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The All New 'Before & After Topic (v 2.0)

Started by Jennygirl, July 01, 2013, 03:41:32 AM

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Madison (kiara jamie)

Quote from: Jennygirl on December 26, 2013, 10:18:14 PM
Sheesh! I'm glad I didn't sign up for okcupid! ;)

Well, it's official. I am so completely flattered that I don't even know what to say. All I know is... I'm proud to be a part of this community and I hope I get the chance to meet more people from here in person. So far the people I have actually met have been as good or better than I imagined from their online personas. And I like those odds of meeting more amazing people in real life!

i agree with you jenny, i want an older trans sister to hang out with and talk about girl things with, and do makeup and talk about shoes... i have 3 sisters but i don't think i would be accepted by them


Violet Bloom

Quote from: Marieee on December 26, 2013, 10:41:39 PM
Sexy and Smart means no escape! :D Looking AMAZING Jenny!

  That's another reason I don't post personal pics around here - I'd never out-run all the hungry tigresses! ;) ;) ;)



Quote from: Violet Bloom on December 26, 2013, 10:26:46 PM
  Look out - Valentine's Day is fast approaching! ;)

Oh god, don't remind me! That's my birthday, and this year is a big one!


Quote from: GorJess on December 26, 2013, 10:15:17 PMI wish I looked like Jenny, sounded like her...more motivation for me to work with makeup...I mean I look okay enough without it, but hey. Or do I, I don't hope is I do but that's where you all come in, I need feedback.


Age 15:

Age 17:

Today (age 21, naked/pure/etc. face, 13.5 months HRT):

Genuinely don't care if you quote, these are making their way on a documentary anyway. :)

Even the change between 15 and 17 are great, but between 17 and 21? WOW! You look great!
Hey, you've reached Lauren's signature! If you have any questions, want to talk, or just need a shoulder to cry on, leave me a message, and I'll get back to you.

Full time: 12/12/13
Started hormones: 26/3/14
FFS: No clue, winter/spring 2014/15 maybe?
SRS: winter/spring 2014/15?

Shelly Lullaby

Quote from: Antonia J on December 26, 2013, 09:12:33 PM
It's unanimous,  we all have girl crushes on Jenny.
Quote from: Violet Bloom on December 26, 2013, 10:26:46 PM
  Look out - Valentine's Day is fast approaching! ;)

Now that you mention that, I bet it will be a riot with all of us crushing on her.  >:-)
"All the hardest, coldest people you meet were once as soft as water. And that's the tragedy of living."

Shelly Lullaby

Quote from: GorJess on December 26, 2013, 10:15:17 PM
I wish I looked like Jenny, sounded like her...more motivation for me to work with makeup...I mean I look okay enough without it, but hey. Or do I, I don't hope is I do but that's where you all come in, I need feedback.


Age 15:

Age 17:

Today (age 21, naked/pure/etc. face, 13.5 months HRT):

Genuinely don't care if you quote, these are making their way on a documentary anyway. :)


You are an absolute cutie, girl. And, your smile is adorable as hell.  ::)
"All the hardest, coldest people you meet were once as soft as water. And that's the tragedy of living."


Jess, you're beautiful! I find it hard to believe those are your before pictures!
~ Tarah ~


Violet Bloom

Quote from: Jennygirl on December 27, 2013, 02:08:20 AM
Oh god, don't remind me! That's my birthday, and this year is a big one!

  Funny - I seem to have a sixth sense for significant life events.  You'll make the best of it, I'm sure.  Should we all eat a slice of cherry pie in your honor? ;)



Quote from: Jennygirl on December 24, 2013, 11:45:30 PM
xmas eve night 2012 w/ my mom & step dad, shortly after starting HRT & coming out to them

xmas eve night 2013 w/ my mom & step dad :D

Without a doubt, the best year of my life so far. Merry Holidays everyone ;)

Cheers to 2014!!!! you can add me to the jenny club


ok.. I've been AWOL from Susans for months now.. plugging away at life and going through my changes.  Tell me what you all think.. last time I posted photos I never got a response.. so I'm hoping this time I won't get hijacked.. so Jenny.. don't post more photos right after me or I'll never hear another word!  You're too damn beautiful!

Oh.. and I'll be turning 41 this coming March.  As of Dec 28th I should be at nine months on Hormones.

So.. first is me with my kids about ten years ago

Second is me about a week before starting HRT. 

Then two from this last week:



My first post, and I just want to say that I hate all of you. :-)

Seriously, you're all gorgeous as hell. I'll be starting HRT two weeks from today, after finally deciding that I've been denying the real me for faar too long. But when I look in the mirror I don't feel so optimistic that I'll look anywhere near half as good as you lovely ladies. So, I'm jealous. There. I said it.


