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One month in... ( 4 month update)

Started by sam79, January 10, 2014, 07:04:59 PM

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I used to love reading positive stories from other girls making the difficult step to being full time. And still do... So here's my story one month in :).

In summary, the last month has been amazing :). In more detail, it really has been a busy month! So much has been planned and achieved...

I went full time early-ish December 2013 after about 3.5 months effective HRT ( actual was 8.5 months, but T wasn't suppressed and I had no physical changes other than very small breast growth during the first 5 months ). I was going to go full time later than this, but reached a point where I couldn't present male, or even androgynous any more. As hard as that was, it was such an important moment :).

On the paper-work front, one of the most important things to me was to get my name change complete, and update my name and gender on everything else. There were no problems with changing my name, and it only took 4 days from go to wo. Wow there was a lot to update though! Everything from bank accounts to other written agreements. And it's a slow process which also involves me outing myself... rather unpleasant. Although each person I outed myself too with my name change certificate seemed very surprised. I choose to take that as a sign of passing well :). Anyway, that's all done now. No more name changes to do, and no more outing myself :D.

More on the girl side of things, I've really just transitioned into full time really well. As my therapist says, I just sit so well in this. I really haven't had any issues with mannerisms, speech ( enunciation etc ) or deportment. I think much of that success is due to stopping all of that forced male behavior many months ago. Sure it was harder to be a "guy" back then, but I didn't care. It's all so much easier now :). All of this, and my physical appearance really helps in the passing department. I've only been 'clocked' maybe three or four times that I'm aware of in this last month. Considering that I've been spending time on public transport, in the city, and in other busy places, I think this is monumental.

I've been shopping more times than I can count, looking for clothes that fit my new found style. My poor poor bank account.... :O In terms of fashion, I honestly thought I was going to be a jeans & top kind of girl... But I'm completely different. My evolving fashion style leans towards skirts & dresses. And being careful with the cut, colour and style, I have found some gems which look great on me. My therapist is very impressed with my dress sense and choice in clothing. And I just love colour and variety! And I love deciding what to wear by the way I feel too. So much self expression involved :). And it will keep evolving too.

So other than enjoying life properly, there's not much to talk about :). It all gets easier from here, as HRT continues to change my body and face. I don't start work again as me for a little while yet, but I don't really expect any issues there at all. Otherwise my next major milestone to look forward to is SRS :D.


Quote from: SammyRose on January 10, 2014, 07:04:59 PM
I used to love reading positive stories from other girls making the difficult step to being full time. And still do... So here's my story one month in :).

In summary, the last month has been amazing :). In more detail, it really has been a busy month! So much has been planned and achieved...

I went full time early-ish December 2013 after about 3.5 months effective HRT ( actual was 8.5 months, but T wasn't suppressed and I had no physical changes other than very small breast growth during the first 5 months ). I was going to go full time later than this, but reached a point where I couldn't present male, or even androgynous any more. As hard as that was, it was such an important moment :).

On the paper-work front, one of the most important things to me was to get my name change complete, and update my name and gender on everything else. There were no problems with changing my name, and it only took 4 days from go to wo. Wow there was a lot to update though! Everything from bank accounts to other written agreements. And it's a slow process which also involves me outing myself... rather unpleasant. Although each person I outed myself too with my name change certificate seemed very surprised. I choose to take that as a sign of passing well :). Anyway, that's all done now. No more name changes to do, and no more outing myself :D.

More on the girl side of things, I've really just transitioned into full time really well. As my therapist says, I just sit so well in this. I really haven't had any issues with mannerisms, speech ( enunciation etc ) or deportment. I think much of that success is due to stopping all of that forced male behavior many months ago. Sure it was harder to be a "guy" back then, but I didn't care. It's all so much easier now :). All of this, and my physical appearance really helps in the passing department. I've only been 'clocked' maybe three or four times that I'm aware of in this last month. Considering that I've been spending time on public transport, in the city, and in other busy places, I think this is monumental.

I've been shopping more times than I can count, looking for clothes that fit my new found style. My poor poor bank account.... :O In terms of fashion, I honestly thought I was going to be a jeans & top kind of girl... But I'm completely different. My evolving fashion style leans towards skirts & dresses. And being careful with the cut, colour and style, I have found some gems which look great on me. My therapist is very impressed with my dress sense and choice in clothing. And I just love colour and variety! And I love deciding what to wear by the way I feel too. So much self expression involved :). And it will keep evolving too.

