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The Law Vs The Blood

Started by Chaos, December 30, 2013, 04:42:06 PM

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Please be patient as I am posting this on my if you find any typos and such,then please kindly let me know and I will correct them

This topic is to nakedly break down the bible as it truely is.and to expose the reason behind the huge difference between Gods followers,why they can seem so different and why so many seem nothing like Christ and many seem to be just like him.

Keep the conversation civil or I will go on a reporting spree :) one can express their opinions and beliefs without undermining,insulting or hurting another.thank you

Let's start with the old law.
Old Testiment (Old Law):
At this time there were a lot of important points.
1) reproduction
With the creation of adam and eve-their physical body was needed in order to create and give birth.otherwise man kind would not have existed.this is fact and God told them 'to go and multiply' in which they did so,a few 100 times over.

2) Race
Long after the world was populated,they were scattered around the world and God his self placed them in different places which formed skin coloration,he also twisted their tongues and gave them a new language.hundreds of years passed since the start of adam and eve and many things took place.

3) The Start of Law and Order:
The first offical law was created by God when he washed the earth and destroyed most of the worlds population.their deeds raged him so to the point of utter destruction but why? To se the law into place for the sons sacrifice.God later placed a rainbow in the sky as a promise and ever since then he has kept this promise.the world repopulted and man continued their greed,hate,sexual perversions,killings and so much more.but God man a promise so instead,he took to him chosen men who would be sent by him and through them,they would lay the law down before the people and they did.many came-from moses to david and so many others.the foudation of the world was created but man kind had no leadership,no firm hand and no guidance.

4) Reproduction at its worst
Man kind (after the destruction of the World) began to have sexual relations with everything that had legs and even things that did with men,woman with woman,humans with animals,crimes being commited,objects used for secual actions and so much more.even 50 or more at once.rome was a perfect example of this and their 'orgy's' this was not what God had created intercourse for nor had anyone tried to reproduce.even one man was slayen by God because he refused to reproduce like God ordered and allowed his sperm to fall to the ground (aka withdraw method). God created intercourse between two souls,bound in love and destinty.Not the displays they put on.God forbid ANY kind of sexual actions that did not produce a child at that time and rightfully so.

5) Creation of The Scribes
These were heads of the temples and 'law' they enforced it to the fullest,they read it in the temples outloud and set them into stone.these laws knew no forgiveness and punishment was handed out with no remorse.these ranged from stoning to death a wife if she was caught cheating,to hanging any man who did not abide by this law.NO one was the exception.these laws (which were mostly the laws given to moses but also the scribes own created laws to punish the wicked) became the very foundation to the salvation of those who followed well,sacrifices of lambs and rams were made every month for the salvation of a household.if you lived alone then you knew no salvation.likewise,God was kept blocked off to the common people.only the worthy and called of God could enter into this sanctum.Here,God would manafest his self and sometimes-give guidance and leadership and it would be passed on.the common people never got to see him or know him and had to trust in the words of another common man (in their eyes anyway) or course God did many great deeds in front of them but many claimed it magic,just could anyone justifiy those deeds if they could not know the one who did them? So the people strayed many atimes.The scribes were very vocal about their opinions on anything or anyone who did not follow the law.calling many things and people abominations,sick,hypocrits and many other names and labels.even those who had a birth defect,was seen as such because they could not preform their duty's to the law and anyone who could not,was cast you could imagine the large number of starving and them,the law WAS life,salvation,wealth,health and everything they needed.even they would commit theft in the temples,filling their own pockets while many sat outside begging for food.

Now that the law was layed out and many to enforce it,many suffered and cried out to God for help.the innocent who only loved God and nothing else-grew weary and lost.Where was this God now? The one who spoke many words through his chosen,who had done many great deeds? For the homeless,sick,starving-he was no where to be found but only on the side of those who condemned them.and it did not stop there.slavery and rape was quickly becoming a new law and accepted and the common people grew even more sick.satan his self by now ran lose,possessing people and destroying their bodies,minds and wild animals they ran screaming through the streets and the scribes? Would only have them chained and whiped.there was law and order but where was the love,compassion and protection? Where was the lack of finger pointing and being accepted? Where was the father figure who loved regardless of sin,pain,past or body?

All Thing's Come With A Price...


The Blood:

After so many begging God for compassion and knowing full well what the scribes have turned the law into,God made a choice to manafest in a way that would not only save ALL of man kind but to bring his law to those who have cursed the law he created.

