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just uhhg DX

Started by Kaori.T.A.K.Diioia, October 14, 2013, 11:49:27 PM

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so for the past two weeks Ive just been really in a bad mood and overall really pissy.  I kinda feel like right now Im just moving through the motions of the day.  And right now I feel like any and every little thing seems to get to me lately. I live with my parents at the moment and im not really "out" with them, or anyone but my therapist.  So my they seem to say certain things without really knowing it that make me kinda die inside a bit, like "oh you'll only get stronger bigger muscles etc" or "oh ***** Thank god your not a girl, they are expensive"  :-\ so I feel really scared to come out, and Worse I was adopted at a young age, and you know they asked for  a boy and to their knowledge so far they got one, except They really didn't.  Now I feel like they might say, Oh ur not what we asked for, and basically disown me. DX
       I knew I felt more like a girl when I was a kid more at a subconscious level more than a conscious one. I mean growing up it was oh ur getting so strong, so manly and you'll grow up to be such a man etc.  And I just went along with it, however Every time I got a haircut, a legit one not the buzz cut my dad had me get so many times, But a real haircut I always thought They made me look more like a girl. I always pushed that thought aside  brushing it off as nonsense, But now it makes so much more sense. so in short Im just really frustrated and dont know where to turn right now cuz I can't even cry even when I know I feel really sad, depressed and frustrated. Even when I want to I just can't cry. I used be able to so easily. Now I don't really know where else to go right now with my life because my dad is pushing for the military andI know if I go in I will never ever be able to have the body that I want or the life that I want and be able to live a comfortable life as who I am.


We have similar stories, at least in the latter part. My dad also pushed the military on my, but I managed to avoid, mostly because he's capable of paying for school for me, but he'd prefer to have that money so he could run off with the woman he's been having an affair with over the past year to three. I grew up getting nothing but buzzcuts, always told how strong I am and how much stronger I'd get, and what a great soldier I'd make. I went along with it because I didn't know any better. It wasn't until I was nearly 12 when I realized several things about the world. One, boys and girls are different, not just anatomically. Secondly, how I didn't really relate with the other guys my age. I was always off in daydream land, rarely on target. But I still somehow managed to top my class in 6th grade, even being recommended to take 9th grade math in 7th grade (that didn't happen due to a move.) I was even asked out by a cute girl, but I said no. I didn't know why at the time. After that year, I started to wane in performance, but physical and academic. I wasn't interested in many things anymore. It was almost like depression. In fact, I'm pretty sure it was. But I had no idea what caused it. It took me until 9th grade, when I started delving onto the internet, before I realized my feminine side completely. I always portrayed myself as a woman. I don't know why. Then, on one site, someone found out the truth. Fortunately, the weren't upset, just discovered I was trans. I didn't know anything about that. Since then, I've dealt with depression, anxiety, and a few suicide attempts along with them because I couldn't truly express who I was.

You've done the right thing in seeking help from others. We're always here to help. We love you, and never want anything bad to happen to you, and more than anything, we want you to do what you feel deep down is right. I finally came to terms with myself last Wednesday, battling what some people said, saying that I'm somewhat attractive for a man, and that I could plead a good life with a well paying job, a nice house, a lovely family, and a beautiful wife. But that's not what I wanted. I want to be a woman. In fact, I am a woman, I tell myself. I don't see myself as anything else.

Take a good moment to sit down and have a chat for yourself. Ask yourself, what do you really want from life? Do you want to follow what you've been told since childhood? Or do you think that's wrong, and want to change that.

If you have questions, need to vent, or just want a shoulder to cry on, I'm right here, shoot me a PM. Pretty much everyone else on this site is willing to listen as well.
I've just met you, but I have faith in you yet :)
Hey, you've reached Lauren's signature! If you have any questions, want to talk, or just need a shoulder to cry on, leave me a message, and I'll get back to you.

Full time: 12/12/13
Started hormones: 26/3/14
FFS: No clue, winter/spring 2014/15 maybe?
SRS: winter/spring 2014/15?


Thank you, Its means alot to  know that Someone has a sorta similar story. I dont really get a chance to go on here alot because I have school and work and dont get much time on here. 