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Started by NYCTSGirl01, January 02, 2014, 02:05:15 PM

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What has been your typical response when telling a guy you be assigned male at birth. Do they loose interest or have any ever given you a chance?


I don't tell a guy such things. I am however post op. I think that makes a difference. If your trying to date a straight guy pre op......... well good luck.


Although I dont have alot of experience. For me the first guy I told I was pre op he was like "oh..... your cool and all but i cant see myself with a man" you see I put the fact that im transgender in my profile at the very top and the jerk told me he read my profile but he really didn't. The only problem with putting the fact that im trans out there is you tend to attract these trans lovers. who just want you have sex with them like your some fettish item sold along side fuzzy handcuffs and bondage gear. ok Im got a little carried away but yeah online dating is a no no


Online dating? Ha I'm sorry but I cannot see it. I would rather go visit men at the local jail as dating prospects. As a matter of fact its safer, I already know what they did, and when I leave they cant follow me.

That's my strange humor but no dating men off the internet is not of any interest.



Quote from: Katie on January 03, 2014, 06:41:30 AM
Online dating? Ha I'm sorry but I cannot see it. I would rather go visit men at the local jail as dating prospects. As a matter of fact its safer, I already know what they did, and when I leave they cant follow me.

That's my strange humor but no dating men off the internet is not of any interest.

It's not very hard to vet someone online, and if they have no Internet presence, it should send up red flags. Plus, meeting in public and not going anywhere alone until you have a good idea of them.
I don't see how it could be any worse than meeting people away from keyboard.


I've never dated on line and never will. Probably there are some not just cruising the internet for kicks, but it's just not my thing. I'll just stick to taking my chances through what comes my why through friends and who I can meet with out the cloak of invisibility.


(Pre Op here)

I've dated IRL through meeting people in the world and have gotten dates through online sites because I wanted to see what it was like. Overall, it's pretty easy and while you'll certainly have a few interactions that aren't all that positive pre-op, you're likely to be more successful if you're open, willing to be easy going, and not a total crazy person/b***h.

I've had great success with many lovers, girlfriends and boyfriends so it's possible but I'm going to caution that I'm really sure of myself in my looks, know who and what I am, and don't have a chip on my shoulder the size of a large boulder so I'm going to say flatly that the success that you find will be very much dependent on you having yourself all sorted out. If you're a nutter, lack any sort of self confidence, or haven't made peace with yourself pre-op (and I'd recommend doing that pre-op whether you want to date or not before you go through with SRS), you're probably going to have a tough time.

My last bit of advise is to say that what I know and feel about myself came from fearlessly throwing myself, as scared as I was, out into the world time and time again. I'd get a bruising from some encounter or another and I'd just pick myself right back up again and throw down with something or someone new. It was through those experiences that I gained the confidence to be who and what I wanted to be. We create ourselves but, like pottery, you can shape and mould and form as much as you want but if you don't fire it in the kiln of the real world of real people, you won't know if you got it right. To take the metaphor a little further, you will certainly have times where you'll break once you get in the fire but that's just the time to take what you learned and start over.

Be brave, be open, be kind, and desire to be as easygoing as the wind, cupcakes.

That's my 2ยข.

P.S. - Work on making yourself more awesome by doing things that you've always wanted to do but have been afraid of trying. That'll help things too because, we can't define ourselves wholly through our romantic interactions.

Teela Renee

Quote from: NYCTSGirl01 on January 02, 2014, 02:05:15 PM
What has been your typical response when telling a guy you be assigned male at birth. Do they loose interest or have any ever given you a chance?

I dont really care for men, but the few I have taken intrest in, I told them from the get go, its ackward but saves alot of drama and emotional attachment. They will either be cool with it, or walk away, and sometimes they are rude.  Most the time tho I date women, and ive found them to be far more accepting.  But im currently in a close relationship with another TS who is post op.  And happy as can be.
RedNeck girls have all the fun 8)