So other than enjoying life properly, there's not much to talk about :). It all gets easier from here, as HRT continues to change my body and face. I don't start work again as me for a little while yet, but I don't really expect any issues there at all. Otherwise my next major milestone to look forward to is SRS :D.

You're right, i loved reading that! Pretty jealous though :O I was thinking, there's probably a long long list of things that need name updating and some that need picture updating! We need to write a list... ;P


Another month has passed, and I'm still doing well :).

There have been a couple of speed bumps with anxiety and further mental changes, but they're not an issue any more. One of those changes was a return of libido ( which I still don't really want yet ), so that got me down for a little while until accepting it. It will remain ignored until after SRS though, just not comfortable in my current anatomy. And in terms of anxiety, well, maybe par for the course? I still don't understand how I came to feel that way, but it has passed already.

In the last month, I've returned to work ( again, a cause for anxiety and lack of sleep ). But it has been positive. People seem to be largely indifferent to me and just go about their work. That's all I could really ask for. Although I did get a couple of private messages with well wishes for the return to work. It was nice that those people care :). So with that anxiety over and gone, I'm hopefully back to a nice and stable place for a while.

Otherwise, I'm still living and learning :). Learning more and more every day. And memory of the old is slowly fading. I look forward to the day where the former life is anything but a distant and disassociated memory. And by the same token, my new life is starting to be 'normal'. It's truly wonderful and totally fulfilling :). I think much of my success comes out of passing well though. I feared what not-passing would do to me... and while that's an unfounded fear, I don't know how well I would have coped in that situation.

There really aren't many words I have to express how lucky I feel with my physical situation. It almost feels like I was granted a wish... My wish before transition was just to be able to just disappear in the crowd and blend in with the world. That's all I wanted. Now I won't say I pass 100% yet, because my side profile & 45deg angle views aren't great, and can & do out me. I've a hump on the bridge of my nose which is fairly masculine looking, and a very round looking jaw due to having next to no chin. So I've opted for FFS, with a nose job, and a chin implant. Regardless of passing, I hate my those side views of myself so much. Those reflections are so hurtful to me, and with the ability to do something about it, why wouldn't I? It feels as important as SRS to my life... So now I'm searching for a surgeon at the moment, and hope to have this surgery in the next few months depending.

As well as passing visually pretty well, my voice is just excellent... best it's been actually, and I hope it will continue to improve and refine over the next few months. One person I had to out myself to ( who works with trans people ) told me that I sound cis. :D. Talk about a confidence boost! I have to admit though, I was pretty confident in my voice before that anyway. It's never let me down, or outed me.

I might make a habit of updating this thread with every month's progress. It's actually good for me to reflect on the month too. Every month ( including pre-fulltime ) there were so many milestones and obstacles overcome. Feels good to look back and see how far I've come and grown. :)

Jessica Merriman

I am so happy for you! We started Full time around the same time and it is so nice to compare my story with your experiences. It has been amazing for me as well. I hope for your continued success and happiness. Keep us posted please. :)


"My therapist is very impressed with my dress sense and choice in clothing. And I just love colour and variety! And I love deciding what to wear by the way I feel too."
Oh you are such a girl!  You go out and rock them baby!


Thanks for the replies girls :). And certainly nice to see happy stories from you too Jessica.


Three months in :)

God, where to start? I've been really well for the most part. Just so busy with so many things happening, both related and unrelated to transition. It really makes the time fly by!

On the interpersonal side of things, I find that I'm still developing and changing quite a bit. I guess much of it is related to the second puberty I'm still going through. Emotions are still a bit of a rollercoaster, although I'm learning to roll with them. It's perfectly fine if I wake up sad one day for no apparent reason, and then happy the next. My cis friends tell me that it's par for the course. I've also been feeling some loss and grieving over a past lost, and the inability to carry a child. That has weighed particularly hard recently, and will still take some more time and grieving before being at peace with it. It certainly won't stop me from being a mom though...

Life otherwise has been fairly stable. I'm just a girl, just a small part of the world, and I seem to fit in perfectly for the most part. I hate to talk about the dreaded P word again, but it's something which is still so fundamentally important for my long term life. Less so in the shorter term while I'm still physically developing and changing, and so accept some level of difficulty physically. Speaking of physical developments though, very little change from last month, if any. Except that it seems easier to put on weight, which I really wouldn't mind so much except it still goes in the wrong places. Something else which time and funds can help with... One day after I financially recover, laser lipo looks rather appealing. Just more important expenses first.

