would recommend water-filled latex balloons. The trick is to only use larger sized balloons and to change them fairly regularly, say on a monthly basis.

When filling them be careful not to fill them so much that the latex stretches more than say 5-10%. They mould to the shape of your bra cup, and they feel and behave pretty much like real breasts (even more so than the pricey silicone ones), which means that when you move vigorously they jiggle.

Be careful however of not over-using them because the latex deteriorates over time and when it weakens, it will suddenly explode. I've discovered this myself out of personal experience. There I was on the bus to see my specialist and suddenly at the stop before I was due to get off they both exploded. Water everywhere - the poor little Muslim lady sat next to me got soaked and didn't quite know what to think.

Fortunately there was a shop nearby across the road from the hospital where I quickly found replacements then off to the ladies loo to fill them.

I've tried other things such as rice, flour, washing powder (all are too hard and also heavy) but found water filled balloons to be the best. Usually you can tell when they need replacing because they lose their firmness.
"The truth within me is more than the reality which surrounds me."
Constantin Stanislavski

Mistakes not only provide opportunities for learning but also make good stories.


A, what do you mean by expensive in terms of bras? I'm pretty certain I've bought decent ones for about 20 US or even less on sale. You probably won't want expensive ones for awhile anyway until they 'settle on a size'.  :)
An inexpensive bra will probably need replacing by the time you need one sans forms anyway. Make sure you measure yourself. See if you can fit the sizes in the juniors department and look for sales. Buy two so you can wash one and wear one. They'll also last longer.
Nero was the Forum Admin here at Susan's Place for several years up to the time of his death.


About filling balloons: NO. This combines the need for dexterity and the worst catastrophe factor possible, when I'm really clumsy. AND the need to have EYES that WORK to see when the balloon needs replacement. No, definitely not. It requires too much of too many skills I don't have.

Beth Andrea: Sewing? Me? And sewing well? You mustn't have read me properly.

Not-so Fat Admin: Dunno... My mother keeps saying anything below 50 $ is crap. But maybe that's just because of her big breasts. Or that she's difficult. By the way, gonna be hard to make the effort to wear the same damned piece of clothes 3 days in a row or more. >.<" I never re-wear something unless I'm forced to. And never more than once.

For now, I'm torn between a rag and not-so-expensive breast forms. Both seem safe. Safe from me, I mean.
A's Transition Journal
Last update: June 11th, 2012
No more updates

Kayle Sky

Ok, so what I did. Was I went to Target, and in theirbbra section they have the gel bra inserts for lift. They are basically silicon implants for the outside. Also I got a set of what I call chicken cutlets. They have a self adhesive back thst is fine to wash eith mild soap and some warm water and ready to be put back on. So they don't need readhesived (sp?). They also have a clasp in the middle that hides in the front of the bra, allowing for cleavage to be gained by pulling your development closer together. These come in 3 different sizes, a, b, and c so you can by the size you wabt/need in the mean time. I wear mine in my vids and everyone is confused when I have to be in guy mode that my chest is not popping. I hope this helps. Sorry such a long response.  ;)


It's easy and quick to fill a balloon with some water. You just put the opening over the spigot and turn the water on. I hold in on the spigot with one hand and the balloon with the other until I get the size I want. Turn off the water, pinch the balloon and then tie it off twice. Simple.

I agree with switching them out when they seem flimsy and not taunt.  But I've been using them since my teen years and I'm in my 40's and have never lost one except 1 by my own stupidity.

Foam forms just wouldn't work for me, no movement and no weight.

And I think that taking into account all the other expense involved here, buying forms around 100 bucks is cheap. You'll spend that in makeup in no time and especially if you buy good makeup.


Kayle, share some pics or links. I'm totally interested in what you're talking about. I've seen something at Wal-mart similar I think.


Quote from: A on March 31, 2013, 10:14:16 PM
Not-so Fat Admin: Dunno... My mother keeps saying anything below 50 $ is crap. But maybe that's just because of her big breasts. Or that she's difficult. By the way, gonna be hard to make the effort to wear the same damned piece of clothes 3 days in a row or more. >.<" I never re-wear something unless I'm forced to. And never more than once.

Well, maybe for her because, yes larger breasts need more support and hers are done growing. But you wouldn't spend that on a bra for a girl in puberty or just for wearing forms (unless maybe you were wearing them permanently and wanted something nice).
This is more what I'm talking about.

You really don't need the heavy duty stuff yet. You're not wearing them for support yet, so might as well buy them cheap and in fun styles while you can. Get like 5 cheap ones and you won't have to worry about wearing them in a row.
I wouldn't spend any more than 20 on a single bra unless you have money to burn. Save the luxury models for when you've filled out.
Nero was the Forum Admin here at Susan's Place for several years up to the time of his death.

Kayle Sky

Ok, So here are the chicken cutlets link...
and here are the for the cleavage as well as look and weight....

I have both, and sometimes, depending on the top, I may wear them both at the same time to enhance my girls center line. I hope that helps some. ;D


Never saw the first ones you linked to Kayle, thanks.   Being chunky, I've already got some boob that I can push up and make some cleavage of my own. What you have listed there might really help me, especially in a padded bra. Thanks girl!!!