Quote from: Cassandra on November 05, 2005, 11:10:47 PMI hope Valerie joins in I'd like to read her thoughts on the subject too.
I'm picking something up..wait, no...YES! It's my Undeniably Clear Sense of Being Needed Radar Device! (Only $19.95 plus shipping and handling) but what am I needed for? let's tune in...it looks like...my opinion is being solicited!...homing in on the location...Voila! This looks like a job for........Super-Dynamo Woman! *
He, he, he...and you all wondered when I was gonna' start getting all goofy on ya's...

I, too, believe that God created us with free-will....while I don't think He necessarily 'interferes' with our choices, I do think He has influence...talks with us, interacts with us...if we hear/sense His direction, we have the choice to decide what we're gonna' do about it.
I don't think for a minute that God presents us with hardship to 'test' us. I think it would be pretty sick and twisted for any deity do such a thing. I also don't think that God 'punishes' us. I do believe that we suffer natural consequences for our actions here(such as getting fired from your job for repeated tardiness), though that is not the only cause of our troubles--sometimes terrible things happen because it's an imperfect world with imperfect people(such as crime).
I do think that even when we make choices that aren't necessarily the best for us or for others involved, that God can turn them around for good....it's His nature, the nature of grace, He takes our broken-ness and restores our lives, restores us, to Himself, no matter how many times we screw up...
I also believe God's omnipresence to include His simultaneously being present throughout all of time---
past, present, future.
And I only use the male pronoun because that's how I identify with God, so no offense intended.
BTW, Chaunte, don't they say the universe is expanding? (whoever 'they' is)
In closing, CASS, I hope Mr Moorecock dances with his clothes
on >

(Hey you said not to comment on his