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DC Universe or Marvel?

Started by SaveMeJeebus, July 28, 2013, 05:26:56 PM

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I am lame as i have never read a comic from either franchise. I will someday, and i will go to a comic con too. I have seen various episodes, animated, live-action, non-live, and numerous movies. But where do i stand?



Marvel for me.

I will go to comicon in a spidergirl outfit one day...
Body... meet brain.  Now follow her lead and there will be no more trouble, you dig?



It's about 50/50 for me. While I love the Marvel universe and how it's done an amazing job of building a consistent and interconnected universe, DC has some of my favorite titles: Hellblazer, Sandman, and Animal Man are all part of the DC cannon, and then there's Green Lantern. I love me some Geoff Johns GL.


Amelia Pond

I like them both. However, I'm really more of a DC girl. ;)

If you're talking about more recent comics, both have good and bad comics. DC messed some things up with New 52 that I don't like but some comics are still good.

I have also found that DC/WB generally makes very good animated films and many good TV shows but their live action movies...  :icon_blah:

Their more recent live action TV shows have been awesome (Smallville, Arrow, and hopefully the upcoming Flash show) though.

From some of the Marvel Now comics I've read Marvel seems like it's improving. I was an avid Marvel fan in the early 90's but took a break from them, stupid teenage years making me think I was sooo mature  :rolleyes:, until the early 2000's and then, IMHO, Marvel had just gone downhill. It lost a lot of what made it great before. Some comics were okay during this time but not for the most part. Then again, some people loved Marvel when I thought they were lousy.

I've also found that Marvel makes better live action movies (thank you Marvel Studios) than they make animated movies/shows. They still have some good animated stuff too.



I mostly find comics cheesy. But as far as they go, DC Batman graphic novels are great. Specifically the Dark Knight mythos. Any graphic novel that portrays the dark aspects of the Batman universe is just brilliant.

Batman: Year one
Dark Knight Returns
The Killing Joke
Arkham Asylum (the novel, not the game, but the game is good too!)
The Man Who Laughs
Gotham by Gaslight
The Long Halloween

are just a few great ones that DC has to offer.
Farewell to my friends, farewell to the life I knew. I burn what once was, and in the ashes I am born anew.


I have been a Marvel fan for as long as I can remember. Wolverine, and Rogue are 2 of my favorite characters. But I also a big Batman fan, and hope to one day cosplay as Harley Quinn. I love her so much, that I even had her image from the Arkham Asylum tattooed on my leg. I just love the dark and twisted  way her mind works. And I love the fact that although, Batman will do anything to get what he needs done, he just won't kill anyone.
I dunno... I was normal, throughout my life, until I turned 4 and realised that I shouldn't be called a he.

Madison Leigh

Not really a "comics" person, so this is based more on the movies (specifically "live action" movies at that).

Neither had ever really been an attraction to me (much to my roommate's consternation), until I saw Iron Man.  I loved the way RDJ played Tony Stark, and for that matter I enjoyed Gwenneth Paltrow's work as well.  I'll admit I didn't care for Iron Man 2 as much; but then I saw the Avengers and that sold me on things.  I've since went back and watched Captain America and Thor and while I don't think either one was as good as Iron Man or the Avengers - well I did enjoy both.  I haven't seen the Hulk or Iron Man 3 yet (heard the Hulk wasn't so great), but I will. 

As far as DC goes - some of the movies I've liked, some not so much.


Quote from: Madison Leigh on August 02, 2013, 03:20:22 PM
Not really a "comics" person, so this is based more on the movies (specifically "live action" movies at that).

Neither had ever really been an attraction to me (much to my roommate's consternation), until I saw Iron Man.  I loved the way RDJ played Tony Stark, and for that matter I enjoyed Gwenneth Paltrow's work as well.  I'll admit I didn't care for Iron Man 2 as much; but then I saw the Avengers and that sold me on things.  I've since went back and watched Captain America and Thor and while I don't think either one was as good as Iron Man or the Avengers - well I did enjoy both.  I haven't seen the Hulk or Iron Man 3 yet (heard the Hulk wasn't so great), but I will. 

As far as DC goes - some of the movies I've liked, some not so much.

Not even Batman Begins and Dark Knight?
Farewell to my friends, farewell to the life I knew. I burn what once was, and in the ashes I am born anew.


I prefer Marvel, but like some DC.


Quote from: Edge on August 02, 2013, 04:16:42 PM
I prefer Marvel, but like some DC.

Gotta say I love the Punisher. He's so awesome he should be with DC really.
Farewell to my friends, farewell to the life I knew. I burn what once was, and in the ashes I am born anew.

Madison Leigh

Quote from: Dreams2014 on August 02, 2013, 03:53:45 PM
Not even Batman Begins and Dark Knight?

Nah those were pretty good - I would've put them under the "some of the movies I've liked" column.  Still think I prefer Iron Man and Avengers over both though.


