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Night terrors?

Started by Joe., December 22, 2013, 07:38:33 PM

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I think I'm suffering from adult night terrors and sleepwalking. I talk in my sleep a lot and sometimes I sit up in bed or stand up and start screaming. It gets worse when I am not in my own home and its stopping me from going on holiday. I don't remember them but people tell me about them in the morning. Sometimes I stand next to people's beds and start screaming and crying. I also sleep walk a lot and turn on lights and move things around in the night. My door is shut at night but my mum often tells me she walks past my room and can hear me talking and crying to myself and if she comes into my room I scream. I don't remember any of it.

I have gone to my GP but they weren't very helpful about it. I don't know what to do.


Disclaimer: I'm not a doctor!   :laugh:

You've described your sleeping habits to us, and frankly they're awful! A good, restful nights sleep is necessary for good health, both physical and mental. You need to establish and follow a bedtime routine. The (non) doctor has spoken!

Hugs, Devlyn


Haha I hear you. I now have a good sleeping pattern (I think). I'm normally asleep by midnight and awake at 9.30am naturally. I'm getting there!  :P


I did a quick read, it's rare for this to persist past your 20s. There are things like sleep deprivation and poor nutrition that may contribute. That's true for just about everything, though.


I don't know if what I had was classified as this, but I was going through some crazy stuff. I was scared to go to sleep because I thought I was going to die in my sleep. I was having horrible panic attacks, going 2 and 3 days with no sleep. I would constantly pace back and forth in my apartment (on the rare nights when I was able to stay home. I was scared to be by myself.) and when I was at my parent's house. I was going back and forth to hospitals constantly because I thought I was on the verge of a stroke or heart attack. I was put on a couple of medications (after refusing to be put on any meds) because I was running out of options to try and fix whatever was happening to me. I was very close to killing myself at one point because everything just seemed screwed up and beyond repair. But the meds have helped get things back together. No doctors could ever figure out what was wrong with me, even though I had pretty much every test you could think of done to me.