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Full Depth VS 0 Depth

Started by Quinn, August 23, 2018, 08:17:48 PM

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Hey everyone ,

I had decided to start the process with my insurance (Kaiser) to get a orchi so I no longer have to worry about the Testosterone levels.

I do plan on get grs in the future , I was informed that I have to make the decision now on if I want to full depth or 0 depth vaginoplasty. It is looking like they do not want to do an orchi if I decide I want full depth because the skin may shrink and then not have enough material to work with.

Im 52 at the moment having a relationship with anyone has not been on my mind because my body has not been correct. But there i hope i have alot of years left and even thou i have not had a relationship in the last 25 years the fantasy has been there. And you never know what life can bring you.

I hate to lose a possibilty of not being able to have intercourse.

Would like any feed back on anyone that has had either, if you have had 0 depth and can still orgasm and how it has been. I know the recovery is so much easier and no worries about dilation.

Also if you have had the full depth and how you have handled the dilation and recover or possible complications. My therapist was telling my today you have to dilate everyday for the rest of your life. It was my understanding that the amount of dilation will decrease as time goes on. I thought you didnt have to worry about dilation but maybe a few times a months after a few years.

They are waiting on me to make a decision on which way i want to proceed before they will even put in the request to go before the the commitee.

also if anyone had a orchi before vaginoplasty and still had enough material for full depth later of if they can get material somewhere else . im not planning on have my vagioplasty for a few years probably

Sorry for the long post but i really could use some advice from people that actually have gone thru it or going thru it




Skin is easy to stretch and this may be TMI, but here goes. I don't know you anatomy so this is a shot in the dark, but here goes. There are men who choose to regrow their foreskin by stretching the penis skin and skin is skin right. Even if you are not circumcised you are gonna need the skin. It's not permanent because it will be used for you vaginoplasty.

Some common methods include using devices such as the DTR, TLC Tugger, and some even use penis extenders. Others use manual methods. It is important to know that using the extender is scientifically/medically proven to make your penis bigger and this may be a trigger. There are multiple medical documents available proving this.

Anyhow, I am providing options that you may find beneficial. Why not have your cake and eat it to. If not, please disregard.

I am an intactivist, but I am not affiliated with either of the companies listed here.


The first year dilation is pretty intense. After that dilation can easily drop off to once a week and some can go even longer  like every second or third week. Because life got in the way after about 20 years, I stopped dilating for 10 years and after a couple of months of regular dilation, I have returned to my original dimensions. I don't recommend stopping all dilation until your really sure your not going to lose anything.

I currently dilate once a week and can easily maintain what I have. I decided on weekly because I can set aside a day once a week that I need to dilate on. If something comes up, I can skip a week but I return to the normal schedule the following week.
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Quote from: Quinn on August 23, 2018, 08:17:48 PM
Would like any feed back on anyone that has had either, if you have had 0 depth and can still orgasm and how it has been. I know the recovery is so much easier and no worries about dilation.

I am limited depth as my Dr. calls it. Between 1 to 2 inch is possible, I'm like 1 inch. (finger top :) )

Yesssss I can orgasm. :) But the female, or trans female, orgasm is much different then the male orgasm, it requires more effort, but it feels good. And takes some learning. :)
I am a K. MacPhee girl, re-born on October 4 2017 in Raleigh/Durham NC. USA
I was AMAB on May 6 1963 in Dordrecht, the Netherlands.

OUT and proud - 2014
HRT - 2015
Legal - 2016
GRS - 2017

Full Time - 01/01/2015:
first day (01) of new life (01), '15 = opposite of 51 (my age at the time)




Even if you are remotely thinking of a full depth vaginoplasty, keep the scrotal tissue. If you need it, it will be available. If you don't need it, then having loose scrotal tissue for a few years is not that uncomfortable.

The most common problem post-op women complain about is not enough depth. Yes you can get extra skin elsewhere, but those scars may be visible.

In my way of thinking, having a vagina and not using it is much better than needing a vagina and not having one that is fully functional.


I am not putting down either choice, but I tend to argue for full depth. My reasoning is based on my experience that reaching orgasm is going to be much more difficult than with the male anatomy, at least to start. My stimulation so far has been more effective vaginally. I think clitoral stimulation may be a 'finisher' at some point, but I am so glad I have the vagina. I think without it, my options would be very limited and that would make me sad and I would regret my choice. It is such a different experience, once 'it' is gone. You don't understand til it happens, I think. My thought is why not go into it with as many options as possible. Dilation isn't so bad to me. I don't have my day brightened by brushing teeth either but it is just something that needs to be done. Actually, dilation many times is enjoyable 'me' time.I do hate the clean up though. Again, no offense to the limited depth choosers out there.
If I ever offend you, let me know. It's not what I am about.
"Never let the dark kill your light!"  (SailorMars)

HRT June 11, 2015. (new birthday) - FFS in late June 2016. (Dr. _____=Ugh!) - Full time June 18, 2016 (Yeah! finally) - GCS June 27, 2017. (McGinn=Yeah!) - Under Eye repair from FFS 8/17/17 - Nose surgery-November 20, 2017 (Dr. Papel=Yeah) - Hair Transplant on June 21, 2018 (Dr. Cooley-yeah) - Breast Augmentation on July 10, 2018 (Dr. Basner in Baltimore) - Removed bad scarring from FFS surgery near ears and hairline in August, 2018 (Dr. Papel) -Sept. 2018, starting a skin regiment on face with Retin A  April 2019 -repairing neck scar from FFS



I've been debating this choice myself for some time now, some of my musings are in my 'GRS Observations' thread. I've see-sawed between the two options, and I think I'd be happy with either, so it's a tricky thing to decide which side to come down on.

The opportunity to experience vaginal penetration is interesting, but this obviously comes at the cost of a higher risk surgery, longer recovery, and ofc dilation!

At times I've been almost set on zero-depth. I'm currently leaning heavily towards full- depth, but could easily swing back again!

Good luck in your decision making! X

Sent from my MI 5s using Tapatalk



I have to agree with you that not having to dilate makes the recovery smoother and the possibility of intraoperative complication fewer but I would still opt for a full depth vaginoplasty.


Thank you everyone for responding

My plan was just to have the orchi now so i can get tetesterone down where its supposed to be since i had so many issues getting it down.
Figured i would just leave the skin and make the decision about full depth or 0 depth when i get closer to it.
But Kaiser is telling me i have to make the decision now before they will consider me for the orchi.

They mentioned that is has to do with enough material, but i know i have read posts where some have done what i was thinking just orchi now and decide later and they had enough skin to do full depth .

I was just taken a little back by them telling my i have to decide now , so was hoping to get some feedback from some who may have orchi before srs and still had success

Thanks again for your responses