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New Therapist for fresh look UPDATE UGH! Crossroad is here. HELP

Started by carrie359, April 07, 2014, 11:17:20 AM

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Hey Girls,
Please read to end.
Well, I have 4 weeks to move out of my home if I continue to transition.  I got a new therapist.. she said I will be an even more wonderful woman than I was a wonderful guy all these years.. she thinks I will look fine even before FFS.. she is a beautiful woman..
My sis thinks so too actually jealous of my figure and face.. so I have all these people including two therapists, my son, my sis and my best buddies sister all saying I have to do it.
I don't mean to sound like I am rich but I have money to do this, I can work from home for years and never leave the dang house if I want to wait until FFS to feel better about passing.
I love my body, I feel my boobs they are growing.. my butt is getting big.. I fit in a size 8 jeans and love them.. my hair is getting long.. I am starting to look  fem but still pass for a guy..damn it...!!
I go to an LGBT church now with lots of support. 
But here is the catch and sorry I know I may be repeating from the past.
I am damn good looking as a guy.. I mean especially since I lost all my weight and my hair is long.. and the E I think made me look younger. I have a super model type wife but she is as beautiful on the inside as outside seriously and she loves me as much as I do her.
So, we never fight and I coped pretty well all these years but have never been happy as a guy ever. I treated her as an angel and protected her and raised my kids I was a good hubby and father..
The BIGGEST CATCH IS I LOVE HER so much its like killing me to be losing her and its over soon if I keep going.  I feel I will never be happy without her ever even if I transition and happy being a woman I will be completely lost without my baby..
So I don't think I will ever be happy again.. I am doomed if I do and if I don't.. I am screwed. 
Today I called a guy about buying a toy and expensive one I could use as a distraction.. I envision stopping transition doing a 180 and being and doing things we have always done in life together.
Its either a 180 get my hair cut be a guy or nothing an I buy or rent a new place just for me,
It sucks.. I love my new body.. I think I might be headed for a fall.. not sure I can live without her.. not sure I can live if I don't transition.
I am so scared.. I don't think I will do myself in but sometimes I think it would have been the best thing I could have done.. I don't know what to do!!! I am lost.



Welcome to my world Carrie! I started transition 20 years ago and never fully completed it and am still married to my sweetheart. These decisions are extremely tough ones and either way it ultimately goes there is always a sense of loss and guilt. Your story is played out by an untold number of good people here like the film "Groundhog Day" so you're situation is definitely not unique. I can't advise you, life is all about a series of choices, neither will anyone here condemn you either way because we're all rowing the same boat. My best to you dear, I wish you well!


Oh, hugs dear. I've been in the same place.

I was a good looking guy (in a nerdy sort of Jewish way). I'm a plain looking woman. I gave up a decent marriage (though it needed work at the end). I was pretty happy with my life as a guy. And, like you, money wasn't a problem.

I'm thrilled with my transition. I'm not thrilled with not getting dates, with not being married, and with being estranged from my kids.

I still would do it all again in a minute.

There is no substitute for being my authentic self. I wish I had done it years ago.

Good luck, Carrie. I can't tell you what's right for you, only what I did and how it turned out. You'll have to make the decision for yourself.
Have you read my short story The Eve of Triumph?


Hi Carrie,
It sucks doesn't it.  To be true and authentic is to endure loss.  To abandon authenticity is to die inside.  Next month I lose my wife for exactly the same reasons you describe.  I do not blame her, this is not what she signed up for at all, but neither do I feel any culpability.  If I could have continued to be a "feminine" man, I think I would have.  But as I spiraled into darkness, I doubt if the relationship would have continued for too much longer regardless.  So I love her, and if I have to, I love her enough to let us both find a new path.  She wants a man. I'm not one, and cannot continue the charade of pretense.  Good luck always, If you need a shoulder to commiserate on, drop me a line.
I am my own best friend and my own worst enemy.  :D
Full Time 18 June 2014
Esprit can be found at


Carrie, I have to 'plus one' the foregoing responses for sure.
"I am not a lesbian"
I'm sure we have all heard this at least once. As for me, I have until the kids leave (well, one down, one to go). It's a real dilemma, I can't go on pretending to be male, I don't want to lose my family. I can't say which hurts more, but I have to echo the sentiments of Suzi and Julie as regards being authentic. Shan's Groundhog Day simile rings true with me as well, and as she pointed out, no matter which way you turn, there will be some pain.  I think about that every time I slip an estrace under my tongue, and yet, there is no hesitation on my part to do so, even knowing of the inexorable loss that looms. My dear sister, you are not alone, and in that knowledge I pray you find some comfort.



Hey everyone,
Thank you for your posts...  I am truly grateful.
I wish I was stronger.. I am weak right now. I am insecure, I am depressed.
I am not completely sure I want to go on honestly..
I have therapy on Thursday.. I know I will just come out of that more determined than ever and ok then I will slip back into the pain of loss I will be having soon.
I can tell my wife is turning cold to me.. the look in her eyes tells it all. 
I am not sure but I may need to get on meds.. to numb the pain. Its getting too intense.


