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Television May Be Embracing Gay Characters, But Where Is The Same-Sex Intimacy?

Started by LearnedHand, December 10, 2013, 10:13:05 PM

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Television May Be Embracing Gay Characters, But Where Is The Same-Sex Intimacy?
Author: Louis Peitzman Source: Buzzfeed

While LGBT representation went down slightly in 2013, the bigger problem is how LGBT characters were portrayed. With displays of same-sex affection so invisible, gay characters just aren't on the same footing as their heterosexual counterparts.

[. . . ] the climate as a whole isn't nearly as progressive as it purports to be. By and large, gay characters are sexless. And when they're not, their trysts are still more insinuation than anything explicit. LGBT audiences aren't looking for porn on network television, but we need more than the occasional hint that two same sex characters are attracted to one another. It comes down to depictional equality: If the straight couples on a show are making out, the gay couples ought be able to make out too.

Yes, representation is essential. [. . . ] The mere presence of gay characters isn't enough, and even the so-called politically charged story lines surrounding adoption and marriage equality are tame.
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Adam (birkin)

I think this is a really good question, and something I have noticed. You see gay people on TV but they're often there just for the sake of being seen. Kinda like they threw them in there so they looked progressive but never actually developed the characters as a couple.