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3D Thinking

Started by Terra, November 05, 2005, 10:38:22 PM

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Just a random thought, but has anyone ever looked back on their life and discovered that even the bad things that happened to you eventually came back to help you?

An example is how if I had not gotten in trouble for selling beer to a minor in a sting(stupid mistake), I might very well been stationed outside the US, which would have prevented me from meeting the people who are helping me today.

So how does this fit in the spirituality section? I was wondering if maybe we paint God's plan to linier. In actuality, a war is being fought every day between heven and hell, so God is like a general. Thus, would he not have some pretty complex plans in motion?

Just some thoughts, tell me what you think.
"If you quit before you try, you don't deserve to dream." -grandmother


HI Luana,

Girl, have you ever touched on a subject! This should be a good thread I hope Valerie joins in I'd like to read her thoughts on the subject too. Personally I don't view god as a general. I believe that god created us with free will with a purpose and thus does not directly intefere in the affairs of woman kind.  ;D Hey, who said men had the patent on kind?

I do believe that anyone who believes, is guided into things to teach us and make us better. That means that bad things can happen which when we view them in retrospect teach us valuable lessons or set up situations which later benefit us.

I've often wondered, as I'm sure many have, what if I had done this or that in this or that situation how would my life have been today. In most scenarios I most often come to the conclusion that it would be better had I done exactly what I did. Mostly because I feel that what I learned was far to valuable and helped make me into the person I am today, and I like that person.

I sincerely like the person I have become and I only wish I could have become that person sooner in life. It would have made a lot of things a whole lot easier. But then that wouldn't be the point of life.

Have you ever pondered eternal existance. I've often pondered and thought "ya know this could get real boring. Knowing everything having done everything, what else would there be. I know!(snaps fingers), Become mortal set up a set of circumstances, wipe the memory clean, and enjoy. Maybe we all set up our lives to play out exactly as they have for our own entertainment. Maybe we all know each other and are a tight knit group in eternity and we have all come together here because we all got togehter there and said lets meet up down there and compare notes.

A great trilogy I think a lot of folks might enjoy is called "Dancers At The End of Time" by Michael Moorecock. Please do not comment on the name I did not make that up. It kind of relates to what I just said.

Anyway, great thread thanks for bringing it up.



Luana & Cassie

I believe that we have free will.  But consider this: if Eternity is timeless, then all that we have done, are doing and will do is already complete!  We are simply experiencing a timeline that is already written.  And we move forward by learning from our errors.

And, sisters, have I made some big ones!

If we could go back and change something in our past, it would rewrite who we are today!  The tapestry of our lives would suddenly change its pattern.  Our inner spirit would spend this existance being  out of phase and in discord with the universe!  How many lives would we not touch when they needed us?

I can't think of a worse curse than to let someone change their past!



If you get a chance, read "Thrice Upon a Time" by James P Hogan.  Fun book that has colored my perception of time.  (Anyhow, how much of a continuium can the universe be if it has a finite size?  156 billion light years across, if memory serves me correctly.)

But back to the original topic...

How much would I not know if I had made all correct choices in the past?  How boring would THAT be!  Those poor choices in my past have made me the person I am today.  Besides, ... some of those choices were an awful lot of fun!



Quote from: Cassandra on November 05, 2005, 11:10:47 PMI hope Valerie joins in I'd like to read her thoughts on the subject too.

* I'm picking something up..wait, no...YES! It's my Undeniably Clear Sense of Being Needed Radar Device! (Only $19.95 plus shipping and handling) but what am I needed for? let's tune looks opinion is being solicited!...homing in on the location...Voila! This looks like a job for........Super-Dynamo Woman!

He, he, he...and you all wondered when I was gonna' start getting all goofy on ya's...  ;D

I, too, believe that God created us with free-will....while I don't think He necessarily 'interferes' with our choices, I do think He has influence...talks with us, interacts with us...if we hear/sense His direction, we have the choice to decide what we're gonna' do about it.

