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For Transgender Converts, Changing Gender and Finding Faith Come Together

Started by Amelia Pond, August 13, 2013, 09:00:04 AM

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Amelia Pond

For Transgender Converts, Changing Gender and Finding Faith Come Together
Naomi Zeveloff, August 13, 2013

Some trans converts came from strong faith backgrounds and wanted to supplant their childhood religion with one that would be more accepting of their gender identity. Others came to Judaism from a nonreligious background.

"In one way it is a search for personal authenticity," said Rabbi Jane Litman, a congregational consultant with the Reconstructionist movement who has converted close to two dozen trans Jews. "People who are transitioning in terms of gender are looking for a way to feel most authentically themselves"...

Converting to Judaism as a trans person isn't just emotionally complex, it's also practically complicated. Conversion is a gendered process, differing significantly depending on whether the candidate is a man or a woman. Without a built-in roadmap for transgender conversion, trans individuals and their rabbis are left to improvise — reinterpreting age-old rituals to work for their identities and bodies.



Interesting... One thing that they didn't say was how women and men of transsexual history, who already have had bottom surgery, still go through the process of conversion. After all, I do not think I would ever become a Jewish woman until I have finished up with bottom surgery, and then proceeded.

We don't have that many Jews in Canada, or at least in my province of British Columbia. We do have a lot of Sikhs and Muslims though!

Shema Yisra'el, Adonai Eloheynu Adonai Echad!
"Live fully, love wastefully, and be all that you can be."
-- Bishop Spong


An interesting article. There's a synagogue near me that I believe is open and accepting of trans people. The article reminded me of the day that  came out as transgender. My faith was strengthed also. I re-examined some of my thoughts and belief about TGLB people and the scriptures. I concluded that God loves us too.

Be who you are.
Make a difference by being a difference.   :)
