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I am so confused , i need help !

Started by ClaudiaLove, February 01, 2014, 03:44:29 AM

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Hi everyone ,

I was reading yesterday some posts around here , and I saw the 2d:4d digit rapport . So , even though I knew I will regret it , I started looking it up . I am very sensible , influencing , obsessive , pretty much all this crazy stuff .
So I read about it , I found lot of information , but I realized I don't have the feminine digit rapport
I now feel like I am not a trans girl , just a boy , because that is the science . I read all about the implications and what does this 2d:4d reveal , and they all seem to fit , it seems that I am a typical male , maybe even an attractive one by nature/stone age period standards .
I don't have girl behavior traits , style, voice-tone , I was good at math rather than literature , I was pretty smart in school , I was attracted to men(that seems to be a trait of personality of the 'real men' , with high testosterone exposure in the womb) , I like innovation , I was and still am good at sports , i don't  have superstitions , and the list goes on
Clearly the face indicate that too , if you would have a higher digit ratio - so lot of estrogen in the womb - so a feminine brain , my face would have been more feminine . Mine is as masculine as it gets , since childhood , with square strong jaw .
I am a typical male by these standards .
Not to mention that I am left handed , so that adds some worries as it seems that left handed people are more prone  to be gay (although I don't consider a gay , I somehow feel like a gay/lesbian trans girl , a translesbian if you want) , and all of the studies from the sexual orientation/gender identity topic or any other psichologycal point of views .Although , even that they say it isn't any connection between sexual orientation and gender identity I clearly see some (not directly , by social standards that if you are a MTF for example you should clearly like a man ) , but in a physical , base way . I thought for a whie that we were uniques , that we have something , a 'spirit' (although not in a religious way ) , that we are somebody , we feel somehow and that if we are not ok with the body that makes us transgenders . Now I clearly think that we are just chemical/hormone regulated forms of life , so predictable in most of the general /base issues and traits . (they even did predict sexual orientation by this 2d:4d rapport)
I always hated my hands , because they are big and masculine
But  I didn't know the problem is so deep

I really want to learn more about all these unconscious choices / attraction , for example that something as simple , little  and overlooked that a ring finger a few millimeters longer than the pointer finger, makes a man attractive and masculine , I always knew that we get an impression about someone , not individual perception of the features , and I want to learn about all , and enhance the ones that would make me passable as a woman (though that makes me feel fake , a disguised person in order to obtain some advantages , like a completion feel , an obsession fulfilling or sexual gratification )

I feel now that my face is not just a sign of bad luck
being non feminine nor beautiful
but that is a universal plan , for men to look like men and women like women
and all is regulated by some estrogen in the womb

Somehow I feel that in a way , the real females (including in transgender group ) are the feminine looking one  , with feminine faces and traits ,
that is not just luck -but the looks / traits show that they have an feminine brain
feminine thinking
and other

and it all be seen on the fingers ....

Then I found another IDEA that made me KO :

The transvestic fetishism (   !  from the start  I want to say that I don't want anyone to be offended , I am realy ok with other people doing this)
I had an idea about that and I was feeling that I am clearly not a transvestite  , because I wanted to be a full time girl , in public , socially accepted , and all that stuff .
But I guess that is a problem , it always bothered me  : "I want"  means that "I am " ?
I found these articles with multiple transvestism classifications
and also I felt that I could fit in their classifications

It was so hard , I felt that my heart broked in me , I panicked (and that made me feel even harder that I am into something that I found a truth , even though it is hard to deal with), I didn't and I still don't want to accept that , though , I feel that these theories explain pretty good the doubts I had . I was aware that I don't have many girl traits but I thought I could practice them , now it feels so non-genuine , it feels fake .
I don't want to do travesty , I feel fake and non-worthy
I feel that is just a sexual thing , that is not something serious , that is not a condition , is a choice - and a pervert one
yet ,I was always a sexual person, my first memories are of a sexual nature , my whole life Is based around the feeling good . I felt ok with that when I could believe that I am a girl , and that is a condition that I was born with , and it is not my fault/choice  - just adjusting to the universe mistake . But now I don't know .  It seemed that all this science really explain so good my struggle/ doubts/worries , yet again it could be just my obsessive nature .