I don't think for a minute that God presents us with hardship to 'test' us. I think it would be pretty sick and twisted for any deity do such a thing.  I also don't think that God 'punishes' us.  I do believe that we suffer natural consequences for our actions here(such as getting fired from your job for repeated tardiness), though that is not the only cause of our troubles--sometimes terrible things happen because it's an imperfect world with imperfect people(such as crime).

I do think that even when we make choices that aren't necessarily the best for us or for others involved, that God can turn them around for's His nature, the nature of grace, He takes our broken-ness and restores our lives, restores us, to Himself, no matter how many times we screw up...

I also believe God's omnipresence to include His simultaneously being present throughout all of time---
past, present, future. 

And I only use the male pronoun because that's how I identify with God, so no offense intended.

BTW, Chaunte, don't they say the universe is expanding? (whoever 'they' is)

In closing, CASS, I hope Mr Moorecock dances with his clothes on  >:D (Hey you said not to comment on his name!)




I have to agree with Valerie's statement.  What I meant is that while we are linear in time, the Almighty isn't.  So to G-d, tomorrow already happened yesterday.  (What is scary is that I can visualize this!)

Quote from: Valerie on November 07, 2005, 07:08:12 AM
BTW, Chaunte, don't they say the universe is expanding? (whoever 'they' is)

The universe is not only expanding, but the expansion is accelerating.  Astrophysicists (the "they" you mentioned) don't yet know what is causing this acceleration, but ascribe it to something called "The Great Attractor."




Hmmmmm, (scratches chin thoughtfully) Now just what or who might the Great Attractor be?


My view on this is that whatever the reasons, yes, there have been many occassions where what I believed was the worst thing that could happen turned out to be to my advantage in the future if I saw light in the surrounding murkyness of it all and made my way toward it and the surrounding opportunities the event created.

The fact is, for every dark event in my life, doors, insight and opportunity has presented itself as a result and has worked out for my benifit when I took advantage of it.

There are things in life that are beyond human control, but in general, life is what you make of it and that depends on how you view it and your confidence in yourself, your abilities and your willingness to effect changes in life.  You have to face it, even when disadvantaged  in order to live it.


Jillieann Rose

This is fascinating subject. I have to agree with Terri-Gene when she says:
Quotelife is what you make of it and that depends on how you view it and your confidence in yourself, your abilities and your willingness to effect changes in life.
Actually I think your attitude is what makes the difference.
I consider this life a journey of discovery. I am learning what I should be and what I am doing here. And to chance the past would be to change not only what I am but would change other people we love. As Chaunte wrote:
QuoteHow many lives would we not touch when they needed us?
How can we help others when they need it if we have never been in their shoes.
Compassion is born out of adversity.



Well said Jillieann,

And I must admit there is no shortage of adversity amongst the members here and the levels of compassion are pretty high to suit.



Quote from: Shelley on November 12, 2005, 02:35:40 PM
Well said Jillieann,

And I must admit there is no shortage of adversity amongst the members here




Yeh Leigh, Adversity, like university with added versity. Or if you say:

1 university + 1 university = adversity  ;D


What did you do with the money?

Obiviously you didn't spend it for comedy school  :P


Actually Leigh some don't have to go to comedy school some are just born with an endearing nature. (Damn there goes all that effort sucking up)

I pressume Cassie, that one of those universities is the school of hard knocks .

Shelley (Ducking)

Jillieann Rose


I like your new picture.
In the image you look confidence of yourself and you seem to have a very positive attitude.

Oh and that hat look great on you too. :icon_yes:



heh, yeah, I'm tired of older ones so I just pulled a much more recent one out of my diairy.yes, it probably is a little more confident appearing.  I'm getting over some things and homing in on true balance with myself, something I desperately need.  It helps to, that I see more light at the end and it has a calming effect and I'm shrugging things off that I haven't been able to for some months, it's like finally normalizing and rebalancing after a long period of nothing going the way I wanted.

Thanks for the comment and the hat is one of my favorites, it says "Instant Impact" over USA

Anyway, thank you Jillieann,  back to topic.   ........ No comment ......  At the moment....