A son would be born and his name would be jesus and through him would be eveasting salvation for all of man kind and he shall show compassion,forgiveness to all those who believe.
Here,jesus christ would challange the rich and the scribes,condemning their ways and their acts of selfishness and he made it known that the law may not be done away with but through him,all will know freedom from the chains they have been bound with.

He was many times called a drunkered because he accepted anyone and everyone.whores,thiefs,beggers,the sick and mamed,the lonley and anyone who believe in him.he said 'it would be easier for a camel to enter the eye of a sewing needle,then for anyone of these to enter the kingdom of God' (speaking of the rich and scribes) he also said 'woe unto you rich and scribes,for you shut the kingdom of God in peoples faces but you yourselves refuse to travel across the world to make one single person like you and when you do,you make them twice the child of hell as yourselves'
He healed the sick,broke most of their man created laws,showed unconditional love and never once looked upon ones sin,past but their heart and soul.even he is self sacrificed his own body for our salvation and we are to care so much for our physical? How dare a scribe say that God condemns what one does with their body!

The last thing I want to add is the below:
Pick you the law or the blood but you can NOT have both.because the law only opresses,downtroddens and destroys,forgetting completely the son of God.pick salvation over condemnation! And do not allow anyone who is obsessed with the law to chain you down or opress you! Know your heart in jesus christ and follow him alone!
All Thing's Come With A Price...


Im saved. Have been for most of my life. And i know that you are supposed to choose both.
Let me explain.
As you are away from God (unsaved), you are bound by either the law, or sin. There is no salvation in either and no relationship with him.
After you choose him, you are saved and freed from sin as well as the law but it does not make either obsolete. They still exist in our lives but the difference is in doing those sins, we confess them to him and we are made clean. And he causes our hearts to change through this experience. This is called growth.

I just read this yesterday.
1 corinthians 6:12 (KJV)
All things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any.

We sin, but it does not rule us. God causes us to want to abide by his law, which is why we're still learning as humans how his law works.


Forgive me if it seemed I posted this in ignorance so allow me to be alittle more clear.

Jesus christ tells us to obey and follow the law which God his self gave to moses and to his other chosen BUT never does he say to chose the law over that of salvation and unconditional love.

The reason for this topic was to expose those who refuse to accept the new law and use it as a means to attack or otherwise hate,on many people.there is NO love or acceptance in the law.jesus christ taught us to be both firm but yet loving,correcting but yet embracing but yet many can not do both because they do not grasp the magnatude of their actions.the bible is not one part that we may use to own our benefit but a whole and those who 'only' follow the law without compassion or forgiveness,will fall just as the sribes can not have one without the other and if a man refuse the law that the sribes them selves set into place,where is the crime? Aren't they made by man? We ar only to follow Gods saddens me to see so many losing sight of the future while living in the past.there is nothing with it mind you,until it causes another to suffer and this is NOT the will od God.
All Thing's Come With A Price...

King Malachite

Quote from: Chaos on December 30, 2013, 05:01:49 PM

Pick you the law or the blood but you can NOT have both.because the law only opresses,downtroddens and destroys,forgetting completely the son of God.pick salvation over condemnation! And do not allow anyone who is obsessed with the law to chain you down or opress you! Know your heart in jesus christ and follow him alone!

Thank you for posting this.  I especially love the bolded part. Romans 11:6 (KJV) backs that up as it states:   "And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then it is no more grace: otherwise work is no more work."

There are a lot of false doctrines out there, but the ones I despise the most are the ones that require keeping th law to be (or stay) saved.  If we have to work (keep the law) to be saved then Jesus dying on the cross and rising again was done in vain.

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"Sometimes you have to go through outer hell to get to inner heaven."

"Anomalies can make the best revolutionaries."


Quote from: Malachite on January 10, 2014, 03:52:13 PM
Thank you for posting this.  I especially love the bolded part. Romans 11:6 (KJV) backs that up as it states:   "And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then it is no more grace: otherwise work is no more work."

There are a lot of false doctrines out there, but the ones I despise the most are the ones that require keeping th law to be (or stay) saved.  If we have to work (keep the law) to be saved then Jesus dying on the cross and rising again was done in vain.

Very true and yes it I have stated to others 'its BY the love of jesus christ that we are able to know order and follow HIS commandments but without said love,we are like lost puppies following any word given' and hence where the false doctrines come in
All Thing's Come With A Price...


People like us are constantly having the Leviticus argument.  You know the one I mean.  The arrogant know-it-all who demands that I conform to his interpretation of Scripture, so as not to be an "abomination."  But this guy doesn't understand the historical context of those verses, the writer's intent behind them, and neither does he observe the other abomination-related laws.  Lying, sowing discord, and eating shrimp are also abominations...none of which he has a real problem with.  And his wife probably wears pants too!

