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How to pass with very short hair?

Started by Makenzie, October 23, 2014, 05:45:49 PM

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I'm only 15 so I am still building nerve to come out.I want to pass so bad though


wear make up, and feminine/andro clothes




Yes, if you're just starting out with this stuff it can take a great deal of effort and expertise to "pass" unless you're lucky enough to look very feminine as you are. I think a gradual approach is good. Try or do something that interests you and once you're comfortable with it, add something else. I always loved long hairstyles, so the first thing I did was grow my hair longer and experiment with feminine styles. You might like jewelry and get your ears pierced, though. Or you might experiment with makeup. Just take it a little at a time. You may not "pass" all the time, but you'll probably find yourself getting "ma'amed" with increasing frequency.
"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life." - Steve Jobs




Hey Makenzie

Hair is a large determining factor when it comes to passing, so dont be disheartened if you don't always get the desired look. I'm in the Military and obviously wasn't allowed to have long hair before I transitioned. I found if i asked for a pixie cut then it slightly feminised my face shape.

Also use lots of moisturiser. Being 15 you probably have pimples, but thats ok. Try to find a moisturiser thats not an oil base and exfoliate before you use it each day.

As everyone was saying its better to do it gradually, so start with skinny jeans (dont have to be girls but the cut is a little different and does help). You can also look at layering your clothes. Try a loose fitting top thats slightly feminine  (but doesn't need to be overly so) and a jacket or something. Look up styles that masculine women would wear (sometimes referred to as a lesbian look) this will help hide certain features while exaggerating the ones you want.

BTW coming out is the hardest thing you will need to do, but you don't have to do it alone ♡ I'm only 21 and transitioned about 2 1/2 months ago so PM if you want advice on anything.





Don't worry too much about coming out. Wear clothes you like even if just skinny jeans and cuter tops. Grow your hair out and pierce your ears.

Guys can do a lot before considered trans, because it isn't the first people think of. If anything people will assume you are gay. And since people can't know for sure unless you come out, you can bring it very far before people think you are trans.

Only the people who are open minded consider transsexuality. Those people are the easiest to open up to because they are, well, more open minded :p. So just take things slowly, it will be fine ^^.
:D Want to see me ramble, talk about experiences or explaining about gender dysphoria? :D


Ummmm, if you are 15, do you parents know you're trans? If they don't and wouldn't support, it would be hard to change your apperance and not have them notice... So be very careful. Are you on HRT or planning?

Anyway, um, to pass. Get your hair cut in a pixie like Anne Hathaway's, it's so beautiful, and though it's feminine, it's very short hair and you may be able to get away with it. Work on your voice and if you have facial hair, wax or shave it. Waxing is painful but it'll be smoother. I have been m'am'ed pre-HRT because I was very short, have a high voice and looked girly when I was 15. I still have a high voice and look girly but obviously I really don't get m'am'd too often as I wear guy's clothes and don't look feminine enough.


I'm not out,and want to do hormones when I move out


Quote from: Makenzie on December 06, 2014, 09:05:39 PM
I'm not out,and want to do hormones when I move out

Not out...15 y/o wanna "come out".  Mmmmmm.... ...Well, let's see.  OK!  Put on a wig, a dress or a skirt, and some make up.  Voiia!   You're out.

Or   how to get beat up and ridiculed in three easy lessons.  This is NOT a game, Not a pass time and NOT something you want to do on the fly or on the advice of some strangers on the internet.

Hell-oooo....Can we please get some adults in here! :o :police: :o


Hi Makenzie,

You don't say if your family would be supportive or not. If they might be, talk to them. I was surprised at my parents  support this week and I'm 38. If you can have that support...take it. Ask to see a psychologist (WPATH accredited or with experience of transgender issues) to explore this side of you.

You're young enough to make a perfect transition and with support you could get on blockers to delay puberty and avoid beard growth etc. But do it safely wit professional help... not online.

Beyond that you could: grow out your hair. Pierce your ears. Buy clothes that work for boys or girls..skinny jeans, tops. Accesorize with unisex jewellery. Pluck your brows, get some eyeliner. Paint your nails black or another emo/goth/cosplay color.

Fewer people notice or comment than you think and if your folks know, they'll be on your side. And if it proves to be not what you want, well you can tell people it was  your emo/goth phase.

The biggest mistake i made was not starting young. If you think this is what you want, take the opportunity. As you get older bigger obstacles appear: job, marriage, kids, money and if you're like me you keep putting it off until it starts to ruin you. The obstacles might seem huge to you now but believe me they get bigger, so now is a good time.

Good luck.

Nat xx



Quote from: laure_natasha on December 07, 2014, 05:26:01 AM
Hi Makenzie,

You don't say if your family would be supportive or not. If they might be, talk to them. I was surprised at my parents  support this week and I'm 38. If you can have that support...take it. Ask to see a psychologist (WPATH accredited or with experience of transgender issues) to explore this side of you.

You're young enough to make a perfect transition and with support you could get on blockers to delay puberty and avoid beard growth etc. But do it safely wit professional help... not online.

Beyond that you could: grow out your hair. Pierce your ears. Buy clothes that work for boys or girls..skinny jeans, tops. Accesorize with unisex jewellery. Pluck your brows, get some eyeliner. Paint your nails black or another emo/goth/cosplay color.

Fewer people notice or comment than you think and if your folks know, they'll be on your side. And if it proves to be not what you want, well you can tell people it was  your emo/goth phase.

The biggest mistake i made was not starting young. If you think this is what you want, take the opportunity. As you get older bigger obstacles appear: job, marriage, kids, money and if you're like me you keep putting it off until it starts to ruin you. The obstacles might seem huge to you now but believe me they get bigger, so now is a good time.

Good luck.

Nat xx

Nat has offered you some good ideas but understand that this 'goth/emo' theme will mark/label you as different.  I understand that this might be a goal but it also provides an asy excuse for self-induced victimization, which I do not see as a positive thing.

These other things which Nat has pointed out such as
Quotejob, marriage, kids, money
might seem far off in the future but they are things that you must consider if you plan on being anything other than our garden variety, run of the mill "basketcase" lurching from one "crisis" to another.