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Started by geek, October 28, 2013, 10:40:43 PM

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Anyone else doing keto? :o



ah, its a high fat, moderate protein, very low carb lifestyle / diet, its also called paleo or caveman :)


Carrie Liz

Yes, I've been doing a Paleo diet since starting HRT.

Dropped 50 lbs already, (270 to 220,) and still counting. This diet WORKS.


Quote from: Carrie Liz on October 29, 2013, 12:34:29 AM
Yes, I've been doing a Paleo diet since starting HRT.

Dropped 50 lbs already, (270 to 220,) and still counting. This diet WORKS.

Sweet yeah! thats awesome! really well done! i lost a little over 190 pounds just watching what i ate and now I'm on the last leg of being a fatty i decided to get my keto on! How long have you been doing Paleo/keto? I'm five full days in, walked past a bakery yesterday, i almost had to be restrained it was some kind of carb frenzy, i was strong and didn't cave though!

person before me deleted their post so now i look like a crazy :/


Carrie Liz

Quote from: geek on October 29, 2013, 03:45:37 AM
How long have you been doing Paleo/keto? I'm five full days in, walked past a bakery yesterday, i almost had to be restrained it was some kind of carb frenzy, i was strong and didn't cave though!

I started back in January. Most of the weight came off within the first 4 months or so, when I dropped from 270 to 230. then I plateaued because carb cravings became more than I could handle, and I started cheating. Since then, I've kind of half stuck to it, dieting for a week then cheating for a week pretty consistently, and was bouncing back and forth between 225 and 230. After getting fired from my job, I started cheating like crazy, and got back up to 235, then finally decided to get serious about the diet again about a month ago, and have dropped from 235 to 220. So all-told, the 50 lbs have come off over the course of 9.5 months. But I have NOT been completely rigorous about it, so I could have lost a lot more if I'd stuck with it.

If you're having trouble with carb cravings, just do what Tim Ferris suggests... have a junk day once a week. Eat whatever you want on that day, everything that you've been craving, and then stick to the diet on the other 6 days. This actually helps to reset your metabolism after being in keto all week, and primes it for more. I've been doing this "junk day" strategy since the very beginning. (My problem is that my junk days turn into junk weeks too often.)


Quote from: Carrie Liz on October 29, 2013, 01:30:19 PM
I started back in January. Most of the weight came off within the first 4 months or so, when I dropped from 270 to 230. then I plateaued because carb cravings became more than I could handle, and I started cheating. Since then, I've kind of half stuck to it, dieting for a week then cheating for a week pretty consistently, and was bouncing back and forth between 225 and 230. After getting fired from my job, I started cheating like crazy, and got back up to 235, then finally decided to get serious about the diet again about a month ago, and have dropped from 235 to 220. So all-told, the 50 lbs have come off over the course of 9.5 months. But I have NOT been completely rigorous about it, so I could have lost a lot more if I'd stuck with it.

If you're having trouble with carb cravings, just do what Tim Ferris suggests... have a junk day once a week. Eat whatever you want on that day, everything that you've been craving, and then stick to the diet on the other 6 days. This actually helps to reset your metabolism after being in keto all week, and primes it for more. I've been doing this "junk day" strategy since the very beginning. (My problem is that my junk days turn into junk weeks too often.)

I think thats amazing :o Your av looks great you look happy and healthy :)

Im not sure how "good" i could be on a weekly basis, i used to regularly have dinner and my mum and sisters house, which i cant do now as they think im a nut job for doing this! my sister is consistantly asking me to come over for pizza or do subway, subway is a big no no for me, i dont think i could get a bread free sub and be happy about spending so much money on it and i could only eat the topping on the pizza! im thinking i might have a carb load every second thursday when i get paid, then i can do my shop and stick to it, i feel guilty for indulging in the occassional sugar free soda >.< and thats got like 1 carb per liter! nothing to worry about - yet i do!

Are you just following the low carb bit or are you incorporating workouts with it? im doing phase one of P90 and ive picked up geocaching which gives me lots of walking, but i must be doing something, im down 4kg (8.8 lbs) (keto only weightloss) and im feeling quite pumped and energetic!