Jesus Himself was known for breaking laws...and some pretty important ones in that day.  Healing people on the sabbath, etc.

IMO, Acts 15 is the definitive chapter that answers this very issue.  The apostles and many other leaders came together to debate the issue.  The Jews had been requiring new converts to be circumcised and start to follow the Law of Moses.  In other words, they were trying to make them be Jews.  But Peter said, why would we "place upon the neck of the disciples a yoke which neither our fathers nor we have been able to bear? But we believe that we are saved through the grace of the Lord Jesus, in the same way as [the gentiles] also are." (Acts 15: 10-11)

Then later in the chapter Peter says, "For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us to lay upon you no greater burden than these essentials: that you abstain from things sacrificed to idols and from blood and from things strangled and from fornication; if you keep yourselves free from such things, you will do well."  In other words, the church leaders of the day got together and could only come up with 4 definite things to stay away from:

1 - Avoid things that lead to idolatry, or what could be difficult for others who are having difficulty avoiding it.

2 - Don't eat/drink blood - Blood is sacred to God, it represents life. 

3 - Meat that was strangled to death - i.e. meat that wasn't properly bled.  Blood is sacred to God.  It's also a sanitary issue.

4 - No sex outside of marriage.

It's a very strange list.  Was Peter really saying that other than those 4 things anything goes?  Of course not.  He was just saying that the apostles couldn't come up with anything else that would be the same for every person.  And this comes back to the original point of the message of grace.

The law was not God's original intention.  He wanted to have relationship with the people.  But they were afraid and they made Moses go up to the mountain and be their intermediary.  So that's when He gave the law to Moses.  But the intent of the law was to be so impossible to fulfill that it would demonstrate that man cannot save himself through good works.  It is impossible to remain sinless even with an exhaustive list of things you shouldn't do.  This is what Peter was saying hadn't been able to do.  So we need a Savior. 

And because of Jesus, we now can have that relationship with God where a list of rules is obsolete.  It is the Holy Spirit's job to convict of sin.  If He says to cut it out, we ought to pay attention.  But it takes a real sensitivity to His leading.  And that kind of closeness should be the goal of every believer, not adherence to a list of rules.
"Before I do anything I ask myself would an idiot do that? And if the answer is yes, I do not do that thing." --Dwight Schrute


I like what you are doing here.  Salvation is everything.

First - I get worried posting because I don't want to greive the Spirit due to human error.

Second- He writes His law in our hearts.  Our love for Him, or more important His love for us- will carry us.   I don't like legalism.

Third- the witness of the Spirit, usually found through prayer and sensitivity- guides us through the day. Sin becomes defined as turning your back on Him, not following the still small voice where He lives in your heart, since sanctified you are now a pure vessel for His residence and purpose.  He can speak through you, act though you, pray through you, save through you, if you don't block Him or if you don't have self condemnation that clamors to shut down His words.

I am still confliced in some ways about me and transition, although the events leading to my meltdown, my shrink, my doc, and the answer to my heart cry are direct intercessions, to say nothing of my wife have a vision where He said "Fear Not" and I had a word from Him clearly saying "Trust Me."  Which saved our marrage.  Flat out.

But in prayer, I feel the sorrow (not the greiving, when that comes I can't bear it) whenever I get obsessed or hung up on my TS nature.  I think He's sorry that I had to be born this way to achieve salvation, when the great gamble for my soul was made by giving me a birth anomoly that either would force me to total reliance on Him or would take me where it originally did, drunk in the New York ghettos, seeking validation and excape by sex and alcohol.

I surely hope I don't have that sorrow wrong.  But since my stealth transition, I still see Him directly intervening on mine and others who are the benefitiaries of intercessory prayer, so I know that He is with me.

I remember after my 50th or so purge asking Him why He had not given up on me, feeling like Gomer.  And He said He'd never abandon me, He said He loved my heart cry for Him, and my compassion.

I know some do not have the gift of the Spirit of direct communication - its not verbal it's a knowing, the word of knowledge.  For them it has to be tough.  It is a precious gift and I'm dead without it.  Literally - its required to keep me sober (along with AA) - and its crucial to my sanity, or legalism and condemnation crushes me into insanity and suicidality.  This witness of the Spirit makes it tolerable to be me in the face of adversity and others misapplyng scripture or not seeing the totality of Scripture, which combined becomes a window into the Heart Of God and a bridge out of her eternally to Him and Paradise.

