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Dead Like Me

Started by Susan, July 13, 2007, 12:29:29 AM

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How many of you have heard of a series called Dead like me? It's a series about a young woman who gets killed in a accident and ends up a grim reaper. Their job is to go around collecting the souls of the soon to be departed. The series is hilarious and doesn't try to take it's self too seriously. But there are lot of excellent messages contained in the two seasons.



About Dead Like Me

Georgia "George" Lass (ELLEN MUTH) is a young college drop-out who has no job skills and seems unable to take an interest in anything, including her own life. She cultivates an air of cynicism that infuriates her mother, baffles her father, and isolates her younger sister. George is about to get a wake-up call.

With her mother Joy (CYNTHIA STEVENSON) insisting that she get a job, George applies to a temp agency that sends her out as a file clerk. Her lunch break - and her life - are cut short when a toilet seat from the MIR space station drives her into the pavement. George does not realize that she is dead until Rube (MANDY PATINKIN), the kindly leader of a team of grim reapers, points out her remains. Rube takes George under his wing and introduces her to the other members of his undead group: Mason (CALLUM BLUE), Roxy (JASMINE GUY) and Betty (REBECCA GAYHEART).

The members of Rube's team of reapers are all, like George, people who died with unresolved issues. They still have lessons to learn that - for one reason or another - they failed to learn in life. They move about the Pacific Northwest in the full light of day. They walk the city streets and eat at all-night diners, just like anyone else. They have to find somewhere to live, cook, eat and do their laundry. They look just like everyone else but as grim reapers they appear physically different to the living than they did when they were alive.

What George experiences beyond death is the focus of this darkly comedic series. It takes a slightly twisted look at life and at one possible version of life in the after life. What if death is not the end? What if it is not even an escape from the issues that plagued us? What if it is not a way to avoid accountability, but an opportunity to accept responsibility? What if it is a wake-up call?

Season 1 Trailer

Season 2 Trailer

Season 2 Episode 4 The shallow End clip

Just a bit of warning about this clip it's about a pre-op transsexual and will hit especially hard for many of us here. I cried, you likely will to. It hurts, but the ultimate message of hope is worth it. What better way to deliver a message, then by using pop culture.

Of course like most shows which portray GLBT characters in a positive light, it's been canceled. But the two seasons are well worth the watch and to be added to your dvd collection. There are rumors of a direct to DVD wrap-up movie, one can only hope! :)

If you are interested in more information check out the show's website or Dead Like Me Online
Susan Larson
Susan's Place Transgender Resources

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Folks didn't know what they were missing.  I watched every episode, a great show.



I love the series and have both seasons on DVD. I heartily recommend it!!
Can you believe this was cancelled to make room for Kirsty Alley's Fat Actress??
Only in America!

Judge Yourself

i loved it personally - i saw the first series on Sky then i quit my subscription, i have it back now so im hoping for a re-run.. class class show :)


Love it, love it, love it.  Especially the part when they showed how Mason died.  He drilled a hole in his head with an electric drill because he heard it was the ultimate high!  What a maroon.



I never heard of this show until I read about it at Susans. I bought the first season on DVD and I love it. Whoever first started talking about it: thanks! Actually, I'm surprised that I like it at all. I am just a little past my teenage hostile years but I liked it anyway. And it is well done.


It just goes to show, the majority of the TV audience prefers rehashed garbage over something new and intelligent.

Then you have companies like Fox, who will cancel an entire series after only 2 episodes.

Judge Yourself

well its being repeated on the sci - fi channel if you guys have it

Mia and Marq

My wife is hooked on this show. We're gettting the whole two seasons on DvD to watch.

Being given the gift of two-spirits meant that this individual had the ability to see the world from two perspectives at the same time. This greater vision was a gift to be shared, and as such, Two-spirited beings were revered as leaders, mediators, teachers, artists, seers, and spiritual guides


very good show I have probably watched both seasons 15 times already!

Sonia Keys

Hi peeps,

Just a heads up that both seasons of this show are currently on Hulu (in the US, anyway.)  Since it's labeled "mature audience," you have to register with with Hulu to watch it, but registration is free.  The show is great.  I didn't know of it, much less the "shallow end" episode, until I just picked it at random to watch.  "The Shallow End" made me cry too.  I searched on the internet to see if there were other comments and Google turned up this three-year-old thread.  What a wonderful place this is.

Love you all,


I love it and have the DVDs. My favourite scene is when she's at work asleep and the boss wakes her up and she's like "this is so not cool".. with post-its and stuff stuck to her >____<

Cameron James

I just put it on my Netflix Instaplay queue! I'm excited to start watching it!