Give it time.  I was convinced I'd need extensive FFS.... and in less than a year I'm being flirted with and chased by men and women both.  :)  Granted it's mostly lesbians that think I'm hot.. but I'm not arguing.

You're time will come.. have patience.. and take care of yourself!  It's not just hormones .. it's diet, exercise, mental state.  Basically, eat clean, exercise, meditate and smile!  :D

oh.. and moisturize!!  A nightly beauty regime is essential to good results IMO.. especially if you're older like me and have to reverse the decades of neglect.


Violet Bloom

Quote from: RedFox on December 27, 2013, 09:50:40 PM
Give it time.  I was convinced I'd need extensive FFS.... and in less than a year I'm being flirted with and chased by men and women both.  :)  Granted it's mostly lesbians that think I'm hot.. but I'm not arguing.

  I thought you might be drawing in the lesbians!  Some day I hope to receive such blessings.  It is my dream.  If I can pull together more free time I'd like to delve deeper into sculptural metalwork art with the aid of my welding skills.  That oughta generate some attention!



Large scale metal art is my interest as well Violet.  Lately I've been involved with the practical aspect of welding on my truck and some custom bumpers I fabricated.  But I like doing found art and some crafted things.  I really want a forge too.. and a larger anvil... very relaxing to be hammering on hot steel or to watch it melt under a torch or an electrode.  :D

And yeah.. something sexy about a chick working with hot steel.  I turn myself on sometimes.  LOL.



Quote from: RedFox on December 27, 2013, 08:25:53 PM
ok.. I've been AWOL from Susans for months now.. plugging away at life and going through my changes.  Tell me what you all think.. last time I posted photos I never got a response.. so I'm hoping this time I won't get hijacked.. so Jenny.. don't post more photos right after me or I'll never hear another word!  You're too damn beautiful!

Oh.. and I'll be turning 41 this coming March.  As of Dec 28th I should be at nine months on Hormones.

Arr you sure there where no aging reversal substances in your hormones? Could never guess a hottie like you where not in your late 20s. Seriously.

Jamie D

Quote from: RedFox on December 27, 2013, 08:25:53 PM
ok.. I've been AWOL from Susans for months now.. plugging away at life and going through my changes.  Tell me what you all think.. last time I posted photos I never got a response.. so I'm hoping this time I won't get hijacked.. so Jenny.. don't post more photos right after me or I'll never hear another word!  You're too damn beautiful!

Oh.. and I'll be turning 41 this coming March.  As of Dec 28th I should be at nine months on Hormones.

So.. first is me with my kids about ten years ago

Second is me about a week before starting HRT. 

Then two from this last week:

LOL.  Don't try to pass that goateed guy off as that cutie in the bottom photos!  Now the guy in the suit is a family member.  Brother, cousin, but related  ;)  And you don't look like you are in your 40s.

You are the paratrooper, right?


Quote from: Jennygirl on December 27, 2013, 02:08:20 AM
Oh god, don't remind me! That's my birthday, and this year is a big one!

You and I share a birthday it seems! Hopefully it's been better for you than me. I've always wound up single on my birthday, and all of my friends have tended to ditch me for dates with their significant others, thus leaving me thinking "seriously? You have 364 other days to show them your love. This is my day. Way to be brainwashed by Hallmark."


Quote from: RedFox on December 27, 2013, 09:50:40 PM
Give it time.  I was convinced I'd need extensive FFS.... and in less than a year I'm being flirted with and chased by men and women both.  :)  Granted it's mostly lesbians that think I'm hot.. but I'm not arguing.

You're time will come.. have patience.. and take care of yourself!  It's not just hormones .. it's diet, exercise, mental state.  Basically, eat clean, exercise, meditate and smile!  :D

oh.. and moisturize!!  A nightly beauty regime is essential to good results IMO.. especially if you're older like me and have to reverse the decades of neglect.

Absolutely right on! You're looking foxy there Red, good work girlfriend!


Thanks for the ego boost everyone!  Like so many people I thought the changes were happening so slowly or that I'd never look like the woman I knew I was.

Yes.. I am actually 40.  I wrestle with the wrinkles and loose skin like every other 40 year old.  I just have a heavy moisturizing regime that seems to be helping a lot.  One of my goals with FFS, other than softening the harder lines and a rhinoplasty, is to tighten up the skin around my eyes and on my neck.  But I am fairly content with where I'm at at the moment.  Apparently the women in my family age better than the men.  ;)

And yes.. I am/was the paratrooper (airborne & air assault).  I had actually returned to the active Army reserves in November.. was invited to return as a female officer.  Only lasted for a month due to orders to transfer to the inactive that had already been initiated (by me).. but I'm now fighting to return to uniform once more.  :)  Trying to set the example and pave the way for all the other trans service members.


Cassie 4 Ever!!!

Left is Pre-HRT & the right side is me today.
