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SRS with Dr Meltzer in 3 weeks..

Started by JessicaNYCgirl, February 20, 2014, 11:42:57 AM

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I'm having surgery march 18th  with Dr Meltzer , the anxiety is growing  but very excited  and  naturally  nervous  ...I'm on here looking for support and advice from my post op sisters  and any advice as an after care  and before surgery preparations  would be  appreciated.   i live in NY.  but I'm in Florida  flying to AZ.  with my best friend to AZ.  then back to FL. for some more 2 weeks of rest  and  hopefully ill be good to fly home some time in April   I Hope!. 


mrs izzy

I am not sure what Dr. Meltzers post instructions are. My advice is to follow them to a T. Do everything you are asked to do.

Your after care is way more important then the surgery its self, that you just fall asleep for a few hrs and the doctor does all the work.

Take everything one day at a time. Healing is going to take a very, very, very long time.

I wish you a safe trip and a healthy recovery

Mrs. Izzy
Trans lifeline US 877-565-8860 CAD 877-330-6366
"Those who matter will never judge, this is my given path to walk in life and you have no right to judge"

I used to be grounded but now I can fly.


Make sure you give yourself enough time to recover. The first month post-op is spent worshipping at the almighty shrine of the vagina. It takes a lot of effort to keep everything healing properly. I myself took 6 weeks off from work and that was just about at the fuzzy edge. I was able to go back to work and function okay, but. I had to go up a flight of stairs to get to my desk and it took me 5 minutes to walk that flight of stairs I was literally pooped. Dilating right after surgery and immediate after care are so important. Not to mention its messy too. Luckily I had one of those shower heads that detaches on a hose so I could aim the shower nozzle where I wanted it to go.

All told I was back to a semi normal life after about 6 months post op and pretty much back to normal after a year.

If this is your first time under the knife then try not to be scared. I know I was the first time. But I have gone under 3 times now and I am still here to talk about it.

Follow your surgeons post surgery instructions and pre surgery checklist. Don't skimp or try and cheat the system. A few weeks off of hormones are not going to kill anyone or cause someone to go backwards. Enjoy having hot flashes post op and appreciate what genetic females go through. Its part of the price of admission to girl world :)

Read some good books, take something to fiddle with, phone, iPad, laptop, movies, etc. enjoy the moment of reverie when on the way home from your flight you have to step into an airport scanner and know you're a post op and you could care give a crap less who sees what :)

It's your moment, and the thing you wanted, so enjoy every second of it. For a brief while, you will be the most important person in the world.

After your done and have a life back to normal then live a life to the fullest. Enjoy every thing any other woman can do and live to be 145 :)


THANK YOU BOTH!...  i live in NY , i would love to go home and relax after surgery but my bathroom its upstairs in the second floor , so i have decided to  go back to florida from Arizona after surgery and stay with  a friend for at list 2 weeks after surgery  cause her bathroom its right there next to the room ..then maybe go back home when i feel up to it...  Any advice or experience  on how long  after surgery  will i be ok to go up and down  1 flight up and down  to go to the bathroom   so that i get an idea  when  i would  be ok  to go back home and be in my own  bed.     

I think also that everyone its different as far as healing proccess goes  so maybe i'll have the energy  maybe now  we just have to wait and see  i  guess?     even though she is a good friend   i would  feel 100% in my own house  lol   :)   


mrs izzy

Stairs was on day 3 after. When moved over to the residence. Just needed to take them slow. For me it was sitting was the trouble.

Also they want you to walk as much as you can.

Its not all that bad. It is more all the time in aftercare and dilations you need to do post op is what is hard.

Mrs. Izzy
Trans lifeline US 877-565-8860 CAD 877-330-6366
"Those who matter will never judge, this is my given path to walk in life and you have no right to judge"

I used to be grounded but now I can fly.