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Changes in appearance as you recover from SRS?

Started by Mariposa, August 23, 2013, 10:46:29 PM

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Hello Ladies! Yet another question!

Today marks exactly 5 weeks since I have had my surgery with dr.bowers. And I did have a few minor concerns... It almost seemed like I had a better idea of what my results would look like after I healed, but did any of you have your worries that your results looked so strange from all the swelling only to have it look better in a few months?

How long did it take until everything started to look normal for you?

I guess I am looking for a little piece of mind because I am starting to get just a tad self conscious! I am sure it's gonna be just fine in a few months but I was just curious. :)

Jenna Marie

Absolutely. In fact, Brassard said to wait a minimum of four months to even get a rough *idea* of the eventual looks, and a year to see the actual final results.

Honestly, it took me over a year (but I had a lot of swelling) to feel like it was totally normal. Probably six months before it looked "mostly normal." I know it's frustrating, but try to be patient. :)


As another Bowers' Babe here, with 7 months of healing, the critical event for me was the disappearance of the last of the sutures. and I did have a couple hang around at the bottom of the labia majora until about week 6, and one stubborn little devil at the top of my labia minora that made dilation an adventure for a bit at the end of week 6.  It was also about then that I was able to quit using panty liners.  A big help in gaining more normal and less swollen tissue, was that while our surgery package does not mention Sitz baths as a must, at your phase of things, having a sitz bath after dilation three at bedtime is helpful and you can make it a tub bath soak if you like.  I was told to take them since I had a yeast infection develope at between week three and four and it got lube out and just was soothing. Do wear cotton panties and change them after each dilation along with the liners.  Liner change at every pee break.  At the end of your first 90 days you should be pretty calm and no where near as nasty touchy, and will be getting more erotic signals from your green friend.

One week to go and you can substitute the real thing for one dilation per day!!  It never happened for me, but I hope you can have better luck. (If that is your thing.)
I refuse to have a war of wits with a half armed opponent!!

Wiser now about Post Op reality!!


Thanks for the posts girls, I'm going on the 24th to Montreal.. so good to know.
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Kate G

I had SRS with Bowers in 2004.  My vagina didn't begin to look normal until after I was finally able to have a revision with Dr. Chettawut in 2011. Hopefully you are more fortunate than I was.
"To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did." -Unknown

mrs izzy

Quote from: Jenna Marie on August 23, 2013, 11:26:00 PM
Absolutely. In fact, Brassard said to wait a minimum of four months to even get a rough *idea* of the eventual looks, and a year to see the actual final results.

Honestly, it took me over a year (but I had a lot of swelling) to feel like it was totally normal. Probably six months before it looked "mostly normal." I know it's frustrating, but try to be patient. :)

I have to agree with you on this, seems the longer i get from my new B day the better it looks (at 5 months). At like around the 4 month mark i could pee more like a girl. (no more spraying). Lol.... lifes little moments as swelling goes down. My husband sure has a smile on his face more with each passing month.

Mrs. Izzy
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