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Long term spiro use

Started by tammycat, October 29, 2015, 11:29:36 PM

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Hi, I have a question. I started transitioning (MTF) about ten years ago (under a doctors care). Currently I'm on spiro and estadiol. I am currently 57 years old, and I know that as we grow older our testosterone declines, and with spiro on top of that, I probably don't make it any more. My question then is, if there is no testosterone for spiro to block, would it then block estrogen?


No Dosages Please


I think the only way you'd really find out is by reducing it and seeing what happens.

I had some concerns about long term spiro use and asked my endo about. He said it's been in use a long time and is safe. I'd still rather not take it though.


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I was on it for 13 years, though a small dose. At that point my T was in the low female range but I stayed on because I hated my junk still working. My T actually went up a bit after SRS.

Anyway get your doc to check your levels and you will know what to do. Spiro binds to androgen receptors and makes it unable for testosterone to plug into the receptor.  I'm not a scientist but think of a childs shape toy, squares go in square holes. Estrogen is not a square. So don't worry about that.
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