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Started by Shana-chan, August 20, 2013, 05:23:54 PM

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Oh no.  It almost sounds like we're a bit of kindred spirits, except I never went out investigating myself or anything.  I try to find explanations for things rather than just accepting oh yeah that's proof, but still believe there has to be more to the world than is readily explainable, and more to life than this.

Maybe I'm crazy too though.
"Tell my tale to those who ask.  Tell it truly; the ill deeds along with the good, and let me be judged accordingly.  The rest is silence." - Dinobot



Quote from: Colleen♡Callie on May 05, 2014, 06:11:33 PM
Oh no.  It almost sounds like we're a bit of kindred spirits, except I never went out investigating myself or anything.  I try to find explanations for things rather than just accepting oh yeah that's proof, but still believe there has to be more to the world than is readily explainable, and more to life than this.

Maybe I'm crazy too though.

Welcome to the club Colleen.

If you ever do get a chance to go on an invetigation or just investigate something on your own do it. But at least have one other person with you though for safety and to collaborate your experiences. Number one rule is always get permission whether it is an abandoned graveyard, structure or so on. If it is a structure make sure that it is safe enough. If you can't find a particular owner, check with your local authorities, they will either tell you who owns something or if not and it is public property let them know and ask if its OK to be there. When a friend and I were investigating an old graveyard stuck way back in the woods, with permission from the Sheriff's office, a deputy would come by every couple of hours and ceck on us to make sure we were OK. Around sunrise he came back and was asking what we had if anything and talked to us for about an hour. The next little investigation he came along with us.

Rose City Rose

I'm about 50% sure, inasmuch as I don't think we can ever prove something like reincarnation 100%.  But the 50% of me that believes is pretty sure what I experienced in 2012 was not just a fluke.

I did not undergo regression.  I had a spontaneous and traumatic recall of a previous life as a British infantryman in the First World War that was detailed enough to trace my identity.  I attribute the cause of the experience to the emotional turmoil I was suffering when my gender dysphoria hit critical mass in 2011-2013.

I recalled two other lives I was able to trace, one in England in the Middle Ages and one in California in the mid 20th century.  Between the two English lives, as between my previous American life and my current one, I found such a thick string of close and remarkable coincidences that I'm inclined to believe that reincarnation, or else our simultaneous existence in multiple planes of non-linear time that we mistake for past lives, is an actual phenomenon.  Or maybe I'm a nutjob;  I'm never completely certain. 

What I am sure about is that I didn't believe in reincarnation at all until my memories broke.  Before then I thought it might be interesting if it did occur but felt I was better off living as if I only had this life because reincarnation sounded like wishful thinking to me.  I now think that reincarnation, when we are confronted with its implications and the philosophical problems it poses, is anything but a comforting thought.

This is why I turned to Gnosticism; it seemed the only system that made sense from my point of view (though I see much that is good in Buddhism as well).  It makes sense to me that the phenomenal world isn't our true home, and that we get sucked into it by becoming big, contaminated balls of tendencies that put us in ruts lasting hundreds of years. 

It's intriguing to think that one day, I might become aware enough of my true nature that I can either escape from rebirth altogether or at least learn a little control over the process.  Gnosticism might be a dead end, but from where I stand, I've got nothing to lose by trying.
*Started HRT January 2013
*Name and gender marker changed September 2014
*Approved and issued letters for surgery September 2015
*Surgery Consultation November 2015
*Preop electrolysis October 2016-March 2019
*GRS April 3 2019


Quote from: Rose City Rose on November 16, 2014, 11:42:55 PM
It's intriguing to think that one day, I might become aware enough of my true nature that I can either escape from rebirth altogether or at least learn a little control over the process.  Gnosticism might be a dead end, but from where I stand, I've got nothing to lose by trying.

I wouldn't consider it a dead end as much as a bigger continuation of the story that got left out of a big part of Christianity. Sort of the real forbidden fruit. It is knowledge into the life of Christ that most mainstream religions refuse to accept. So Rose, History repeats itself and we are taking in the forbiddend knowledge so that would make those of us that look into these things Eve in the eyes of most mainstream churches. It does make so much more sense to me that Mary Magdeline was not a "whore" but a widow that was pretty well off and joined Jesus. Actually funded Jesus', for lack of a better word, ministry. That she was his closest deciple points to a relationship more than just her being an apostle. Even so that it prompted a jelousy from other desciples. That Judas didn't betray Crist but rather did what Christ asked and wanted him to do.