Quote from: Carrie Liz on October 29, 2013, 01:30:19 PM

(My problem is that my junk days turn into junk weeks too often.)

I know right!!!  My junk days turn into junk weekends then Junk 3-day weekends then a Junk week.  Next thing I know, I'm up 10lbs (despite jogging 8 miles/week).

I too when from about 280-215, and I've come back up to 225.  I hit a platau back in April, and despite rigorously consistent exercise, my weight just won't budge.  It has gotten extremely discouraging, and the more discouraged I get, the easier it is to cheat, and so it goes.  In some ways my goal (170lbs) seems further away now than it did when I was 280lbs.

I will say though.  Low carb diets totally work.  I personally think the Paleo is a little on the extreme side, but as long as your kidneys work well, you get plenty of fluids, don't have cholesterol problems, and you stick to it, you will see results.

All the best.
If I want to look like a girl, I need to eat like one.

Happiness is getting your eyeliner perfect on the first try  :angel:

Carrie Liz

Quote from: geek on October 29, 2013, 08:01:33 PM
Are you just following the low carb bit or are you incorporating workouts with it? im doing phase one of P90 and ive picked up geocaching which gives me lots of walking, but i must be doing something, im down 4kg (8.8 lbs) (keto only weightloss) and im feeling quite pumped and energetic!

Probably 95% of the weight loss was just from dieting alone. Back in July or so, I started taking a 2-mile walk every other night, but that only lasted for a few weeks, and I still haven't made it a regular thing. So pretty much all of my weight loss was just from the diet.


Wow Carrie,

I just saw your video.  How tall are you?  I'm asking because you weigh the same as I do, but you carry your weight a lot better.

I am living proof that a person cannot exercise weight off of their body.  I have been physically active my entire adult life, and I have struggled with my weight that entire time.  I really hate that about myself because for me, it is pretty easy to get myself to exercise.  I just get up and do it.  What is extremely difficult is being able to deprive myself of something when I really want it. 

Anyway, stick with it, you look great.

If I want to look like a girl, I need to eat like one.

Happiness is getting your eyeliner perfect on the first try  :angel:

Carrie Liz

Quote from: SciNerdGirl on November 01, 2013, 09:36:45 PM
Wow Carrie,

I just saw your video.  How tall are you?  I'm asking because you weigh the same as I do, but you carry your weight a lot better.

I am living proof that a person cannot exercise weight off of their body.  I have been physically active my entire adult life, and I have struggled with my weight that entire time.  I really hate that about myself because for me, it is pretty easy to get myself to exercise.  I just get up and do it.  What is extremely difficult is being able to deprive myself of something when I really want it. 

Anyway, stick with it, you look great.


Thank you! I'm still not quite happy with my weight (especially because I've got a lot of extra fat on my arms, and I kind of have back-boobs,) but it's definitely a hell of a lot better than where I started from. I'm still working on it. I've been plateaued in the 220-230 range for a long time now. I really want to get down into the "normal" BMI range, which for me would mean getting down to 195. (I'm 6'2" by the way.)


Quote from: Carrie Liz on November 01, 2013, 10:06:40 PM
I've been plateaued in the 220-230 range for a long time now. I really want to get down into the "normal" BMI range, which for me would mean getting down to 195. (I'm 6'2" by the way.)

I guess that since you are 5 inches taller than me that you would carry that weight better than me.  My goal is in the 160 - 170 range. Although I'd feel a lot better if I got into the BMI range that you are in.  :)

If I want to look like a girl, I need to eat like one.

Happiness is getting your eyeliner perfect on the first try  :angel:


just saw your vid too! you look great! :D

week one - lost 5.2kg ^_^ love keto ;D



 ;D So I have been doing Keto for 5 weeks now and this is by far the most fun i have ever had being on a diet. I am down 25 lbs nowin 5 weeks time.
I have committed myself to a year so well see what happens. I have more energy now and the ADD is way down. Cant wait for the future.
Do Good, Have Fun, Harm no one!