I feel so bad , my whole world is destroyed
I feel that I don't have values any more , I don't know what is real and what's not , it feels that if I made an error thinking that I am a girl , maybe I misinterpreted all the situations, thoughts , feelings ..

I don't trust myself anymore , I don't know if I am ignoring or lacking some information and that makes me getting some total wrong conclusion .

I am all alone and is so hard not having someone to talk with
But that makes me even harder : for example I don't get along with my parents , I blame them for most of the things they did to me , .. . Anyway , as at trans girl I felt that I could 'come out ' ,that I had the right to do that ,  even though I didn't care if they will ever know or not (for sure they wouldn't accept it , I felt that a long time ago , even about liking boys - that wasn't a possibility), I felt that somehow is their fault too , for being so close minded , for messing me up . Now I don't feel I could come out and I don't even know what could I be : a gay/bi  boy with transvestic fetishes , a transvestite / crossdreser , a normal person with an obsession ?

I don't feel that is something I have to come out with , it feels that is just a sexual choice , that I am being selfish in a way , looking for just my (sexual) gratification , and that no one would care about this (why would they care , not mention support or accept)

As I say , being a girl is a big goal that is the way I feel , plus all my personality traits fit me better in the feminine world , I was always fascinated with that . It doesn't excite me the most people think , it is not something sexually , in fact I started HRT about 3 weeks ago , so I don't have any sexual action going on , yet that is what I feel , it makes me feel complete , it makes me feel that o]is my universal role (even when I did have sex , I felt like a woman , lie it was a universal instinct to mate not a dirty pleasure ).

But I don't want to choose where I fit , I don't want to feel like a 'girl '- that implies that I am a boy with a perception about girls being different of me
But that is what makes me wanna die
the specialists consider that a fetish too
the behavior imitation of a girl that makes me feel good

It seems that you could develop gender dysphoria from the initial transvestic fetish , but that doesn't make me happy either .

I just don't want to accept it , I still hope to find some things to grip on , to give me the power that I am really a girl
A while ago I didn't liked the idea of being androgynous , pangender or genderfluid , now I would like those instead of being a 'boy '
I am very influencing as I said , so if I find an article about some science that give me a chance to be a girl despite all the counter-arguments it would make me feel good .
Also I already quit this job , in about 2 weeks I should be in my country , and I really want to go at a gender therapist , although that scares me too , if (s)he says that I am not 'a girl' , I will be so down .

I clearly think seriously about killing myself , I know many of the people think that is a desperate/stupid decision , but it really isn't . I am thinking about for like 4 years now , and even before I didn't put that much price on my life . I don't want to show off , and clearly not want to look 'macho ' but I am not scared of death .
It really attract me the peace I would have , basically that a sleep without dreams from which you never awake , it feels so good .
Some people I talked with (some real transgirls , I envy them so much that it hurts ) said that I am being selfish killing myself or that they are many reasons to live , but I disagree.
They don't know what is lie to live like me , what I do feel every day , it is so hard ,  and beside all the pain , living as a boy it is just not an option .

It scares me a lot the mental/personality instability , that sometime I feel and believe that I am a girl and then i find out something that totally contradicts my feeling , my id  , with solid scientific arguments .

I would love to hear your opinions/advices
I am really sensitive , so the rude/harsh comments affect me , but I think it is better to hear something  rather than nothing , so any idea is welcome .

Thanks for reading this , I hope I don't offend anyone  , I really didn't intended , and I also don't want to mess up other people , I just feel the need to expose my thoughts , I feel that I am dying here (and I would love that so much )



I left you a response to a similar post you made this morning on another thread. So I won't rehash that part.


Do not place too much store in things like finger measurements and other gender markers. Maybe you will be a homely girl. But I can tell you right now that I would rather be a homely woman than a handsome man!

You are obviously some form of transgender. You wouldn't be this deep into self analysis of gender and psyche. Cis-gender folks do not give gender much of a second thought.
Now what that means for you is only your call.

Myself I am highly masculinized in both body and mannerisms. I lived a male life for 41 years so it has left a few marks...
But I do not let it get me down. I go about my day and know what? I never hear sir or him or any male gendering. Why? Because I don't walk with shame and I am female. Not just a woman with a transsexual medical history, a woman. Period.
So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss.
If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose.
If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself.
Sun Tsu 'The art of War'