What may or may not be is a big mystery. Perceptions change and we learn everyday through some type of inner revelation whether we know it or not. Wheter it is Spiritual in nature or not. It is extremely dangerous though when convictions turn into stone and your convictions become the "solid truth". The truth is that the "Truth" is uncomprehensible in our current states of concsiousnesses. We are supposed to search for it the best we can though and try our best to understand and let the most positive aspects of ourselves dictate our lives instead of the negative apsects.

I believe in more but what we think of as eternity may be the six minutes or so it takes the brain to die after the body stops breathing. The rest may just be dreams or fragments of dreams. But then again... Anything is possible. Anything and everything. That is in the Bible itself which leaves way more questions than it answers for me.

Rose City Rose

Quote from: Jess42 on November 17, 2014, 07:24:17 AMI wouldn't consider it a dead end as much as a bigger continuation of the story that got left out of a big part of Christianity. Sort of the real forbidden fruit. It is knowledge into the life of Christ that most mainstream religions refuse to accept. So Rose, History repeats itself and we are taking in the forbiddend knowledge so that would make those of us that look into these things Eve in the eyes of most mainstream churches.

I meant it "might be a dead end" in inasmuch as there's always a leap of faith, for someone born in a modern world, to say that the apparent, material world is not the absolute reality we thought we stood firmly on.  I've had to suspend a measure of disbelief which was not comfortable for me, since making any conclusion that isn't supported by a repeatable hypothesis makes me uneasy, but it makes sense when I parse the decision in light of my own experiences.

Quote from: Jess42 on November 17, 2014, 07:24:17 AM
I believe in more but what we think of as eternity may be the six minutes or so it takes the brain to die after the body stops breathing. The rest may just be dreams or fragments of dreams.

I actually had a similar idea, that we are actually still in our last moments in some early paradise that we were so attached to that we were reluctant to leave, and that each incarnation was the product of the massive dose of DMT delivered by the brain at the moment of death.  And so each lifetime is essentially the last seconds of the previous lifetime in a continuous nesting effect, a "chronolysis" if you will, wherein a moment is split infinitely so that we approach the final separation from the phenomenal but never reach it.
*Started HRT January 2013
*Name and gender marker changed September 2014
*Approved and issued letters for surgery September 2015
*Surgery Consultation November 2015
*Preop electrolysis October 2016-March 2019
*GRS April 3 2019


When you start looking to how things seem to fit together with the cosmos itself. There is a bigger connection than just mythe and fairytales. How our "religious' symbology seems to concide with the different ages. Whether or not it is subconscious or some type of reality, I can't even begin to guess. Only that it is there. Just like I always wondered to an already seemingly endless book, the gnostic gospels were left out.

It is kind of intriguing to think that eternity may only be six minutes or so. But what is time anyway? To me it is pretty much just the plotting of the cosmos. 60 minutes is an hour and 24 of those make an earth day and 364 and 1/4 of those make an earth year and the cellestial ages last roughly 2400 years give or take and the great ages last 26000 years. That is time as we know it but is it just an illusion though? I don;t know but it just seems like there is way more to it that is so far beyond our comprehension.


I think we are here to learn. We're not here just to die, we are here to grow. To grow like the tree of life, in both directions, to be fully rooted in death through life, and flowering in life through death.


I really do believe in reincarnation due simply to the fact that I've read articles where, mostly children, who's never been to certain areas in their present life that could recall directions or certain landmarks and locations that they would of never knew existed.  There could be a scientific element to reincarnation such as the life cycle, i.e. body would decomp due to parasites, these parasites get eaten or get absorbed through plants, which in return get eaten by an animal, and that animal gets eaten by another animal, and finally a human eats that animal, and keep continuing until you are.. born again.. but could spirit/soul travel through with that?  not sure, would be God question or something we don't know about... or it could be totally off the science and done through another way.  Either way, it's one of those life mysteries that we'll never know about of it really does exist or not :) But for this reason, I'll be buried when I die and in hopes if I am born again I am born correctly o.o
~ Lexi ~

HRT 11/5/14
Full Time woman 3/12/15


I believe in reincarnation. I think we each have too much to learn for one lifetime.

