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Tria question

Started by Missadventure, December 28, 2013, 08:07:22 AM

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So I bought a Tria from ebay. Half the price of a new one, but this thing has been the biggest hassle I've ever had with an ebay transaction. Mostly due to the incompetence of USPS. But, after three days of hassling with them I finally received it this morning (It was supposed to be in my hands the day before Christmas). Sadly, upon opening up the package, I discovered the battery charger is missing.

Hopefully the seller will resolve that issue. But, if not, I'll need to find a suitable replacement. And, I've finally found a topic where google just outright failed me, so I'm hoping someone on here can help me. Before I head down to radio shack to buy a generic wall wort I need to know the correct voltage, amps, and polarity of the plug on the tria battery charger. I did find, via google, one site that says 9VDC@2A, middle connector on plug is positive. But, I think that was for a Gen 1 Tria. The sticker on the bottom of my Tria says 5VDC 3A. But, that doesn't necessarily mean it's the battery charging voltage.

Any help would be very much appreciated. I'm anxious to put this thing to use.

Although I'm going to have to figure out how to explain it to my roommate. It had enough of a charge upon arrival that I tried it out, at level 5 without ramping up levels, on my face. The upper lip was fine, and I thought "easy peasy". Then I moved onto the cheek. DEAR LORD! So, I need to come up with a reason why my roommate will be hearing *beep* *expletive* *beep* *expletive* *beep* *expletive* *beep* *expletive* *beep* *expletive* through the wall (I am not out to him yet).


Don't even bother! None of the at home lasers are worth it!


Quote from: vivalagiselle on January 07, 2014, 08:04:46 AM
Don't even bother! None of the at home lasers are worth it!

Actually I've found that so far its working. Not nearly as fast as I'd like, and its insanely painful (I've been doing it at level 5 right off the bat rather than ramping it up), but, I am seeing progress. I've done it three times over the past week and a half and I'm noticing much less beard shadow where I've done it. Granted, I haven't done all over my face yet. There's only so much pain I can take before I have to stop for the day, and my schedule in that time has been hectic and I haven't been able to commit time to other areas of the face. But, I am seeing progress.

Though if I could afford it I would rather get it done professionally. But the only place local to me that does laser on the face wants $1200 for six sessions, paid in advance. That amounts to 600% more than I paid for the tria, and is roughly 7 weeks worth of pay for me. And being that I have other expenses I figure it will take me over 6 months to save that. So, the Tria is the route I'm taking.

In fact, the idea just occurred to me that what with it being below zero outside right now, I bet if I sat out there for an hour I'd stop feeling my face and could just tria the whole thing without problems  ;D


I am thinking about trying the Tria as well...for the cost of 1.5 sessions at my local hair removal clinic, I can have an in-home laser removal system. I think it's at least worth trying.

As for your battery charger issue, have you though about calling Tria directly? They may be able to help.

"The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are." -- Joseph Campbell



Quote from: JaneNicole2013 on January 21, 2014, 10:06:36 AM
I am thinking about trying the Tria as well...for the cost of 1.5 sessions at my local hair removal clinic, I can have an in-home laser removal system. I think it's at least worth trying.

As for your battery charger issue, have you though about calling Tria directly? They may be able to help.


I solved the charge issue a while ago.. Just forgot to update it here. :-/

Regarding the Tria on a full beard... Well... Lets just say I've found the pain to be brutal. I can do it at level 5 anywhere else on my body without any attempt to dull the pain, and it's fine. I wouldn't call it pleasant, but, I wouldn't call it painful either. But the face. Holy crap! I've tried 1000mg advil, chased with half a bottle of wine, plus 5% topical lidocaine, and icing the area first. And, it still HURTS like being hit in the face with a cast iron skillet. I have yet to be able to make it through my entire face in over three weeks of trying.

And, sadly, I've seen maybe 4 or 5 hairs get ejected for all that trouble. So, I had this idea that maybe if I thinned out my beard hair with electrolysis it would be less painful. The pain is more or less caused by the density of hair on my face. So, I got the one touch home electrolysis thing. Can't seem to make that piece of crap kill my facial hair either.

And sadly it'll be a cold day in hell when I can afford a professional. So, looks like I get to sign myself up to be the bearded lady in a carnival freakshow  :(

I'm finna keep trying though. Hopefully you have better results than I.


Thanks. I am exploring other options and will post them here. It'll be a while before I can afford professional hair removal myself. Need to pay off my car and living room set first, then I'll be good.

"The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are." -- Joseph Campbell



Quote from: vivalagiselle on January 07, 2014, 08:04:46 AM
Don't even bother! None of the at home lasers are worth it!

Many people have reported success using the Tria system. I've had results using the Silkn' Bellalite on my chest/abdomen (IPL, not laser though).


I have not shaved during the past 1 years. Also, I stopped using Tria because the battery was already dead early in the last year. Still, I sometimes see a few hairs in my legs and face, which I just pluck with the tweezers. To remove those recurrent few hairs, I am thinking purchasing another Tria, but I am not quite sure whether I will have leisure time to use Tria.

My legs yesterday.


Just do it.


Quote from: barbie on February 06, 2014, 03:08:44 PM
I have not shaved during the past 1 years. Also, I stopped using Tria because the battery was already dead early in the last year. Still, I sometimes see a few hairs in my legs and face, which I just pluck with the tweezers. To remove those recurrent few hairs, I am thinking purchasing another Tria, but I am not quite sure whether I will have leisure time to use Tria.

My legs yesterday.


That's awesome!