I am looking forward to meeting the guy that sat around a fire and ate fish with the wildest group imaginable, and who created a wonderful way out from under the kingdom of this world where we would have stood condemned.

God Bless You.

The devil isn't going to like this post, please pray for me for protection.  I am very scared.  Thank you.
Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.


Katie God was and does,try to keep some form of order.I agree with him that in marriage and daily life,we need some form of pureity and being grounded or we get swept away by the social and hateful based tide.and yes that is where many blinded bigots put their weak feet,within every line that allows them to manipulate another for their own profit.what causes a so called 'child of God' to sin but yet point the finger and refuse another sinner salvation,while seeming holy? The scribes did the very same thing and they never knew jesus christ or salvation? Its important that we know the word,we know him and we know salvation and with it,will come his law-not visa versa.I pity the bigots who are so lost that even God his self can not guide them,they will be the first to taste fire.Satin I'm glad you posted but remember,faith and confidence in HIS will for you-will more then get you through the day.I used to hear his voice to clear,so loud-in my soul and as if someone was right beside me but the many years of pain and scars,blaming him now and then,trying to carry it all on my own and slipping away,slowly faded that voice but he still leads me-tho his voice is muffled by everything inside.I also know and he knows,I could not live without him and he has always stayed beside me-even the times I broke down and asked why,pushing him away.he continues to lead me through my transition as well.just like not long ago he gave me my new last far he has given me my middle and last name,leading me through doctors and so on.though he mostly speaks to me through dreams and the spirit.I pray that if/when he has a new first name for me,I will know without a doubt that I am whole and all because of him.I praise him and thank him everyday for a life that was only a dream and saving me from a life of torment,not just saving my soul.take comfort in his love and guidance and trust him completely. God bless you all.
All Thing's Come With A Price...


And Satin I want you to remember something and think on it this way.dealing with satan is like watching a magic show but not with the normal 'tricks' these tricks are based on the mind.let's calll them 'mind games'.Satans first trick will be based on your fears and from this trick,that fear will manafest and grow.but how you face that trick,will determine how powerful he is with it.see his power only comes from the fake,mind,body and to say 'making you believe something that isn't true/there' but where we put faith,he does come to pass and it does become real.even the bible says that 'ALL stand before God and are given eternal peace or damnation' and hence why there is no such things as ghosts but satan will use anything that is within the mind and will manipulate it until it manafests,causing our faith to be directed away from God and truth.I remember when satan attacked me so visously as a late teen/early mind became so engulfed thinking I was dying.violently I felt possessed,grabbing different body parts and felt like the blood inside me had family stared,thinking I had gone crazy.I had never know true possessed fear like that.I cried out to God to be saved,to show me the way back and he did.the light at the end of the tunnel.God allowed me to know this so that I could trust him,believe in him and know that only he could save me.never put faith in satan but in God 'he is my shield' 'he will never allow put on someone then they can handle' 'nothing is impossible with God'
All Thing's Come With A Price...


Sorry I couldn't get back into the posting.  I agree with everything you said.  Today is a peaceful one for me.  Sunday was not and should have been, too much old stuff came up, even though the church I attend does not bash.  I am not sure what will happen if they spot my very feminine nails.  And it was all me.  So I relate.

I am concerned about the quelling of the Spirit for you, the loss of direct linking up or the muffling of it.  We need to be wired in, grafted into the vine meaning we survive on the Saproot of Christ and His direct energy and motivation.  I will be praying that you kindle in grace and joy and get all you may have lost back again, even if in small things.  I think we as trans are under siege most of the time, by the past, by fear, by the enemy, by well meaning Christians.  And I believe we have the full love of Christ acting on our behalf.  Actually, I know we do.

God Bless and keep it up.  I've seen a lot I was involved with Psychic stuff early in life and saved out of it.  So glad you had the finger of God lift that harrassing thing out of you.

You have my prayers.

Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.


Good to hear and thank you ^ what I mean by 'muffled' is that as the flesh,mind and everything else gets stronger-the weaker the spirit loses daily bread (the word) prayer and things that are vital for its very strength.because of my past,pain,torment and so much more,blaming God during so much hell,my spirit became weaker,my flesh and mind (which satan torments me with daily) have ruined me in every way but transition has really saved me and made me realize so many explained all the pain,why I was treated different and confused,why I had to suffer certain things and when God finally told me-I was set free from it all.because of transition,I was pulled back to the feet of God saying 'NOW I understand it all' repenting.of course I still suffer daily and partly my fault but I seek him daily,begging for guidance-because I won't take one step without him.
All Thing's Come With A Price...