Also, my wife and I have had a lot of dogs in our long time together, and we've developed the theory that our pets can return to us.

I know of two interesting print-book discussions of reincarnation: One is the alchemy novel Red Lion that follows one being through many lifetimes. The other is Robert Thurman's translation of the so-called Tibetan Book of the Dead, which discusses the history of the Tibetan Book of the Dead: As it is now with China's stranglehold, Tibet was previously overtaken by unbelievers and the Book of the Dead was hidden away. When times were safer, reincarnated beings directed the rediscovery of the Book of the Dead.

It has been pointed out that Nature is a strong believer in recycling, and that it would be truly odd if an advanced development such as consciousness were not recycled somehow.

-- Sue
Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in
-- Leonard Cohen, "Anthem"


Quote from: DogSpirit on March 24, 2016, 06:47:46 PM
I believe in reincarnation. I think we each have too much to learn for one lifetime.

Also, my wife and I have had a lot of dogs in our long time together, and we've developed the theory that our pets can return to us.

I know of two interesting print-book discussions of reincarnation: One is the alchemy novel Red Lion that follows one being through many lifetimes. The other is Robert Thurman's translation of the so-called Tibetan Book of the Dead, which discusses the history of the Tibetan Book of the Dead: As it is now with China's stranglehold, Tibet was previously overtaken by unbelievers and the Book of the Dead was hidden away. When times were safer, reincarnated beings directed the rediscovery of the Book of the Dead.

It has been pointed out that Nature is a strong believer in recycling, and that it would be truly odd if an advanced development such as consciousness were not recycled somehow.

-- Sue

Hmm. I'm never believed in afterlife or reincarnation, but that is a thought provoking sentence.

Hugs, Devlyn


Who knows, maybe I'm being punished for things I did in a previous life and they "generously" gave me this fate rather than being born in some poor community in Africa. What do they call it? Karma?

There's bad and then there's worse. Compared to some countries, my life is probably godly, even if I constantly bemoan it as a terrible curse cast upon me by a sadistic higher being.


Did your toilet have a heated seat, wash your butt and wipe it too. No you say. OK it wasn't Japanese.
Dawn Oday

It just feels right   :icon_hug: :icon_hug: :icon_kiss: :icon_kiss: :icon_kiss:

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First indication I was different- 1956 kindergarten
First crossdress - Asked mother to dress me in sisters costumes  Age 7
First revelation - 1982 to my present wife
First time telling the truth in therapy June 15, 2016
Start HRT Aug 2016
First public appearance 5/15/17



Quote from: Xirafel on September 03, 2016, 05:48:45 PM
Who knows, maybe I'm being punished for things I did in a previous life and they "generously" gave me this fate rather than being born in some poor community in Africa. What do they call it? Karma?

There's bad and then there's worse. Compared to some countries, my life is probably godly, even if I constantly bemoan it as a terrible curse cast upon me by a sadistic higher being.

I presume the sadistic higher being is yourself ;)

But yeah when it comes to reincarnation, there's really no way of proving it on a personal level, since you'd have to die first for it. When it comes to weird cases though, try googling (or reading up on) Imad Elawar...
–  γνῶθι σεαυτόν  –

"Know then thyself, presume not God to scan, The proper study of mankind is Man"


I strongly believe in Reincarnation, but its a little weird a lot like the book Elsewhere (strongly recommend reading it). I believe we are or at the very less that what makes us, returns to (for lack of better words) the life stream (sounds like a Final Fantasy VII / X thing) in there our energy is renewed and returned to the mortal world. Now I have had (again for lack of better words) visions of what I believe to be my past lives, never something as clear as gender but Ive seen and been in my past life. I fought in war of the roses, thats the only truth I know.

