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Started by barbie, April 17, 2013, 08:24:43 AM

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I prefer straightened hairs, but after watching this music video, I am thinking having ponytail soon.
Ponytail can look sexy, but I worry about revealing my masculine face too much.

Just do it.

kira21 ♡♡♡

haha funny video :-P

I can't really see your face to comment, but the good thing about a ponytail is that you can suck it and see (not literally though :))



Yike! Is that the "Gungan Style" guy everybody talks about? Hmm. Anyway, I assume the ponytail in question is at the 0:38 point-- the lady running on a treadmill. That's a very high pony, so one's hair needs to be pretty long. I did wear them like that when my hair was longer. Mines just below shoulder length right now, so I wear it low when I do.

Barbie, I would think you would wear a ponytail often, being a runner. It's often windy in my part of the world, so binding hair one way or the other is pretty necessary, lest it be in your face and such. I understand it's not good for the roots the let hair bend back and forth in wind a lot.
"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life." - Steve Jobs


Hi, Lyric,

The pony tails I was occupied with were those in the following scene:

Black hairs and shoes in contrast with the white tops. Black leggings and black miniskirts in contrast with the white waist bands. The ladies have very longish face, while my face is wide, looking masculine. I am not confident in having ponytails.

Yes. Ponytails help holding hairs while running. I always wear a hat to hold my hairs and protect my face from the sun.

Hairdressers say to me that having ponytail can cause more hair loss, and recommended me to keep straightened hairs. However, my colleagues at my workplace prefer my ponytail, because it looks tidy, and less feminine.

Anyway, I will try ponytails soon!

Just do it.


I've loved pony tails ever since.. gosh.. forever. When I saw them on my cousins' head when I was young,  I secretly wish I had them too.  Nowadays I alternate between straight style and pony tails, but my hair is not long enough. The pony tails also makes it wavy which I don't find appealing... dillema dillema LOL

big kim

I often wear one, also great for bad hair days


I think you could totally rock that white shirt and ponytail look, Barbie!

Ponys can be damaging if you are not careful with them. I have fine hair that breaks easily, so I only wear the looser heavy knit elastics. I never wear the little tight bands. I sometimes wear plastic claw clips, too. There's a long thing called a "hair glove" I've always wanted to try. I think they look fantastic, though are best with fairly long hair.
"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life." - Steve Jobs


Quote from: barbie on April 21, 2013, 11:56:49 AM
Hi, Lyric,

The pony tails I was occupied with were those in the following scene:

Black hairs and shoes in contrast with the white tops. Black leggings and black miniskirts in contrast with the white waist bands. The ladies have very longish face, while my face is wide, looking masculine. I am not confident in having ponytails.

Yes. Ponytails help holding hairs while running. I always wear a hat to hold my hairs and protect my face from the sun.

Hairdressers say to me that having ponytail can cause more hair loss, and recommended me to keep straightened hairs. However, my colleagues at my workplace prefer my ponytail, because it looks tidy, and less feminine.

Anyway, I will try ponytails soon!


I actually find that a lot of the time when I have my hair up or in a ponytail my face looks more feminine, I think it's because having hair that hangs down beside your face can actually create an illusion that you have a wider face, it's something I notice anyways, it may have to do with the fact that I have shoulder length hair and it might not be as noticable with long hair. Also a ponytail should only cause hair loss if you pull your hair really tight when you put it into the ponytail, if it's too tight and you do this a lot it can cause what's called traction alopecia.


I'm growing my hair out... it will be long before I transition at work. I'm looking forward to the "male" ponytail.

I think the difference is in what goes in the ponytail and what stays out. Women often keep bangs out, either long ones on the side or short ones on the forehead (though short bangs are not in style now, I think??)

Men seem to put as much hair as possible into the ponytail, leaving the forehead flat and the sides clear. I've seen women do this sometimes, but maybe that look isn't as good for us? I'm hoping it helps me keep the questions down at work when my hair is long enough.
~ Tarah ~



Quote from: Shakti on October 14, 2013, 05:45:41 AM
I actually find that a lot of the time when I have my hair up or in a ponytail my face looks more feminine, I think it's because having hair that hangs down beside your face can actually create an illusion that you have a wider face, it's something I notice anyways, it may have to do with the fact that I have shoulder length hair and it might not be as noticable with long hair. Also a ponytail should only cause hair loss if you pull your hair really tight when you put it into the ponytail, if it's too tight and you do this a lot it can cause what's called traction alopecia.

Yes. Hair dressers warn hair loss by having pony tail. Men tend to have fewer hairs in each side of the forehead, creating 'M' shape hair pattern. Young women can have ponytails easily. But, as people get aged, it is difficult to have ponytail.

I am thinking tightening my hair again if my hair grows a little bit more, as it can make my face look less wide.

Just do it.


  I got a ponytail.  No problems with that in public. 



I think I did a ponytail for like the past 13 years or so. I just hate it when I have my hair all open and it gets all in the way whatever I do. If I bend over table or pick something up, I am having all my hair in the face at once. So I basically always used ponytails. But I left a bit of a fringe in front to cover the top of my face which makes it look less masculine. And at times I only braid or make a "little tail" the upper 1/3 or so of my hair that otherwise would get into my face. I think this looks quite good if I want to have some hair that is open.
