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A little lesson I learned...

Started by EeplesnBaneenees, September 20, 2013, 11:18:40 PM

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from Dr. Seuss...

When you're feeling down, remember what the great Doctor said:

"Be yourself, because the people that mind don't matter, and the people that matter don't mind."

Such powerful meaning in such a simple sentence.

I hope everyone here can find comfort in that quote, and apply it to their inner battles.

You are loved, no matter what.
Katie Rhae, here. Now get me a craft beer.
"You've come far and though you're far from the end, you don't mind where you are 'cause you know where you've been."


each day stepping through :-X :) :D >:( :( ??? :-\ :'( :embarrassed: | maybe one day truly :D

I think I'm about to go for it. I did it.


Quote from: EeplesnBaneenees on September 20, 2013, 11:18:40 PM"Be yourself, because the people that mind don't matter, and the people that matter don't mind."

I discovered that once I started walking around in public in skirts (still working up to dresses.)

The people who had accepted me before still accepted me; they'd still talk to me, be friendly, etc.

The people who weren't friendly were people who'd never wanted much to do with me even when I was trying to pass for a Manly Man(tm).

Being myself (at least in this respect) is maybe a kind of filter: the people who won't accept who I really am reject me right away and don't waste my time (or theirs.)  A win-win strategy.
"...  I think I'm great just the way I am, and so are you." -- Jazz Jennings




So I'm finally able to upload a picture, and I can't make it not appear sideways! I don't want to look like I'm laying down all the time.
Katie Rhae, here. Now get me a craft beer.
"You've come far and though you're far from the end, you don't mind where you are 'cause you know where you've been."

Tessa James

Heck I thought you were just going for something distinctive...

That good doctor is my lifetime fav. :)
Open, out and evolving queer trans person forever with HRT support since March 13, 2013


Quote from: EeplesnBaneenees on September 20, 2013, 11:18:40 PM

"Be yourself, because the people that mind don't matter, and the people that matter don't mind."

I've been pushing that idea here all along because it's always worked for me and I ain't purty!
BTW - Are you lying down?  :D ;D :laugh:

Ok you owe me one now!  :icon_peace:


Quote from: EeplesnBaneenees on September 22, 2013, 11:42:45 AM

So I'm finally able to upload a picture, and I can't make it not appear sideways! I don't want to look like I'm laying down all the time.

If you have a PC, open and save it in Paint (that very basic app included with Windows). If you can't find in buried in the start menu, try pressing Windows Key+R, type "mspaint.exe" (no quotes).

JPEGs will often have extra info in them telling apps to rotate the picture.  Paint strips all that out and just save the picture the way you see it.

As for the quote, it's been a favourite of mine for years but reminders are always welcome.



Thanks for the advice Erin! That did it! Yay I'm standing right side up now!

For the help, I'll leave you with a great Jack Handy quote: "When you die, and you have a choice between going to regular heaven or pie heaven, choose pie heaven. It might be a trick, but if not, MMMMM BOY!!!"
Katie Rhae, here. Now get me a craft beer.
"You've come far and though you're far from the end, you don't mind where you are 'cause you know where you've been."


I've read through just about every Dr. Seuss book one hundred times now with my daughters and I've re-found my appreciation for them from childhood.  Since we are sharing inspirational quotes though, my favourite has always been Merlin from T. H. White's "A Once and Future King"

Quote"The best thing for being sad," replied Merlyn, beginning to puff and blow, "is to learn something. That is the only thing that never fails. You may grow old and trembling in your anatomies, you may lie awake in the middle of the night listening to the disorder of your veins, you may miss your only love, you may see the world around you devastated by evil lunatics, or know your honour trampled in the sewers of baser minds. There is only one thing for it then — to learn. Learn why the world wags and what wags it. That is the only thing the mind can never exhaust, never alienate, never be tortured by, never fear or distrust, and never dream of regretting."


According to the Internet, versions of the quote seemed to appear in the '30s - '40s, often as a philosophy for seating arrangements at dinner parties.  But isn't any get-together or meeting merely a variation on the idea of a dinner party? ;)


I adore Dr Seuss; I was first introduced to his work as a 6-year-old and I instantly fell in love with it.

Here's another inspirational quote from the good Doctor, from Happy Birthday to You!:
Quote"Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You."

How's this for an awesome trans* metaphor?

Seriously. Could he have been any more wonderful if he'd tried?




I absolutely adore that quote as well. So simple, but so complex and full of meaning. Thanks for sharing!!! Definitely helped make my day today.
Katie Rhae, here. Now get me a craft beer.
"You've come far and though you're far from the end, you don't mind where you are 'cause you know where you've been."


If you are taking a pic with an I phone hold the phone with the volume buttons down toward the floor.. so you are holding the phone sideways.. if you take pics like this they will always be correct.. used to drive me crazy..too..
It does not matter when you send pics phone to phone ...just when you try to download to the pc for some reason..
hope that helps.


Quote from: EeplesnBaneenees on September 22, 2013, 10:58:27 PM

Thanks for the advice Erin! That did it! Yay I'm standing right side up now!

For the help, I'll leave you with a great Jack Handy quote: "When you die, and you have a choice between going to regular heaven or pie heaven, choose pie heaven. It might be a trick, but if not, MMMMM BOY!!!"

Glad it worked. Paint seems to fix a lot of web browser related issues with JPEGs. In my previous job I would always annoy the communications department by suggesting that they run their images through Paint after they couldn't fix it in Photoshop. ;D

Mmmm . . . pie . . .

As for my quote it may not be inspirational, but seems relevant to this second topic:

"Computers suck." - said by me at a general staff meeting.



I was taking it with my iphone. So that's good to know. I'll upload some pics here soon. Any and all criticisms are welcome

Katie Rhae, here. Now get me a craft beer.
"You've come far and though you're far from the end, you don't mind where you are 'cause you know where you've been."


Quote from: EeplesnBaneenees on September 24, 2013, 02:49:00 PM

I was taking it with my iphone. So that's good to know. I'll upload some pics here soon. Any and all criticisms are welcome


A free alternative to photoshop that will give you a whole bunch of nice editing tools is gimp (GNU image manipulation program). I generally use it on linux at work and home, but have also tried it on windows, and you don't have to be a computer expert to figure it out. plus it's FREE!
each day stepping through :-X :) :D >:( :( ??? :-\ :'( :embarrassed: | maybe one day truly :D

I think I'm about to go for it. I did it.


talking about quotes...
try this one from denpa kyoushi:
link to manga page because i'm to lazy to retype.

exactly because we live in reality, we can be whoever and whatever we want to be.
(it just hit me how glad i should be that i'm not a fictional character. i even have a will of my own...)