And while on the topic of expenses, I've chosen a surgeon for my FFS work. All the modeling has been done, and I'm extremely happy with the surgeon and the procedure plan. It is on the expensive side, but I'd rather someone with experience, as it's not like I can get a refund if I don't like the work... It's all scheduled for later in the year, so that's something else to look forward to. It will leave me a little short for SRS without further saving though, so I need to be good with my money this year! SRS is quite some motivation though. :D

What else? Umm, well I'm still learning the social side of being a woman. It's perhaps the one area which was a complete black box to me before transition. But I do have fantastic situations to learn in with work and my friends, so am making the most of those situations. I'd imagine that I'll be learning this for quite some time to come. And there's only so much you can learn from watching before jumping in. I say "watching" as something I did at the start of transition, before I was part of that life. Watching was more or less my first introduction into the social side of female life, having been such a recluse for most of my life.

I'd love to have more bit things to talk about, but in reality I'm still very much a work in progress :). In just about every aspect. I guess it just makes for many, many small steps which while important, just don't seem like much at the time.

Although here is something to be celebrated... I'm becoming a little settled in life now. That is, there are longer periods of time where I don't think about anything trans* related at all, where I'm just me. It probably doesn't sound like much, but to me it's perhaps the one true guide of how successful transition is going. With the end goal of being like any other cis woman, never stopping to wonder if she's got tells etc...

And on that note, I need to sleep before work tomorrow :).


My 4 month update...

In short, life has not been about transitioning recently. Too much other stuff has been happening.

Lets see, the highlights. I resigned! :). My old workplace had two levels of management made of abhorrent people. Truly rotten people who are a disgrace to the species I belong to. Those such people had been trying to make my life at work hell. You can imagine why. But it was under the guise of anything but. I finally decided that resigning was in my best interests, taking stress of dealing with false accusations etc into account. For any Aussies out there who would like to know the name of said company, please PM me. I wouldn't recommend anyone working there, trans or otherwise.

Anyway, it didn't actually hit me until days after, the risk I was taking, putting my trans self at the mercy of the job market. As illegal as it is, had I been seen to be trans, or outed myself, I would not have had an easy time looking for work. In fact, my confidence came solely down to the stock I had in myself to pass as a woman. So after sending a few applications out, I began interviews the same day. And four days after resigning, I was offered a similar position for the same money, and gladly accepted. :). By god that was stressful, and such a relief to have that letter of offer in my hand.

After accepting the position, I was forced to out myself for a police check ( which requires former names ). The air with the agent felt a little tense after that, which I expected and can accept. Otherwise I had no intention of revealing my history. I hope that in time, they will realise the professional value in me as a woman. The new workplace will still remain in the dark as to my history.

In other news, I met my mother for the first time since transitioning. We'd regularly spoken on the phone for the last two years, and it has remained positive, but my mother had never met me. In short, it didn't go well. I'm sure that her condition with the onset of Alzheimers played a big part, but she was cruel. At one time in normal conversation, she says "I think that I like the old person better. I connected with him.". Pointing out that "he" would be dead if no changes were made was just dismissed. The issues continued during her stay, and she withdrew more and more. Her last words to me were "I never want to see you again. Goodbye". I think this should hurt more than it does... But it doesn't. I mean, I cried for hours and hours, but the tears were over the loss of something I never really had. Those years of memories and experiences made by "him" seem distant, not mine. To the point where my connection with my mother broke. For both of us I guess. This visit was supposed to put those pieces back together... But it didn't. Family wise, I've felt so alone since the start of transition. Seems that feeling was more representative of reality than I knew. After so many years of bending and appeasing my family, no more. Never again. The door will always be open to them, but they will have to put considerable effort in to be 'close' as they once were ( well some of my family anyway ). Something I doubt any of them will do. You know what they say... you cannot choose your family.

So other than family and employment, I've been busy refining my wardrobe and style. My new position only has a casual dress code. I had a corporate wardrobe perfected for my former job, but that will be of limited use to me now. So given the change of season too, I've been spending _way_ too much. Dresses, tops, boots, the list goes on. But I am happy with my wardrobe... it should now see me through winter. In truth, I cannot wait for it to be colder... It will be the first ever winter for the new me :). Little things like this are exciting!.

That is probably all of the major news. Otherwise I'm starting to line up things for SRS, and generally prepare myself for the rest of my first year alive :D. Exciting stuff...