I am my own best friend and my own worst enemy.  :D
Full Time 18 June 2014
Esprit can be found at


Quote from: carrie359 on April 07, 2014, 11:17:20 AM
Hey Girls,
Please read to end.
Well, I have 4 weeks to move out of my home if I continue to transition.  I got a new therapist.. she said I will be an even more wonderful woman than I was a wonderful guy all these years.. she thinks I will look fine even before FFS.. she is a beautiful woman..
My sis thinks so too actually jealous of my figure and face.. so I have all these people including two therapists, my son, my sis and my best buddies sister all saying I have to do it.
I don't mean to sound like I am rich but I have money to do this, I can work from home for years and never leave the dang house if I want to wait until FFS to feel better about passing.
I love my body, I feel my boobs they are growing.. my butt is getting big.. I fit in a size 8 jeans and love them.. my hair is getting long.. I am starting to look  fem but still pass for a guy..damn it...!!
I go to an LGBT church now with lots of support. 
But here is the catch and sorry I know I may be repeating from the past.
I am damn good looking as a guy.. I mean especially since I lost all my weight and my hair is long.. and the E I think made me look younger. I have a super model type wife but she is as beautiful on the inside as outside seriously and she loves me as much as I do her.
So, we never fight and I coped pretty well all these years but have never been happy as a guy ever. I treated her as an angel and protected her and raised my kids I was a good hubby and father..
The BIGGEST CATCH IS I LOVE HER so much its like killing me to be losing her and its over soon if I keep going.  I feel I will never be happy without her ever even if I transition and happy being a woman I will be completely lost without my baby..
So I don't think I will ever be happy again.. I am doomed if I do and if I don't.. I am screwed. 
Today I called a guy about buying a toy and expensive one I could use as a distraction.. I envision stopping transition doing a 180 and being and doing things we have always done in life together.
Its either a 180 get my hair cut be a guy or nothing an I buy or rent a new place just for me,
It sucks.. I love my new body.. I think I might be headed for a fall.. not sure I can live without her.. not sure I can live if I don't transition.
I am so scared.. I don't think I will do myself in but sometimes I think it would have been the best thing I could have done.. I don't know what to do!!! I am lost.
well, your asking for honest opinion no more no less. I've lived a life without love and I am a lot older with a lot less time left. I've also lived with this dilemma since birth. If I was given the chance to have love vs. a female body. My choice would be obvious.


My wife and my employment are the two things that hold me back from going full-time. Over the course of the nearly 6 years now I've been taking this trans beast head on after 30-40 years of using diversions, distractions and some denial, my wife and I both have grown shedding a few gallons of tears each. My wife is my best friend, soul mate, reality therapist, among other things including oft times PITA. Just as I am for her. We both place the others happiness above our own. She does not want to be the reason I hold back. I do not want to be the reason for blowing away all our shared hopes wishes and dreams.

Early on in this process I got the "I did not marry a woman" line. A TG, sure, that she was fully aware of. Yet I even slowly started burying my need to cross-dress since I knew it it affect her. Just pile on a few more tons of Have-To's on my never ending To-Do list. No prob. However, after my meltdown, over time she saw how me comming to accept who I am, make positive changes in my life. Become a happier and actually ALIVE person. The old me was back. Back even better, even stronger emotionally. Even better than before as I continue to grow into one whole and complete person.

Her attitudes have evolved some. First it was being cool about me doing part-time. Being and living as Joanne outside of work. Now it may even go as far as full-time. Yet no guarantees of any sort. Which I think is totally fair. I can neither ask nor expect her to stay in a situation that makes her unhappy. If there is one thing I learned these past 6 years, it is I know what does not work. The 3D's of Distractions, Diversions, and Denial (OK 4, drinking) do not work. They just turn you into a lifeless souless being.

I wrestle most days with the puzzle of is that joy of always living as the real me, feeling totally genuine, seeing the person I want to see in the mirror worth the risk of loosing my wife? Of loosing my other joy, my job? Will I realize that I Need to go full-time, or is a middle ground enough?

I don't recall how badly your wife may have reacted to your dropping of the T-Bomb. Plenty of visceral feelings tend to bubble up. While it is easy to say "We are going to put that behind us", you really can't. There are no do-overs for something as basic and emotional of an issue as this. Too much, too fast for her to handle can only make things worse. I still have problems judging that fine line line between being open and honest and TMI. It being a moving target doesn't help either.

I guess, in a round about way, I am saying that if your wife is so horrified about you wanting to transition, there probably is no hope for a future together now. If she was unsure of her future feelings, yet wanted to at least try to continue being your partner, then I doubt you'd be talking in terms of loosing her and having to move out in a month.
.          (Pile Driver)  
(ROCK) ---> ME <--- (HARD PLACE)


First, you are not weak.  You are going through something absolutely gut wrenching.  Feeling forced to decide between two things that are important to you isn't a sign of weakness.  You're human for feeling the way you are.  At the end of the day, this is a decision that must come from within.  Only you can discover what path is more rewarding or the "right" choice for you, but we can all be here for you while you find what that is.  Don't feel bad about venting, you deserve the space to clear your head out in this difficult time. 