But anyway everyone has their own idea's of what happens when are current time is up, maybe the idea of the life stream isn't just limited to our planet but connects to all of them. Who knows and as fun as it is to dream this is one topic that no matter what you believe you know, we will never know and it makes it all that more fun lol. 
If life is too short for what ifs, than way do they always strike at the worse times.

Most people are worried about burning bridges, but forget about the consistent fire that burns on the roads we walk

In the end we only regret the chances we didnt take. -Lewis Carroll

Feel free to call me Sophia Lee if you want

The journey may not be new but its a new journey.

16 Apr 2018 - Start of a new chapter
8 Jun 2018- VA is working with me to move forward
11 Jul 2018 - consultation with Psych doctor
14 Jul 2018 - Dad confronted me...
7 Aug 2018 - Started HRT
25 Oct 2018 - Started Speech Therapy
24 Apr 2019 - Official name is Sophia Lee Bell



So far from every religion, philosophy and other I've read, only a few are near the truth, even if we don't know the absolute truth. How to now we are near the truth? It firstly must not violate or negate our reality and science. Since a theory is supposed to be the truth, it must embrace reality and science. Complement it, use it, be part of it. Otherwise, it feels already false for me without any need of further reading. It may sound obvious but some religions and philosophy denies things that we already know to exist.

I have a major preference for spiritism, that respect the basics I've mentionned and explain a lot more. Reincarnation is explained in details including the entire universe in the game, not us and not our tiny planet only. It explains how matter work and others work and it's done with a high degree of complexity and refinement but simple at the same time. It's impossible to say if it's definitively true but for me it's one of the best trail that we have so I tend to use it in my life.

Memory would be conserved in our true form, and not accessible (most of it) from a body of matter. The goal of existence would be to live in differents worlds to learn and get better, which need countless lives, to reach a point where pain is not needed anymore to progress and in the later, to participate in helping and in harmony of everything. Well, when you search for answers, this theory worth a read.


Quote from: Shana-chan on August 20, 2013, 05:23:54 PM
Not sure where else to post this but, reincarnation, is it real or not? I ask a simple yet VERY hard question to answer since obviously, this requires proof. Now WHY am I asking such a simple but hard to answer question? Good question indeed. :) Truth is, I myself have a few memories which just flat out ISN'T possible for me to have unless a few things were the case and one of those is that of reincarnation. Sure these "memories" could have been a dream, maybe I made them up? Or perhaps somehow I got them from someone else. (They aren't my memories but somehow I'm seeing their memories and this is different from reincarnation since I'm me and they're them) I'll tell you the memories I have.

1. I have some memories here and there of a place I believe to be Japan yet I've never been to Japan and other than "possibly" a "few" shows I watched which had scenes of Japan, I can't explain why I have these memories. Yet I heard that most Americans see the man on the moon while most Japanese see the Bunny on the moon, I see the Bunny and only once saw the man on the moon. I happen to love Japan too. Coincidence? I can't say for sure so I don't know.

2. I remember talking to someone who I believe to be God because I asked that being to make me a boy. (Or let me be born a boy) I was clearly a female at that point and why in the UNIVERSE I'd ask such a thing!? I honestly have no idea but boy if that really did happen, I wish I hadn't been so stupid! >_< (Obviously I want to be a female and do away with this male body)

3. Later on I remember taking a shower, again as a woman. I believe this was on Earth (Though can't be 100% sure) and the shower looked kind of modern I guess. (Though the lights were dimmed pretty good)

4. I honestly don't know if this is just me thinking this is how it'd feel if a girl felt that way in terms of doing certain things such as kissing and so on but I have had a few times where I felt that way. Really this is a different type since it's not a memory in the head but my body actually felt those same feelings but again, not sure if this is just me thinking that's how it'd feel since I know how it works/looks and such and therefore somehow tricking my body into feeling those things. (Though there's a chance I might be intersex so maybe that explains it?)

5. I think that's it, other than I might have some memories of London but again nor sure there and I'm thinking it couldn't have been more than 50-100 years ago for that shower and these "possible" memories of London which have become quite blurry to the point I don't remember them but know I once remembered them.

