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Origin of the Greek gods?

Started by Chaunte, July 22, 2006, 09:54:31 PM

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I moved this speculation into its own topic so I would not disrupt the flow of ideas in "So which god is THe God."

In that thread, I wrote:  "I have often wondered what the basis was for the Greek gods.  If you read the stories, it sounds like a difference in technology made one group appear to be like gods.  No, I am NOT invoking an extraterrestrial encounter!  Let me continue in a side post..."

There is a book out called The Coming of the Global Super Storm which was the basis for the movie The Day After Tomorrow.  In this book, the authors describe how we could go rapidly into an ice age.  It does not happen as fast as it does in the movie, but its VERY rapid none the less.  (A couple of years instead of days.)

The science is fine, if not completely convincing.  Then the authors admitedly make the speculation that this has happened before to humanity, and almost all traces of the past civilization have been wiped away.  They claim that the Spynix and a few other artifacts are much older than the surrounding artifacts, thus suggesting that there was an advanced sociey prior to the last ice age.  The only ones who survived were the people who could were totally self sufficient.  Sort of like the Amish of today.

Now, the authors openly admit that they are speculating.  For that, I give them credit.

Let me run this speculation by you.

Suppose that the authors were right.  There was an "advanced" civilization prior to the last ice age.  Let's say it was mostly destroyed.  Ten thousand years ago, as the last of the ice retreated, what if the survivors of that culture still had a few working devices left.  Or, soone found the devices and figured out how they worked.  Either way, would they not seem to be like gods to the local farmers?  They wouldn't have to use the devices often, just once or twice to terrorize the locals.

If you look at the behavior of Zeus and the others, they acted like spoiled children.  It certainly does not seem like something conjured up by the locals.  Rather, the "gods" seem more like humans run amok - their "powers" placed them above the social order used to determine Right and Wrong.  It would also explain why the "gods" quarelled with each other.  Absolute power corrupts absolutely. 

When the devices failed, or the users became too old, they slipped out of town.  Their story was retold so many times that it became the Greek myths we know of today.

Just a speculation on my part that came while posting in the other thread.



Occam's Razon is the favorite tool of a certain private consulting detective - Mr. Sherlock Holmes.

The easiest explaination is the one you posted.  Admittedly, I have a tendency to be drawn towards the more faniciful.

But I am also drawn to the idea that so much was happening to humanity 10,000 years ago.  The last Ace Age had ended.  Humanity shook off thousands years of deep freeze and could start to move forward again.  The possibilities are almost endless.  (This is also when the Great Flood story may have its origins!)

The problem with ice is that it destroyes everything in its path.  Even if there was a civilization thriving before the last ice age, there is almost nothing left to suggest it.  The biggest bit of evidence is that the Sphynx appears to be much older than the pyramids based on the amount of surface errosion.

Any "advanced" tecnology used by some previous civilization might have included a Layden Jar.  Maybe the thunderbolts of Zeus were the reults of a simple battery.  Given sufficient amps, it would be enough to stop a heart.

What I would give for Doc Brown's Delorian (with the hover conversion!), or Mr. Peabody's Way-back machine!




You might find Zecharia Sitchin's writings interesting...


Hey Chaunte,
I always find your posts interesting  :)  Greek Gods = equal European Gods, they all have the same basis just as all European languages do (excepting Basque, Finnish & another relict {geez in another post you mentioned a journal - I thought it was hubris, but it certainly is not when it comes to making notes of interesting things that I always forget the details & where I came across them :(  })
Aryans, our ancestors originally came from somewhere in the Cacusus region west to Europe, south to India, I dont think our ancestors had superior technology, but somthing as good, superior war making & organisational skills. {the Huns proved the point again many centuries later}

But ancient technology & you mentioned a Leyden Jar - there are persuasive arguments to show that's exactly what the "arc of the covenent" was, and when used with the tabernacle; the tabernacle could generate a massive charge of static electricity which was stored in the arc.   There is that ancient "Baghdad battery" that was found & also evidence of ancient vessels & artifacts being electroplated.
That sort of stuff is not "stand alone" there would have to have been a technology that supported & led up to it.  Kate, is that what Zecharia Sitchins writings are about??



They might be the leaders of the forefathers. When I think about even the almost mythical status of even American (American Myths/folklore forefathers (even in a great time of reason, science, museums, historical records, and evidence) like Washington (almost Zeus like), Franklin, and Columbus, had we not had written information and relied on verbal story telling (much like the ancesters of of most ancient cultures) I could see them becoming even greater myths. Heck, look at the mythology around Elvis, and thats only been a few years.

I think of the English mythology of which archeology and historians are always trying to discover the truth behind some major myths such as Arthur (havent seen anyone try to prove evidence of Robin Hood, though that would be interesting).

Could these have been based on ancient advanced devices that gave them above normal abilities. Possibly. One would have to see such possible devices. I do believe retelling the stories does compound and degrade truth. Even written information degrades with various interpretations. I would say if not advanced devices, maybe advanced skills. Throwing a spear accurate, and at great ranges, could easily morph into throwing a spear like lightning, into throwing lightning. Great eyes, awareness, and ears, could morph into super sensory abilities. Fast quick legs, or some sort of fast transportation could morph into superspeed, flight, levitation, and instant travel.

Elaine believes that anciently, in the beginning we were more advanced later periods and degraded after the flood, when all but one family parished. She also believes that they could have had pretty advanced technology, comparing to what one might think.

I wonder what 2000 years from now if archaelogist open some crypt, burial plot, or some old fallen building to find Marvel and DC comics, and surmise that ancient america culture believed in superhuman "Gods", lol. The Spiderman, Batman animal based gods similar to some ancient mythology. Superman, almost zeus like, though arriving from a distant destroyed world. DC comics even has a book of art called Mythology. Maybe all we are looking at is ancient versions of comics for entertainment.
or Manga

In addition to Greeks, I wonder what other gods, heroes, and legends might come from actual real people doing real things.

Japanese and







Anyone ever play Age of Mythology?  If you like mythology, I think you would enjoy this game.  It's similar to the Age of Empires games, but based on a mythological story.
