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Afraid I won't get accepted

Started by Nyri, April 30, 2013, 12:15:19 AM

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I am finally sure of what I want to do with my life, and really want to do whatever it takes to get there.  I applied to the only college that will work for my purpose (that I know of) and is still accepting applications (plus their insurance program covers HRT, so that would be a plus).  I'm really worried that I won't get in.  Every other time I've started school it wasn't something I wanted to do, but something I was being pushed toward, or something I was studying temporarily until I found out what I actually wanted to do, so I'd get really depressed and stop going to class, and eventually fail out, basically.  I didn't feel like I had a purpose and I needed that to keep going... so now I have all of these really crappy transcripts and it's not like my high school scores were amazing.  They weren't horrible, but not great.  The college application didn't have any space to explain poor performance or anything like that, and I have to disclose all of the previous schools I went to.  I also was in the military but was discharged after only one year... there's that quitting early thing again (that was a medical discharge beyond my control, but a school isn't going to see it that way)

I feel like this time I can make it through school because I know where I'm heading, and I want to get there SO badly.  I know who I am now, and I feel like I have a purpose for the first time in years.  I need to go back to school for this, but what do I do if I can't get accepted? 

Jamie D

I suggest going to a 2-year community college and buckling down.  Show that you are dedicated.  Get chummy with some of the prof's.  Get good recommendations.

I remember that I was totally unfocused as a student when I was a freshman and sophomore.  But I got some summer jobs that helped me zero in on a major I liked, and I was somewhat more mature.  You can probably get student health insurance through your local community college and start HRT.  When I was an undergrad, I went to a college that had student health center, and I had access to a psychiatrist and/or therapists.


I hope the community college will take me back, at least.  My grades there were really good one semester, then the next I went into one of my bouts of depression... I think I passed one or two classes, but it's not pretty.  They don't offer any sort of health plan at the community college here, though.  I guess if I don't get into the other schools, I'll just have to put off transitioning for a little while. 

Oddly, the college that I want to go to the most doesn't seem to take recommendations... I wonder if people can still send them and if they would alter the decision any.