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New York Comic Con: LGBT & Allies in Comics

Started by LearnedHand, October 13, 2013, 06:52:46 PM

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Author: Narciso Espiritu Source: Bust Magazine

October means only one thing: (no, this isn't about your Pumpkin Spice Latte) it's time for New York Comic Con! [. . . ] One of the first panels of this Eastern media mecca was "LGBT and Allies in Comics" presented by New York Times OUT and Geeks Out. [. . . ] Each of them spoke out on trends in comics regarding gay, transgender, and minority characters.

ਮਨਿ ਜੀਤੈ ਜਗੁ ਜੀਤੁ

King Malachite

I would feel more better about NYCC's actions if I didn't hear about them on Yahoo news allegedly hacking into Twitter accounts to promote itself.
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"Sometimes you have to go through outer hell to get to inner heaven."

"Anomalies can make the best revolutionaries."

Amelia Pond

I hate when companies have to put in the token gay or trans characters. I think it's good to have the LGBT (especially the T) represented in comics and other media but when you're doing it just to have a LGBT character, it lessens the impact for me.

Take Barbara Gordon's roommate being a trans woman. I'm fine with that, Gail Simone created the character for awareness of trans people because she feels it's important to include us not because "oh we should have this character be gay and/or trans just so we can say we don't discriminate." Maybe, this character is a token trans character but it doesn't feel like she is.

Create a character with substance and do so for the right reasons, not just to show you're progressive or open-minded. Now some of the people involved probably have their heart in the right places but I think 9/10 times, the execution is wrong and lessens the idea behind even including a LGBT character.

Sorry for the mini-rant and I hope that made sense.  :-\


Ms Grace

I totally agree with you Amelia, although I'm yet to be convinced by Babs' roomie, I know Gail meant well but there's been so little involvement of that character since she outed herself. Mind you DC has done a reasonable job with Batwoman, even if they're not going to let her marry her girlfriend. I'm pretty sure her being lesbian was fairly token at the time she was introduced but the creators who've handled her since have done a great job at making her much more than just her sexual orientation, while still making it integral to who she is - what a shame editorial are interfering.
Transition 1.0 (Julie): HRT 1989-91
Self-denial: 1991-2013
Transition 2.0 (Grace): HRT June 24 2013
Full-time: March 24, 2014 :D


The Transient Philosopher - Human consciousness in a cleverly disguised cabbage.  ::)

Ms Grace

Who was Cloud anyway? Gotta say I've never heard of them! ;D
Transition 1.0 (Julie): HRT 1989-91
Self-denial: 1991-2013
Transition 2.0 (Grace): HRT June 24 2013
Full-time: March 24, 2014 :D


Cloud was a superhero who could switch genders at will. I believe this was a standard thing for her alien race (she initially presented female) which means that there was no taboo associated with doing that in her mind. I recall my friends telling me a story about how a powerful telepath called Moon Dragon was sending out subtle mind-effing waves to all the men so they would start to be attracted to her and thereby become sympathetic or something like that. They'd only known Cloud to be female to that point but it was affecting his male side. Cloud appeared to Moon Dragon as male for the first time and declared his love for Moon Dragon.

Keep in mind, this is all me conveying what is already 2nd hand for me. I didn't read the comic myself.

Quote((New) Defenders I#135) – Cloud fought Blowtorch Brand with the Defenders. She began experiencing feelings of love toward Moondragon, and felt guilty as she thought they were unnatural.

Quote((New) Defenders I#137) – The Defenders attacked the Wizard, who willed Cloud back to human form.  Angel saved Cloud from being crushed by a giant Gargoyle.   After Gargoyle's hand was severed, it turned into a demon, which Cloud slew with a lightning blast through its eyes. Cloud brandished lightning off of Valkyrie's sword, blinding the Wizard.   He was forced to look upon them with true sight, and saw Cloud as both a boy and a girl, separate but one.

Quote((New) Defenders I#138) – Cloud scolded the Beast for calling Moondragon evil. Later, she changed back into a girl accidentally, then into a boy on purpose when Iceman tried to console her. Later still, Gargoyle shared Moondragon's origins with Cloud, and they determined to do something about it. Cloud was present when Candy Southern was proclaimed team leader.

Quote((New) Defenders I#140) – Cloud helped Moondragon design a new costume, then relaxed and ate snacks with the team. Cloud confessed her love for Moondragon again, and was told by Moondragon that it had all come from Moondragon's mind.   Cloud left sadly. Cloud confronted the Heartbreak Kid with the team.

Quote((New) Defenders I#142) – Cloud confronted Adrian Castorp with Beast and Iceman.   Cloud told Iceman that she still loved Moondragon when Iceman confessed his feelings for Cloud.   She cried , saying she had no true memories except of the murder of her parents. After Adrianattacked, Cloud shorted out his system, crippling him.