Quote from: Madison Leigh on August 02, 2013, 04:27:25 PM
Nah those were pretty good - I would've put them under the "some of the movies I've liked" column.  Still think I prefer Iron Man and Avengers over both though.

RDJ makes an excellent Stark I agree. I was never quite sure how I felt as Christian Bale playing Bruce Wayne.
Farewell to my friends, farewell to the life I knew. I burn what once was, and in the ashes I am born anew.

Madison Leigh

Quote from: Dreams2014 on August 02, 2013, 04:32:49 PM
RDJ makes an excellent Stark I agree. I was never quite sure how I felt as Christian Bale playing Bruce Wayne.

Yeah RDJ manages to be the d*ck that his character is, but be likable at the same time - not an easy feat.


Quote from: Dreams2014 on August 02, 2013, 04:32:49 PM
RDJ makes an excellent Stark I agree. I was never quite sure how I felt as Christian Bale playing Bruce Wayne.

I liked him just fine as Wayne. It's when he's Batman that it just kind of fell apart for me.


Amelia Pond

Quote from: Shodan on August 02, 2013, 05:11:36 PM
I liked him just fine as Wayne. It's when he's Batman that it just kind of fell apart for me.

Those are my feelings about it too. In fact, the only parts of The Dark Knight that I did like, were the parts with Bruce Wayne. I didn't care for the rest of the film/acting.



It's the voice. Bale's Bat-Voice is hilariously awful.



Where do i begin?

Smallville was great, but i started to get tired towards the end. I blazed through seven seasons; I got into to it late. I have yet to see Arrow (I know Stephen from Hung), heard it has been good, i might eventually get around to watching it.

I liked the original Superman and Batman movies. The new Batman trilogy is a lot better though. I have yet to see Man Of Steel, but i heard its good.  They have announced Batman VS Superman. I am not convinced. Apparently Warner Bros are looking for an actor in their 40s to play Batman next.  Josh Brolin was one guy mentioned, and probably my favourite thus far.

I had a few Batman comics on my Amazon wishlist. I recall The Long Halloween, The Killing Joke, Arkham Asylum, and Year One. I was looking at 'Top 10 lists'. I couldn't decide what one to go with first  :-X

My Uncle hates the new Batman trilogy  :o

Robert Downey Jr definitely has a spark. I don't think i appreciated Iron Man 2 as much as the first. I have yet to see Iron Man 3; Mandarin seems lackluster  :-X


King Malachite

If this was Marvel vs Capcom that would be easier.  I don't really read comics, but if I had to choose, I'd chose whoever team Cole Macgrath is on and I believe that's DC
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"Sometimes you have to go through outer hell to get to inner heaven."

"Anomalies can make the best revolutionaries."


Well that only exists in video games. Making a real life comparison between Marvel and Capcom would be like seriously comparing Coca Cola with hamburgers.
Farewell to my friends, farewell to the life I knew. I burn what once was, and in the ashes I am born anew.


As Marvel vs. Capcom says, "It's Mahvel, Baby!"

Here is what I see as the differences between Marvel and DC. Marvel has very down-to-Earth, sort of average Joe superheroes. If you've seen The Avengers, Thor, or heard about The Guardians of the Galaxy movie, it may seem like this isn't true. But at the heart of Marvel characters, especially all of the old school ones, are regular people dealing with extraordinary circumstances. They are easier to relate to. Spider-Man, Iron Man, Fantastic Four, Punisher, X-Men, they're all very human characters who have had some drastic change befall them and a lot of their stories are about them dealing with what's happened to them. Some books (looking at you, X-Men) have an almost Soap Opera feel.

DC has a more cosmic, world-shattering flavor. Their main characters deal with constant threats to the entire well-being of the Earth. Superman is always saving the entire world from some extraterrestrial threat. Green Lantern is really an average Joe at heart, like I mentioned above regarding Marvel, but he flies around the universe and deals with all kinds of crazy aliens. Wonder Woman is basically a god! Batman is a great character, but not as relatable as, say, Spider-Man. (Unless you're a billionaire!) I feel like the difference between Marvel and DC, in general, is small-scope vs. large-scope. DC's Vertigo line (Sandman, Hellblazer, Preacher, Swamp Thing, and many more) is a whole other entity.

I lean Marvel, but still enjoy a lot of DC stuff. Of course, they both have great characters and great stories (and they both have a lot of misses, as well). I love Batman. If you're looking for a starter book, The Long Halloween is really amazing. Year One is also very good. I would choose those to start with. If you're looking at Batman, another great series to check out is Gotham Central. It's like the old show Homicide or Law and Order, but based in Gotham. No real superheroes, just cops investigating the crimes that supervillains and wanna-bes leave behind when the superheroes are done.

Also, check out Batwoman!!! Check out the graphic novel, Batwoman: Elegy. So awesome!