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This joke reflects how I'm feeling

Started by suzifrommd, June 05, 2013, 08:34:16 AM

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Despite being in a workplace that claims to be diverse, welcoming, accepting, etc., I'm being told by our union that I will likely be transferred to a less desirable assignment because I'm Trans.

This reminds me of a joke which I've tailored to the way I'm feeling now.

Warning: While it does not disparage any particular faith, the joke does make light of the concept of heaven. If you think you might be offended by that, it's probably best you not read further.

A man of color comes up to the gates of heaven. He's nervous, and tells the person at the gate, "I don't know if I'll be allowed in. All my life we've been excluded from places that white people are allowed."

"Nonsense!" says the person at the gate. "This is heaven. We do not discriminate. All good people can have a place here. We only have one test. As long as you can spell 'God', you'll be allowed in."

The man easily passes this test and enters heaven.

Next, a Jewish man comes to the gates. "I'm not sure I belong here. I've heard all my life that only Christians can ascend to heaven."

"Nonsense!" is the answer. "This is heaven. There is no discrimination. Good people of all faiths are welcome.  As long as you can spell 'God', you'll be allowed in."

The Jewish man passes this test and enters.

The next man comes up. "I'm surprised to be here," he says. "You see I'm openly gay and throughout my life I've been told because I'm gay I cannot go to heaven."

"Nonsense!" comes the answer. "This is heaven. There is no discrimination. Homophobia is not allowed here. As long as you can spell 'God', you'll be allowed in."

The gay man passes this easy test and walks in.

The next person expresses her concern. "I'm a transgender woman. I've been told that this is forbidden and that it will prevent me from entering heaven."

"Nonsense! There is no discrimination here. We welcome all good people. As long as you can spell 'Azerbaijan', you'll be allowed in."
Have you read my short story The Eve of Triumph?

