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I don't even know what to call this...some kind of experience.

Started by xeno, December 14, 2013, 05:08:12 AM

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Ok, So...Here goes something that some might call insane...

A few months back, maybe even a year, I had an interesting experience, a fever dream, potentially a hallucination...
But the thing is, I remember it so.....Vividly...
I just don't know.
So here's where the religious part comes in.

Ever since I thought church was boring(no offense) when I was 7, I've never cared for religion much(save for tarot cards and the like), but the fever dream just....explained so much...Either it was my own head trying to tell me something, it was a fever dream or a conversation with god.

One day, I had a really really bad fever but was still walking around and going to college and it got to the point where my instructor(3 of them....I think) told me to go back to the place I was living in, so I did so and caught a ride. So later that night I figured, "ok....I want to break this fever so why not take a hot shower" and I did, but I started just asking various questions once it more turned into a bath, like "why does illness exist?" "why would god not stop the deaths of those who are so ill?" and so on, and then, I "heard" a reply, its not auditory hearing, its not even the stereotypical "hearing with ones mind." or even "sensing" its just...kinda like an epiphany. The "voice" for lack of better term told me a few things, those being "I don't stop illness because Illness is living too, its not a grand scale of a scheme or something, illness is made up of microscopic organisms that live, and may eventually evolve into something like humanity, to stop that would be worse than the aspect of not saving people who are ill, because that would be stopping a species from eventual creation" That covers both of those questions.

Question 3 was: why did the meteor hit the planet so long ago? 4.If it was going to obliterate 99.6 of life why didn't he stop it?
Answer 3: Because the universe was gods creation, and as such is a piece of gods power, not only can no one contest gods power, its so powerful that he can't even do it, its like holding your hands inside each other and trying to force them to go in the opposite direction, you're fighting yourself and if you favour one side of your body such as your right hand over your left or vice-versa, then even subconsciously, you're going to favour that side.

Answer 4: "you're here aren't you? But really, Like I said before, I couldn't really stop it as its my power"
In other words, the ENTIRE universe and more is his power, to stop a meteor isn't in his capability not because of physics we perceive but because its not in the cards for physics on his level because that'd be stopping himself, at best he could keep it suspended there metaphorically.

Question 5, 6 and 7: why do so many religious leaders not seem to like certain people?(LGBT sometimes) and why do they do it in your name? And why do you support it?
Answers: 5: because they want to, and to an extent believe its right, because they've been taught to do so by their parents.
6. They do it in his name because they were taught to, what else would rally people like that?
7. he doesn't support it, he truly loves everything, from the smallest speck, to the hypothetical aliens from the end of Men in Black: the movie, and beyond.

8: given the above, is he lonely: Yes, he is. Apparently he speaks, not through speech, or text, or anything, but through epiphanies, which kinda makes sense given my limited knowledge of the Tower of Babel incident.
Because he speaks through epiphanies(apparently) then that means that he speaks at a rate in which few to none can follow, even to the point in which he talks with someone once every hundred years, I don't know to be honest.

9. whats his name then?
He said later that his name is "kal brok" (not emphasizing a spelling.) but that's how it...."sounded"

These things took the span of an hour to digest, and I THINK I felt better afterwards.

I'm not looking for an argument, but I would like to know what this....idea could be called...And possibly a nice conversation about it but at the least it'd make a great fictional work of some kind.
If this isn't the place for this, I'm not sure where it is supposed to go, its not any specific religion and very possibly just a fever dream.
I'll be the first to admit though, either I'm going insane slowly, it was a huge fever dream, or I had a religious experience of some kind...I should really talk to my therapist about it...

What are your thoughts?
Btw, I mean NO offense AT ALL, just had a weird event and wanted to share it and considering I even remember it to this depth after a year should say something, so I'll also be the first, before its even brought up, to apologize for offending anyone.
Sorry :(
I never mean to hurt anyones feelings unless previously stated, which is almost never
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