So all this, and yet, that's not enough proof for me nor can I say for sure any of that is real. What say you all? I'd like to hear what you have to say on this matter and of course, if you can offer any "proof" such as someone clearly remembered certain events from who they once were and later met up with the older sibling and told them those memories and as a result the older sibling could say that's what happened and might have even photo graphed (Taken a picture) that event and to better back up those two people, they took a lie detector test and so on which proved they weren't lying. So proof like that or proof aside from just saying I remember these things.

Now I'd like to say something here. I'm NOT crazy nor do I claim to be someone who was reincarnated, all I'm saying is I have these memories which I shouldn't have and hope to get to the bottom of them.

I don't remember which channeled book(s) said this, but my understanding is that many people who lived most lifetimes as one gender chose to come back as the opposite. I would imagine that is to have a balanced understanding of All That Is or to challenge oneself to be authentic.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Just sharing, because I personally believe in reincarnation and many of the points brought up over the course of the thread mirror my own beliefs and understanding.

For me, reincarnation just seems to make the most sense. It's all based on growth. Concepts such as heaven or hell feel too absolute for me that  both ideas somewhat cancel each other out. Reincarnation just seems to make the most sense. We all have to get somewhere.

Over the years, I've done my own research and meditations into the ideas of reincarnation, and to a smaller degree, ideas that connect to existence radiating through several frequencies and soul growth...

In my personal experience, I do believe that most of the lives I've experienced were as a female and my being born "male" in this lifetime was my way of spiritually growing and understanding universal balance. That being said, I do believe we have control over the way a lifetime will shape before our births. The crazy makes more sense from a metaphysical standpoint. Our lives are what we make of it, but so much of what has happened in previous lifetimes affects who we are today.

My experience as a "male" and my owning up to my inherent and unending femininity is part of my soul's personal progression through existence.

I had done regression mediation successfully in the past. The first allowed me to glimpse a life at least a hundred twenty years ago. I saw myself, and saw my parents, and when I had looked into my father's eyes, I experienced such tremendous fear. In my understanding, I had been a victim of sexual assault that scarred me enough to be institutionalized for some time. I had done mediations that allowed me to heal my past self. In another experience, I was able to get a glimpse at my own Akashic records.

It sounds crazy. But given my understanding of self, it makes so much sense to me.

It was all so long ago... There is a way to do it, but it requires so much. And even then, a lot of it is up to the mediator themselves to gauge as to what's the most comfortable way to attune themselves to those kind of frequencies.


Quote from: veronicashannon88 on November 12, 2018, 11:30:34 PM
Just sharing, because I personally believe in reincarnation and many of the points brought up over the course of the thread mirror my own beliefs and understanding.

For me, reincarnation just seems to make the most sense. It's all based on growth. Concepts such as heaven or hell feel too absolute for me that  both ideas somewhat cancel each other out. Reincarnation just seems to make the most sense. We all have to get somewhere.

Over the years, I've done my own research and meditations into the ideas of reincarnation, and to a smaller degree, ideas that connect to existence radiating through several frequencies and soul growth...

In my personal experience, I do believe that most of the lives I've experienced were as a female and my being born "male" in this lifetime was my way of spiritually growing and understanding universal balance. That being said, I do believe we have control over the way a lifetime will shape before our births. The crazy makes more sense from a metaphysical standpoint. Our lives are what we make of it, but so much of what has happened in previous lifetimes affects who we are today.

My experience as a "male" and my owning up to my inherent and unending femininity is part of my soul's personal progression through existence.

I had done regression mediation successfully in the past. The first allowed me to glimpse a life at least a hundred twenty years ago. I saw myself, and saw my parents, and when I had looked into my father's eyes, I experienced such tremendous fear. In my understanding, I had been a victim of sexual assault that scarred me enough to be institutionalized for some time. I had done mediations that allowed me to heal my past self. In another experience, I was able to get a glimpse at my own Akashic records.

It sounds crazy. But given my understanding of self, it makes so much sense to me.

It was all so long ago... There is a way to do it, but it requires so much. And even then, a lot of it is up to the mediator themselves to gauge as to what's the most comfortable way to attune themselves to those kind of frequencies.

Yes. I also want to believe so. Well written. Thanks.

Just do it.
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