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Prenatal Screening keeping intersex babies from being born?

Started by Shawn Sunshine, January 22, 2013, 10:09:47 AM

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There's one doctor ...  name escapes me at the moment and I have no time to Google it ... that either was trying or had actually come up with a drug to give pregnant women to prevent trans*/gay babies.

There's also a eugenics movement that exists out in the world.

And of course there's people who feel that a women should be able to abort at any time.

My point is, there's a lot of what I personally feel is pretty awful people and ideas out in the world. And where do people draw lines? There's personal lines and there's legal lines of course. What dictates where the lines are drawn? Who's morals are the basis? The morals of a eugenicist are vastly different from someone who's not, etc. etc.

Debates can rage on till infinity but it's not going to change the realities of some things that go on, especially when it comes down to other people's personal choices or any time someone can circumvent a law.
"Let's conspire to ignite all the souls that would die just to feel alive."


Quote from: insideontheoutside on February 19, 2013, 01:13:41 PM
There's one doctor ...  name escapes me at the moment and I have no time to Google it ... that either was trying or had actually come up with a drug to give pregnant women to prevent trans*/gay babies.

Are you thinking of Maria New?  There may be a few others as well, based on the handful of somewhat conflicting reports. The drug in question seems to be  getting prescribed mainly to parents who know they are at risk of passing CAH on to a child, though more controversial is whether the drug being given effective, safe and whether New has taken shortcuts in not disclosing things (something I can't evaluate from these reports, but they are all valid concerns, I would think).

This was news to me, and I haven't had time yet to process everything that's being said about this.

Other articles, mainly from the gay press/blogosphere:

Dan Savage's The Stranger
GayStar News

Dr. New's Mt. Sinai profile.

Just to play Devil's Advocate, it seems to me the chances of a mishap from such pre-natal dosing may put her career at risk in the long run, and, if parents come to regret their choices, it might ultimately be a good thing. People are responsible for their choices, and they do suffer consequences when things are done for reasons they might later regret.
"Our lives are not our own. From womb to tomb, we are bound to others. Past and present. And by each crime and every kindness, we birth our future."
- Sonmi-451 in Cloud Atlas


Quote from: Shawn Sunshine on January 22, 2013, 10:09:47 AM
I just had a thought on prenatal screening. Since it can be used to detect chromosmal abornmalities, could it be used to prevent all intersex babies from being brought to term? Could they one day even detect if a baby is a transgender or homosexual and then decide "hey we don't want a baby that's like that"
tecnically yes, this is one of the reason why people dont know 100% what cause people to be trans or gay.
even when people do science on this alot of people also refuse because there scared of the consuquenses.

to prove your born gay, could prove its "natural",
but it could also point out facts so you could abort it, or make medicin to cure it.

some wierd lady have tried to make me go into experients for being transgender where they would test my brain, But I have refused cause im unsure whatever its really to make it for the better, expecially since the doctor who talked to me seamed abit crazy. I do belive it would be alot more easy to adopt or find cure for homosexual kids than transexuals, as people arnt that sure about gender and the brain yet but seams more sure on the sexualety center, but I dont know enough to be sure of that.
I havent read the article but I thinks is a sad world we live in with people fellings its fine to abort and make surgery on intersex just like that.

i'm not agenst abortion in general, but I am agenst how people just can "pick and take" children.
I understand for something deathly or very serious, but I feel the modern world have started to get abit to spoiled, -__-



Prochoice or prolife? When does life begin? What's normal or abnormal?

From a spiritual standpoint, why would an all knowing God allow a Soul into a fetus that will be aborted? Or from my standpoint and spirituality why would a Soul choose a fetus that will be aborted? So if you ask me prochoice or prolife, I really can't answer, only the person that chooses either or can. But when it comes to aborting a fetus, all consequences of the mother need to be addressed such as psychological probems down the line and so on.

As for aborting a fetus for genetic"defects" though, it is a scary thought. Just look at Hitler's ideals and believe me there are plenty of possible "hitlers" out there.


Quote from: Shawn Sunshine on January 24, 2013, 12:57:28 AMBut there could be a good side to prenatal screening, if we could determine a transgender brain as well, then the baby could be corrected in the womb to have the body that reflects the brain. However for intersex people, some feel like they are in between male and female anyways, some feel male or female.

That might be great for a lot of transsexuals, since transitioning is often a very difficult thing to go through, but I kind of feel like changing someone's sex at birth might go wrong, just as surgery on intersex people as infants has. To my knowledge, they haven't entirely figured out why people are trans, but I know that they've found that with sexual orientation, a variety of factors (including, but not limited to genetics) can have an affect on it. I definitely don't think that there's a single "trans gene" that either you have or don't, that would make you either transsexual or cisgender, because people aren't always one thing or the other. You don't have to be intersex to feel like you're not 100% male or female.

Just like surgically assigning intersex people to one gender or another soon after birth, performing SRS on a baby comes with the same essential problem: You're making a huge life decision for another person before they can have any input as to what they want. Not every transgender person goes for SRS or HRT, and I think they should be able to make that decision for themselves.

Beth Andrea

*deleted by Beth Andrea*
...I think for most of us it is a futile effort to try and put this genie back in the bottle once she has tasted freedom...

--read in a Tessa James post 1/16/2017