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Where to start?

Started by RobinGee, March 26, 2014, 08:12:21 AM

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Hey all.

I'm currently in a holding pattern trying to ramp up my female expression and lose a lot of weight before considering hrt.

In the meanwhile, I want to work on my female presentational skills.  Specifically, makeup.

I'm basically practicing in my bedroom, not to worried about the artistic side, I'm worried about getting used to the motions and application.

Any tips on what part of the face to work on?  Must have tools?


Well !

Practice is everything.

I only use mineral makeup, my skin doesn't like liquid covers; foundation etc.

I use the product called Nude,
Less make up is always better than more. I do highlight my eyes. The best place for advice? You Tube and female weekly magazines. And when you are brave enough, the make up counter in a major store and ask them for a make over.

They don't care, they do it willingly. They are great.


1. Mascara, eyeliner and shadow
2. Lipstick or lip gross
3. Sun cream + Foundation (usually I avoid wearing foundation, but sometimes wear it when I should meet many people)
Just do it.


I am more or less right there with you RobinGee, and nodded my head furiously when I read Cindy's reply about the makeup counter. I knew NOTHING about it and went into an ULTA and had one of the greatest days of my life when the gal was super amazing and spent over two hours teaching me the basics, and even wrote some base instructions to use and practice with. Unfortunately, started a new job, suffered a broken rib, and have not practiced much at all. However, I really enjoy it when I do it, and owe what little I do know and can accomplish to my gal pal at ULTA.

Also, I dropped coin on The Stepping Out Secrets Program which is decent, but you can find really great stuff for free on YouTube.